Sunday, September 26, 2004

All signs point to that I'm sick

First off I'd like to congratulate Peter and Steph Jones on their new baby boy. And second I'm so sick thatI'm not concentrating very well. I gots the stomach flu. :( Vomiting isn't good but vomiting chocolate makes it a little easier. being tired all the time isn't fun, and not being able to sleep until 4 am isn't fun either. Missing church isn't fun either. At least they broadcast it on TV. I'm watching that right now. Well I have some homework to finish up. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow. That soup kinda made me feel better but if I get up and walk around my tummy starts hurting. Bye bye.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Excessive Blogging

Currently Listening to The W's: Fourth from the Last

Hey I blog way too much and probably bore you with stuff that you could care less about. Oh well. So how's it going for you guys? How's the school going for you? You know I have comments so you can answer my annoying questions. All I know is that I need to get a new hard drive. I would like to have 80 GB of hd space. I have 19 GBs. I have 1.7 GBs left. I'm such a geeky poo. I like a grand Majority (probably all) of my Cds, so to make it easier for me to pick a CD, I downloaded a randome letter generator (for the artist) and a random Number Generator (which CD came out first by that artist). If I have a couple of artists with the same letter, then I'll either pick one that i feel more apt to listen to or I'll rerandom for the second letter of the artists name. Simple? Yeah it is. Today we had a pep rally at school but i chose to go to McDonald's and have a couple of Egg McMuffins. It was optional as long as you got back to school before the pep rally ended, and I made it back in time. But I learned a lesson, 2 Egg McMuffins dont cost 2 bucks anymore. They cost $3.84 or something close to that. My hard drive is all cleaned up. I finally got rid of that virus that I couldn't get rid of through safe mode. It's cloudy again today. It was also chilly today. I think you know that though since you most likely live here. I decided to put what CD I'm listenign too at the top of my posts since I usually listen to music when I blog. Well I'm going to go so Catch you cats later.

Monday, September 20, 2004

I still blog :)

Hey apparently I'm the only one that blogs too much. Oh well. Today I have some stuff to talk about. Well my computer is being a monkey butt. It says I'm not an administrator and I am. It won't let me install some things, mostly EXE files. I ran AVG and it found 5 viruses. 2 of them were healed, 2 put into virus vault, and 1... i cant get rid of this one. Here maybe you guys can help. is what it is called. It is under this folder that is called C:\Program Files\Winad Client\Winad.EXE. I'm searching on it right now. Well enough of that junk. Let's see what's goin down at schooly poo. Well really nothing much. I just did a report for sociology. IT was about "How I think Society functions". Very very broad, no examples given, was kinda hard. It had to be a page and a half. Now I have to do another report on one of the Paradigms we studied. Well that's pretty much at schooly poo. Hmm... thinking about joining the drama team at churchypoo. Well that's pretty much all. It was cloudy today. Really cloudy. and it rained. Well im going to go eat so bye bye people.

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Kick Off your shoes

Well I got back from the kick off today. The kick off was awsome possum. We didn't see any possums though, but it was awsome. It was on the Missouri River, just like 30 miles north of Mandan. Anyways it was pretty cool down there. It was pretty and stuff. One of the best things was like getting out of my tent, when i woke up, and turn toward the east direction and seeing This sweet sunrise. I mean the sun made the water shimmer blue and it was awsome. You had to be there. Not to mention the night. I mean i came from a small town and i go to Antelope (which is really small) and I dont remember seeing so many stars when i go to Antelope. Holy catfish. God has the best paintbrush in the universe i tell you what. The Kick off was fun and we had Famous Daves chicken and ribs for dinner. Mmmmmmm. We played some predator, we sat around the camp fire just talking. That was awsome. Today we play a couple of games. It was windy. I mean the wind was like "I'm noisy". Man so many things. Seemed like not very many people showed up for it. Lots of people should come to these things to get to know some peeps in the Youth group. I mean there was pretty much only one person that i didn't know very well. Oh vell. Well I'm going to go so I'm going to say what I usually say: Bye bye.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Get Rich in 50 years

I was thinking. I think I figured out how to get rich in 50 years. See all you have to do is when you are young, keep every single thing: pop bottles, pop cans, toys, etc, and don't used them. That way in 50 years they'll be antique, and everyone will pay millions of dollars for a toy car you never played with. I'm being kinda sarcastic about this. I mean who is going to put a pop bottle in a box? I don't know. Also I would like to add Anberlin is an awsome band and that you should go listen to them now. Go, go now.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

The Lion King

In my opinion, one of the best movies out there. The first Lion King, made back in 1994. Rafiki is awsome. Another Disney movie I like is that Aladin, also the first one. Genie is awsome in that. Man I wonder what happened to those videos. Well I'm going to do my homework(only a little bit) that I procrastinated to do. Bye bye.

Saturday, September 11, 2004


Well today i signed up for bowling. Good news is that I don't havce to get up at 9 on saturdays. Yeah Sr. High bowlers bowl at 4 on sundays. I forget the date we actually start. Probably next week. Well today was a dull day. So dull that I took my keyboard and took every key out. This used to be my brother's and he lived with the cat and he likes to eat food. So I found all sorts of crumbs and lots of cat hair. It's all clean. My spacebar is harder to push so if you see two words together, it's because of that. I don't know what happened. I think the little metal bar thingy got degreased or something because it doesnt turn on it pivet point as slidely. With me? I dont think I explaned well enough. Oh well not important. That was my day pretty much. Just wasteing some time now. Well I wasted just enough time so good night because im tired.

Friday, September 10, 2004

I like dimes. I could by a couple of mimes. Maybe even rhyme if I had some Time. That'd be fine. I'm gonna dine. Maybe get in line. Or show my shine. I'm Kind. I like eggs.

That's a long title that has absolutely nothing to do with thsi post. Hey I frolfed at Sibley for the first time. That was pretty fun. I like got one billion over par, but it was fun. Tomorrow I sign up for bowling. I don't know. One thing I don't like is that I spend my saturday waking up early. It's lioke 8 wehn i get up but still. I like my weekend sleep in til sometime the next day. Oh well I like to bowl a lot. Hmmm... Well that's all pretty much and a freakinglong title that's longer then this post or will it we will see and you will know if this never ending sentence ends. Well Good nighty night.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Man he's funnier then a a monkey with bar of soap.

Seariously. He is. Whom you might ask? well this dude that sent me an email and came to bismarck one day and decided to talk and be funny. Oh yeah this was in an email promoting his new CD/DVD. Although I left that part out. Here it tis:

D A R E N   S T R E B L O W ' S   C O M E D Y   M E M O

Tuesday, September 07, 2004



by Daren Streblow

I love making CDs and DVDs. I hope they don't end up in Dollar Stores someday.
That would be embarrassing. Dollar Stores are like the Garage Sales of Retail
-- the Islands of Misfit Merchandise. They sell sporks there and you know how
I feel about those.

There are dollar stores. And there are also 99 cent stores. So now you have a
choice: Economy or luxury. You gonna pinch that penny or you gonna

There are no price tags on anything, which makes you feel uneasy. You worry
that you are going to be taken advantage of.

TELLER: "Nope! Surprise! It's $700. Nope... $700 for the toothbrush. No,
it's too late now, you're already at the counter. Pay up!"

Did you know that you can buy computer software at the dollar store? For a
dollar? That doesn't work? I used to have to pay $10 for software that didn't
work. I saved $9. They have an incredible selection for my Commodore 64.

I got excited. I found a nice appointment calendar for $1. But it was for last

Now, there is a tool for highly-effective people. Write down an appointment...
be instantly late. 365 days late!

I suppose you could use it as an excuse. "I don't know how I could have missed
your organ recital Tommy. I wrote it on my new calendar. It's a mystery."

I bought a Spider Man Pez there. I thought, "You don't belong at a Dollar
Store, Little Fellah." I was wrong.

First of all, it took me a half-hour to load the semiautomatic candy dispenser.
Second, to call it "candy" is sort of an overstatement. It's like a stale Tang

I think that's why they came up with this marketing strategy. I would have
liked to see that meeting...

CEO: "Gentlemen, everyone hates our candy. Any ideas?"
CEO: "Fitzsimmons?"
FITZSIMMONS: "Yeah... what if we had it pop out of a cartoon character's neck?"
CEO: "Brilliant! It's so disturbing.... they'll forget the gross candy. We
shall RULE the Dollar Stores!"

I'm sure they didn't get the neck idea from the comic books.

SOME GUY: "Spidey... look up! It's Doc Oc!"
SPIDEY: "Um... could you get this candy? Otherwise I'm stuck."

So, I've decided I have to keep my CDs and DVDs out of Dollar Stores at all
costs. I'm going to do this through creative titles. So, be looking for my new
CD, "$15 and Not a Penny Less."

And my new DVD "This Is Funnier When You Buy It From a Real Record Store"

And my new book, "If You Don't See a Price Tag On This, You Win the Rest of the
Store For Free!"

"But avoid the software."

Yeah I like it. Well that's pretty much all I have to say. Bye bye.

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Nihilistic Leaves Ghost?

I'm trying this again.

Our top news story is "Nihilistic Leaves Ghost". Nihilistic, a software company that was working on Starcraft Ghost, announced that they have left the project. They were happy, Blizzard was happy, everything was fine and dandy, but Nihilistic had to leave the project because of their smallness, and needed a team to work on another game (it's a secret. They wont tell us). For more information go here.
Now weather. Cloudy. It rained a little bit. No wind. Not cold. Warmish even. Humid.
Sports. I'm fat and don't pay attention to sports. But I'm going to sign up for Bowling at Midway on Saturday.
World news: You know what? I have no clue. ooo oo i got one. World Of Warcraft is going to be released soon hopefully. Talk of beta and stuff, Stress Beta Testing. Whatever that means. I asume that this game is going to be released world wide at some point, so it's world news.
Local: School started two thurdays ago.
Other news. Read the post below and click on link in that post. Do it and be forwarned.
That's all for the news at royjtorg. Bye bye peeps. Dodododo

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Crap scared out of me!

My goodness. I just saw the scariest thing I've ever saw... maybe i think. at least on the internet. I hope i didnt wake up Leroy with my scream that I put out. Well apparently there was an email titled Ghost In Commercial or something along those lines. Here I'll give you this quote from a website which quotes the email:
This is a
car advert from somewhere. When they finished filming the ad the people
who made it noticed something moving along the side of the car, like a
ghostly white mist. The ad was never put on TV because the unexplained
ghostly phenomenon frightened the production team out of their wits.
Watch it and about halfway look and you will see the white mist crossing
in front of the car then following it along the road... Spooky!

Here's the website where you can watch it. look for the mist around the car man. That's pretty freaky. I mean like i said i scared me even. But maybe I'm just easy to scare. The music is kinda soothing though. Seriously it is.
I would recomend you did what i did and watch it at 2 am but make sure no one is sleeping. Seriously that scared the crap out of me. My heart was pounding like crazy and I couldnt breathe. Also there was thunder in the background because there's a freaking storm... or was. My heart is still kinda pounding. I just had to blog this just to have something to do between now and going to bed. Even though I'm not worried about the ghost popping up it's just that sitting here in from of the computer... I have to do something when i get the crap scared out of me. Well I sounded bickery last post but now I'm calmed down. I think it was just because I was hungry because after I had food in my tummy, I went into a happy mood. I only had a bowl of cereal for breakfast and 2 tacos for lunch (2 for 99 cents at taco John's) they were good. I think the dealio is over now which is sad for me. Well i'm out and maybe comment on the movie thingy. Maybe it was scarier then crazy because of the slight thunder and it being 2:30 in the morning. Good night people.

Friday, September 03, 2004

Done doing the dishes

Well I'm done doing the dishes, for now anyways. My back was good today. So was my hands. You know, I dont know why, but my parents are making me give up my bed for tonight. My dad's cousin is here and they are kinda old (no offense) and well my grandma is here so the spare bedroom is taken, and my dad's cousin (his name is Leroy. Yeah you heard me. Roy is at the end of that) brought his girlfriend, so she is taking the hidabed downstairs, and my brother is gone. I have to sleep in my brother's room, because he has a waterbed and some how that's not good for old people (no offense again. Why do i think calling people old is offensive? I have no clue). Now that's not too bad but I have to say good bye to my computer for one night (i mean it's the weekend i like to spend some video game action on my computer until the slim hours of the moring.) I also don't like sleeping on waterbeds, but ill try to cope. I have nothing to do in his room. Hey want to here me generalize? I can use my room until Leroy has to go to bed... old people go to bed earlier than me (no offense again). Maybe that's stereotyping, but it might be generalizing. No it's generalizing. NOt to mention I'll be sleeping in my brother's room... I'm kinda a clean person, no offense to my brother but oink oink. That's right! Now I could use his computer but I would have to get his password. just too many things that I don't like about this arrangement. I mean the only 2 reasosn I'm getting kicked out of my room is because I am cleaner then derek and I have a normal bed. It's kinda a crappy reason to get kicked out of your room dont you think? Hey I bickered. Speaking of bickering i have a cool word. It's "Bicker". I mean isn't that a cool word? Hmm... I could take my computer and bring it to his room, but that's too much work for one night. I would like to have all 5 speakers of mine and the sub down there, but that's way too much work. Not too mention there is no where to put my computer in his room because it's a oink oink (hehe oink oink). Let's see I will have to move my computer monitor (he has monitors gallore down there but they dont really work that well. Ones my old one which isnt good for video games, and the other is well really really rleally old beyound something.) and my keyboard (might as well) and my mouse (the only other one that is optical) and my gamepad. That's everything except my speakers (I'm going to use my old ones cause my internal speaker doesnt work so I'm bringing speakers down there but only two vs 6) and my printer. I dont' know if it's worth it for a couple hours of gameplay. Arggy. Hey I'm going to make myself from food because my parents just happened to make buffalo roast ( I really really hate buffalo. I can at least stand most foods, but not buffalo... and fish. Yuck. I like sea food just not fish.) But I can make my own food. I'm a pretty good cook. I have that going for me and a lot of other stuff. I say if you are picky with food you hav eto be able to cook. I can do that when those things come up. I like Leroy, so dont think i hate him. He's a pretty cool person. I just dont like giving up my room that I like a lot. Hey let me shut up about myself for a minute because well I feel better that I got taht off my chest. Well I downloaded Windows Media Player 10, and it's pretty cool. I can't find the button that changes the color of the border of the player. It was easy to find in windows media 9. I'll find it. If there is one I'll find it. I'm stuck on red for the media player and it doesn't look good with the new player interface, yet it did with the old one. Well I'm going to cook some foody food. Bye bye.
Mmm Puke yellow or whatever

Hey I thought this would look cool so I'll do it today. Numero uno, there is nothing for me to talk about. Imagine that. Imagine being bored. You know why? Because we dont have 5 things to do durning the day. Whose we? Charles and I of course. Well I better go do the dishes cause me mommy told me to. I have that to do. This blue is kinda odd. Oh well. Bye bye.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Hey another One!

Hey people. Well I just recieved an email from Matt (Relient K) Telling me something. Oh yes the album cover of their new album coming out Nov 2, simply titled MmmHmm, or something of that nature. I mihgt have gotten carried away with the "m's". Album cover... pretty easy to describe acutally. Kinda looks like a little kid colored it... a really good kid young type drawer. Is that a word? it's a Daisy flower Plant with 4 flowers on it...the very bottom is a dead flower, while the very top is a healthy happy flower and the two in between flowers are inproving from bottom to top. There are clouds in the background, and it's cartoony (like i said like a little kid that was a good drawer drew it) and in kid letters (if you dont know what i mean...) it says "Relient K" in a lightish blue and in a little darker blue it says "MmHmm". If you would like a better description, Just message me on msn. I'll be happy to send it to ya. I get this stuff in my email cause I'm on the gotee mailing list. ok well bye bye.
Baked Chicken and Chips?

Hey guess what? They made chips that taste like baked chicken. Surprisingly, they taste like baked chicken. Well the seasoning that they put on baked chicken anyways, and everything tastes like chicken so the chip tastes like the chicken. Today at school I dont have that much homework. I have 2 questions in english to answer and translate one sentence for spanish. Kinda two cause I have to make sure I translated it correctly, like the order of words. IT's English to Spanish. I'm pretty sure it's right. Guess whatty? I have my complainging to do! I'm just kidding. It's weird though that my back is freakign hurting like crazy... well it was now it's better. Not completely but it's not as noticeable as this morning. Then for some odd reason i volunteered to take a computer monitor from the tech ed room (it's a seperate building from the main part of the school) to upstairs of the main building. My back hurt a lot during that period. I shouldn't lift with my back or somethign of that matter. I'm just weak i suppose so I can't use my arms. Also after carring those monitors all that way (they were 17" monitors) I tried to close my fingers and that didnt work so well for me. The rest of the day, whenever i tried to close my fingers, they twiched, so when i tried to right something, my hand would shake. YOu can determine if that's complaining. Some dude brought his lap top to all his classes to take notes.. Kinda funny because we were in Sociolgy (the teacher in there is awsome) and hje just out of no where whips it out and boots it up, then his battery was running low so he had to plug it in. That was funny. The teacher didn't even say anything about it. The kid was like "want to see a picture of andrew" (a kid in the class) to the teacher and the teachers like sure and he turns the lap top around to show him. Yeah that was funny. you had to be there. Well I'm going to finisht the little homwork I have. Bye bye.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Hi peeps

Well it's about 10 minutes before i should leave for youth. so I'll make this short. I have nothing to say. Yep. Isn't this great that you can come here and listen to me babble. No question mark notice. Geometry is annoying. We have homework everyday, and she gives us the answers too... I mean how's this suppose to work? Oh well. I guess we would just check them in class which would take up time. I mean we spent the whole day on notes. The notes are just pretty much things we write down in our notebook, than we go over them. There's some problems that took forever. So all my homework was borught home from that class. I also had spanish, but just something about a sobrero loco. it had a crazy chicken sitting on the table eating ice cream. and some other food stuffs. Why that would be on a hat is beyound me, but that's why it's called a crazy hat. 5 minutes now. It was pretty much a boring day. COmputer Programming is fun. I look forward to that class. IT's in the morning though. Hey for youth I'm a senior high now. Wow. still 3 minutes. Well I should probably go so bye bye people.