Saturday, September 11, 2004


Well today i signed up for bowling. Good news is that I don't havce to get up at 9 on saturdays. Yeah Sr. High bowlers bowl at 4 on sundays. I forget the date we actually start. Probably next week. Well today was a dull day. So dull that I took my keyboard and took every key out. This used to be my brother's and he lived with the cat and he likes to eat food. So I found all sorts of crumbs and lots of cat hair. It's all clean. My spacebar is harder to push so if you see two words together, it's because of that. I don't know what happened. I think the little metal bar thingy got degreased or something because it doesnt turn on it pivet point as slidely. With me? I dont think I explaned well enough. Oh well not important. That was my day pretty much. Just wasteing some time now. Well I wasted just enough time so good night because im tired.

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