Friday, September 03, 2004

Done doing the dishes

Well I'm done doing the dishes, for now anyways. My back was good today. So was my hands. You know, I dont know why, but my parents are making me give up my bed for tonight. My dad's cousin is here and they are kinda old (no offense) and well my grandma is here so the spare bedroom is taken, and my dad's cousin (his name is Leroy. Yeah you heard me. Roy is at the end of that) brought his girlfriend, so she is taking the hidabed downstairs, and my brother is gone. I have to sleep in my brother's room, because he has a waterbed and some how that's not good for old people (no offense again. Why do i think calling people old is offensive? I have no clue). Now that's not too bad but I have to say good bye to my computer for one night (i mean it's the weekend i like to spend some video game action on my computer until the slim hours of the moring.) I also don't like sleeping on waterbeds, but ill try to cope. I have nothing to do in his room. Hey want to here me generalize? I can use my room until Leroy has to go to bed... old people go to bed earlier than me (no offense again). Maybe that's stereotyping, but it might be generalizing. No it's generalizing. NOt to mention I'll be sleeping in my brother's room... I'm kinda a clean person, no offense to my brother but oink oink. That's right! Now I could use his computer but I would have to get his password. just too many things that I don't like about this arrangement. I mean the only 2 reasosn I'm getting kicked out of my room is because I am cleaner then derek and I have a normal bed. It's kinda a crappy reason to get kicked out of your room dont you think? Hey I bickered. Speaking of bickering i have a cool word. It's "Bicker". I mean isn't that a cool word? Hmm... I could take my computer and bring it to his room, but that's too much work for one night. I would like to have all 5 speakers of mine and the sub down there, but that's way too much work. Not too mention there is no where to put my computer in his room because it's a oink oink (hehe oink oink). Let's see I will have to move my computer monitor (he has monitors gallore down there but they dont really work that well. Ones my old one which isnt good for video games, and the other is well really really rleally old beyound something.) and my keyboard (might as well) and my mouse (the only other one that is optical) and my gamepad. That's everything except my speakers (I'm going to use my old ones cause my internal speaker doesnt work so I'm bringing speakers down there but only two vs 6) and my printer. I dont' know if it's worth it for a couple hours of gameplay. Arggy. Hey I'm going to make myself from food because my parents just happened to make buffalo roast ( I really really hate buffalo. I can at least stand most foods, but not buffalo... and fish. Yuck. I like sea food just not fish.) But I can make my own food. I'm a pretty good cook. I have that going for me and a lot of other stuff. I say if you are picky with food you hav eto be able to cook. I can do that when those things come up. I like Leroy, so dont think i hate him. He's a pretty cool person. I just dont like giving up my room that I like a lot. Hey let me shut up about myself for a minute because well I feel better that I got taht off my chest. Well I downloaded Windows Media Player 10, and it's pretty cool. I can't find the button that changes the color of the border of the player. It was easy to find in windows media 9. I'll find it. If there is one I'll find it. I'm stuck on red for the media player and it doesn't look good with the new player interface, yet it did with the old one. Well I'm going to cook some foody food. Bye bye.

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