Monday, June 21, 2004

LOL. Prophet of Doom

That was weird. I was watching a commercial and it was for MSN. Well it was one where a lady was pregnant and they were thinking of a name for the baby and they were like "How about Cosandra?" "that's a nice name. I wonder what it means?" then the butterfly is like "Cosandra: Greek for Prophet of Doom." Man that would rule. I'm ahead now so I'm happy. Instead of waiting till a day before the report is due, I finished it today... it's due on Thurday by de way. Now that I have that one, I can finish the other report that's due on Thursday also, tomorrow. Hey I just got back from Walmart. What was I talking about... *reads what he typed* Oh yes. My report. Well they are choice report things. See for each semester (3 weeks in summer school) i need to have a total of 100 pts. total for reports. Well he gave us 2 projects that were worth 25 each (=50 pts) so I need to get 50 more points... now down to 25 pts. He gives us a list of things and their point value, to go by. What will suck is next semester cause I have to come up with 100 pts. There's one worth 60 so I might do that. It's kinda hard though. There are some things worth 5 pts on there. One of them is to take a plant and replant it in another pot. I don't know how he can tell if we did that or not. I shouldn't need 5 pts but i might. Well let's step away from summer school cause the thought of it makes me sleepy. Guess what! Since I'm the 10007th visitor of this week to visit my email, I won a 5 night free at a resort in Cancun! Wow! I didn't know so many people went to my email! I hate pop ups. well bye bye.

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