Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Excessive Blogging

Currently Listening to The W's: Fourth from the Last

Hey I blog way too much and probably bore you with stuff that you could care less about. Oh well. So how's it going for you guys? How's the school going for you? You know I have comments so you can answer my annoying questions. All I know is that I need to get a new hard drive. I would like to have 80 GB of hd space. I have 19 GBs. I have 1.7 GBs left. I'm such a geeky poo. I like a grand Majority (probably all) of my Cds, so to make it easier for me to pick a CD, I downloaded a randome letter generator (for the artist) and a random Number Generator (which CD came out first by that artist). If I have a couple of artists with the same letter, then I'll either pick one that i feel more apt to listen to or I'll rerandom for the second letter of the artists name. Simple? Yeah it is. Today we had a pep rally at school but i chose to go to McDonald's and have a couple of Egg McMuffins. It was optional as long as you got back to school before the pep rally ended, and I made it back in time. But I learned a lesson, 2 Egg McMuffins dont cost 2 bucks anymore. They cost $3.84 or something close to that. My hard drive is all cleaned up. I finally got rid of that virus that I couldn't get rid of through safe mode. It's cloudy again today. It was also chilly today. I think you know that though since you most likely live here. I decided to put what CD I'm listenign too at the top of my posts since I usually listen to music when I blog. Well I'm going to go so Catch you cats later.

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