Sunday, June 13, 2004


I played that game a long time ago. For those of you who have never played the game I am talking about, the game is called "secret of mana" for the SNES. I just felt like taking the name of a rabbit killer looking thing as the name of my post. My mommy bought me a graphing calculater... for 50 cents! Graphing calcs are like 100 dollars so that's a good dealio. We had to buy 4 AAA batteries for it but other then that, it was 50 cents. I wonder if I can put Mario 3 on it... I'll have to look at the book that came with Destroyer's graphing calc. It didnt come with hookups or the book, but it has the slot for the hookups. It's an older version of the one that my brother has but it's the same brand so that's good. Summer school is at the point where we are doing projects now. I have 2 of them and one of them is due this Tuesday. I need to make a model of a cell. I'm in the process of making it and it looks alright... at the same time it doesn't look the way i pictured it but it looks alright. Then my other project is a speech. I have to tell about a career related to science, which isnt hard. Considering all the career's related to science. All the medical careers. Well I'm not sure what I was talking about cause I was talking on msn for 15 minutes without typing in my blog so I'll change the subject to Garfield. Garfield... it was an alright movie. I mean the preveiws looks good for it... but the preveiws were better than the movie. But the movie was alright if you are a fan of the fat cat who is exactly like my cat minus the fact that my cat can't talk and that my dog doesnt like my cat. Well I'm hungry for something so I think I'm going to cook some food for myself. It has takin' me a long time to type this blog cause I was talking on MSN. Well I'm going to make myself some food then play some video games then work on my cell then play more video games. Why dont I ever use my second half of my space bar as my delete key ever? That's a question that I cant answer until I make it a habit. Bye bye for real this time.

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