Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Bicker. That's a cool word.

Well my mouth hurt today but in the afternoon, it felt great. Then I had to go see the doc and he put some stuff in my mouth that tastes nasty and told me that I should stay on soft foods because he doesn't want any crumbs or stuff like that to get in my wounds. I do feel better though. I now realize that my mouth doesn't open all the way yet and the doc said to put a moist warm rag over it and that should bring down the swelling. I'm getting tired of soup though. I might try some mac and cheese tonight. That's a soft food. I have to come home for lunch but I have fourth off so I have both the lunch periods and 20 minutes in between the two lunches so that's an hour and 20 minutes. So that's fine. I went to school today too so that's how much better I feel. I need to put my fingers in my mouth and try to stretch my jaw. That makes it hurt a little. Well I'm going to go cause I'm sure you guys are sick and tired of hearing my jammer about my jaw.

Monday, October 25, 2004


Well I'm feeling a wee bit better today, although when I woke up I still didn't feel well enough to go to school so I didn't and I am here making onelong sentence for ye to read. Well smiling has hurt and still does but I said what the heck and smiled/laughed at my fat cat named BJ. She's a heavy sleeper. That's because she's a heavy cat. I laugh at that one. Whenever I occupy myself with something that doesn't involve moving my head, my jaw is hardly notiveable. I can move my jaw without me wincing in pain, but it just hurts when I move my head because of blood flowing to and from it. it's still a wee bit swelled. Tomorrow I'm going to try school. Well i'm going to occupy myself doing something.

Saturday, October 23, 2004


Well my mouth still hurts, although I think that I have found a solution to get rid of a little bit of pain. I was thinking, "Man my tooth hurts like the wisdom tooth scratch off a filling." and I've been brushing mhy teeth, but have been avoiding those senseitive stuff. So just now I'm like, "screw it, I'm going to brush my last teeth." So I brushed them, and it spat out some blood, but my teeth do feel a little better. Now the only pain I feel is from my cheek. My cheek hurts a little... or i guess not a little. But I think when they removed one of my wisdom teeth, it like popped out a filling. The little video said it was possible. But my cheek, I have no clue what's wrong with it. It just hurts. I'm running out of these pain pills, which are suppose to make me drowsy, but that doesn't happen. I mean I'm suppose to take these every 4 hours when I have pain, and I take it, an hour later it starts to kick in, and then an hour later I feel pain again. Now I have to wait 2 hours before I can take another pill. I'm just starting some solid food. Today I had chicken noodle soup while my grandma, aunt, mommyy, and brother had chicken, and I took a wing and took small peices and stuff it back by my left molars because my right molars hurt like crazy. But my gums back by my molars hurt but brushing my teeth sure felt good. I ramble. I'll try to make it to churchypoo tomorrow as long as this not very much pain isn't because I took a pill an hour ago. My lips have been dry for the past 3 days. My lips are cracking like crazy. That has probably helped me because I've wanted to knaw at the pieces of stringy flesh that are part of my lips, and to do that I had to move my jaw to a wider position then closed. Maybe I'm weird that way. Boy that did feel good. brushing my teeth that is and just to get this off my fingers, teetch. I've been trying to spell teeth like that. I just really hipe that I feel better tomorrow because I want to go to churchypoo. Wow. Nothing is on tv. That's all I can pretty much do is sit in this chair with my blanket and watch TV. Now that nothing is on, I busted out the Laptop and started typing my blog up. You know, the doc didn't lie to me about my swelling being the worse on the third day. It's the third day, and that's probably why my cheeks hurt so much. On the plus side, I ate something solid today, I can open my jaw wider than 5mm. and I can brush my teeth. My breath was beginnin to reak even though I did brush some. I think my gums know when to stop bleeding because I can open up a wound in there by brushing and in like 10 sec it ownt be bleeding. For those of you who think that wisdom teeth will hurt a lot when you get it pulled, I'll tell you it's really fun to get hooked up to a heart monitor and then the nurse will say the word "I.V." and you hear a sudden change in the beeps. I was calm all the time that I was at the docs office place, but that could be it was really early in the morning. Even the needle thing, I'm not afraid of needles but I am afraid of watching any object penetrating skin. I was even calm when they did stick the needle in me. I'm bragging probably now and wasn't trying to. I have to say it is really fun to watch your surroundings get all blurry and all of a sudden you become "focused" to the best of your ability in a different room. I'm rambling now so if I confuse you at any time, please let me know and I'll get right back to you. I can't wait until these stitches desolve. I also can't wait until nine o clock so tyhat something is on tv. I don't watch a whole lot of TV so me sitting back and watching it all day is odd to me. Well I'm going to preview this post and examen it for incorheirentsy... I doubt I spelt that one correctly. Bye peeps and hopefully I'll see most of you guys tomorrow at churchypoo. Whoa talk about all of a sudden sleepiness. Bye bye peeps.

Friday, October 22, 2004

My face hurts a lot.

Owie. This is painful. I'm going to go find an ice pack. now let me type with one hand. or i can with two if I hold it with my cheekypoo. My teeth do hurt though. Oh yeah this ice pack feels good. how does ice make pain go away to feel good. I pause every now and then during this blog. Hey yesterday I pretty much just slept and had a half a bowl of tomato soup and a milk shake, and today I ate a 2 bowls of soup and a milk shake, and I'll probably have another can of soup for supper. i played some video games today mainly. i've been taking these pain pills. they work for two hours but i need to take them every four hours. oh boy my face is numb along with my hand that was holding taht ice pack. Well I'm going to go sice im not making any progress on this post.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

I lost my wisdom.

Well i got my wisdom teeth removed. Owie. I'm glad I only had 3 wisdom teech and that I only had one on the bottom. The one that they removed from the bottom, is where it is painful. lol. Blue Collar's TV is "being sick." The people were nice to me. When I woke up (I hardly remember. I had to ask my mom if I remembered right.) I was wrapped up in a nice soft blue blanket and I was freezing so I drew the blanket closer and it was nice and warm. Having a numb tongue isn't fun. I mean it's hard to know when to swallow. PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just finished eating my soup. It took me an hour and a half to eat it. It's very painful at the bottom of my mouth. Yeah, the numbness existed everywhere, except there pain is. The numbness is gone now. so I can feel my tongue and my lips again, but when they were nunb, the botom of my mouth where the tooth was, it still hurt. Pain pills aren't working very much. I would say it works a little though. I slept mostly today. That made the time fly by. I also learned today that Your mouth isn't fun when your tongue is numb, and you have gause in your mouth, and I'm having a pain typing the work "Mouth"m I keep typing moth, or mother, or something of that nature. Speaking of my mommy, she's been great. She's taking care of me. I also have to have a scarf arouind my head with two things of ice in the scarf. I'm just sitting here watching tv. Here as in my living room. I have the laptop. I did this so I could eat. I had to pause like in between every 4 bites because pain started to emit from my wound. Then it would die down in 10 minutes, and it just took forever to eat. Well I guess the good news is that the operation went fine. So I say praise the Lord to dat. The pain is starting to die down. I think anywhos. Well obviously I didn't even try to format my hard drive. Because I was sleeping, and I'm in great pain. OR not great anymore, just some little, as long as I keep my mouth closed. When I got up from lying on a bench in a closet... a closet... when I woke up I could have sworn it was just a small little walk in place... but My mom said it was a closet. But when I woke up, I could have sworn I was wide awake and aware, but now looking back, I can hardly remember. I remember I was aware of my surroundings, but I tried to walk and I tried to walk normal, but stumbled every now and then. Well I'm gonna go I think, so bye bye. My battery is dying, and it's 8:08 and i started this at 7.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004


Well I've decided that it's worth formating my hard drive, so I can use intallers. The only thing is that I went through some stuff that I would like to putonto Cds and I came up with 11 cd's of stuffs. That's a lot. But I've already copied all the stuff that I want to keep into a little folder called "monkeys". No I'm kidding. I named it something else. Office Depot has 12 Cds for 4 bucks. I thought that was a steal of a deal, and they came with cases. It's office depot brand, but I think they'll be good for just coping and then let my hard drive be formated and then put stuff back onto my computer. Now You might be saying, why 11 cds worth of stuff. Why do you need all that. Well most of it is unreplacable or just plain a pain in a butt to find. Oh yeah I need to get all my links into a nice document format. Bah. But this long weekends, as I sit around feeling pain from having wisdom teeth being pulled, I will be formatting this Hard Drive. With my brother's help. hopefully. Does anyone know when Office Depot Closes? I need to know dat. Well bye bye peeps. I think I'll head on to the crazy barn and eat some monkeys.

Monday, October 18, 2004


You know, I'm getting agravated. I mean I get a new hard drive, get pretty much everything on it that you want, and then this freaking spyware or whatever is on my computer comes along and makes me madder than a monkey without fecies. I mean it's only some install applications that don't work at all. I double click, and nothing. Now I figure out that they disappear when i shut off my computer and turn it back on. Weird. I would like to install a couple more things. It wouldn't be so bad if I could make these applications work. Mainly because forums tell me I need to download a certain program, which i did, and install it, which i can't, and run it and do some other stuff and it'll fix my Internet Exploder Problem which is annoying me beyound all means of monkeys. So if you can help me, it would be greatly appreciated. Also Adaware is getting some VX2 things, and they have an ad on to get rid of them, but of course I can't install it. Grrr. Also adaware is getting some "CoolWebSearch" things also, everytime I run it. My brother doesn't know what in blazes is going on with the installation thing. he's never heard of a thing doing that. I might format. Grr. New hard drive, and almost have everything on it! Grrrrrrrrrr. Bye bye.
The Return of the Procrastinater

Hey it has been awhile. Well let's start with i have a bloody nose. I think I have it underwraps. Get it. Underwraps! I have it wrapped up in tissue! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ok not cool. Well first off I have a lot of my things installed back onto my hard drive. The only things I have left are Worms and Starcraft And Diablo 2 and all my pretty stuff that I have with them. But right now it's not liking me because for some odd reason, some install things such as Setup.exe files wont work. I double click on them, and nothing happens. I mean nothing happens. Just nothing at all. No error, no nothing. I don't like it. Not to mention Internet Exploder apparently wanted to install another thingy onto itself. Stupid IE. I'm going to reinstall it. I figured out how, so I can act on it this time. I don't know what kind of thing is doing it. I deleted all my cookies, history, etc and it's still there. I searched my computer for anything suspicious, well i found some things, but i unistalled them and deleted them, so they don't exist. I also scanned with Ad Aware. Everytime it scans, it finds a couple new things. I mean I'll scan and it'll find a lot of objects, and then i'll restart my computer and scan again and it'll find more. It's usually around 10 new objects. Well i have a report due tomorrow and I have half of it typed out. I have most of the information so it shouldn't take me to long. Bye bye.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Quick update

Well I got my hard drive yesterday. That's the good news. The bad news is that I have to reinstall everything that requires installing. my brother did copy my old hard driveinto a file onto my new one, but I have to reinstall everything that has to be installed. That's a lot of things. I have a lot of things done. I'm busier than a monkey with his feices (I'm still a horrible speller). That's why there has been a lack of updates. I have homework coming out of my butt, and with this hard drive... it's going to be awhile before I get some free time to myself. I have a report due on Tuesday for sociology. 2 1/2 pages. Ug. Well I'm going to go work on this homework. Bye.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Driver Boy

Currently listening to Welcome to the Diverse City By Toby Mac

Well I drove to school today. That was fun. And that's all. That's pretty much all. Bye bye.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

License City USA

Currently listening to Welcome to the Diverse City CD by Toby Mac

Well I have to say that this CD is really sweet. I give it a 5/5 right now. My favorite song on the city? Hard to say. I'll tell you my top 3. In no particular order: Burn for you, Gone, and Gotta Go. Those are the top 3 but i think they are all awsome songs. Kinda like a mother "I like all my children the same." Exactly. And how are you? This time when i ask that you can answer, since my comments are active and have been active for some time now. I'm great. I got back from a trip up to Antelope. Fun times. I took my driver's test on thursday and I... PASSED! Yeah baby! Rock on! I'm not going to get lazy like some people that get their license. I mean I'm going to ride my bike to school with a friend, when it's nice outside. It might just be bad weather on some days you know. My automobile is all cleaned out. My dad is kinda messy. *oink oink*. I have everything that belongs in or on my car on or in my car. which is a license plate cover. And some cords to hook up my diskman to my tape deck. Once I get a job I shall get a CD player. I have an application right in front of me. I just need to fill it out, and give it to a guy named matt. First jobs are a pain to fill out applications. I mean I don't have any former employers. I have people that I worked for randomly. Speaking of which I need to talk to a couple of people, such as Russ in Plentywood. I should've talked to him when i was up there. I have a couple of volunteer stuffs. I guess I can put that I mow my dad's lawn. Hmm... that's the hardest part of an application for me pretty much. Man this one requires 4 former employers. I'll have to talk to Russ some time. What would you call a position that requires you to remove stuff from a person's house that is selling stuff to a second hand store? Taker person? I dislike applications. Well I'm going to go so bye bye peoples.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

I was mad, but now I'm happy

Hey peeps! Well let's see I'm happier then a monkey with a banana. I mean I'm going to take my driving test tomorrow. I feel pretty confident. I cleaned out my car today, got all of my dad's stuff out of there. I drove down (with my mommy of course) to get a haircut, so my hair is short again. Then i went down to the rainbow shop and picked up the new Toby Mac CD. Jamming CD. Although I've listened to only 2 1/2 songs, soon to be 3. Hey Now features Grits. Now it is 5 songs. I had to redo the song list because Window's Media sucks and doesn't have very good information about the songs. It like has about 6 songs and they are in the wrong order, the other songs are represented by Track whatever track it is. I fixed that. I think I submited it to them too. Gone is anther great song. He's being like multi genere. Well let's talk about the bad points. This is a funny one actually. I making some food for my dog, and he eats soft dog food and anyways this is a huge freaking can of dog food. I put it on the can opener and it would like cut and spin but the thing would just slide and i try to hold it but apparently it does nothing when i do. anyways I had some points at which the can wasn't cut so im trying to get the lid off using verious objects. The one that worked best was the scissors (hey i think I spelled that correctly!). So if that ever happens to you, use the scissors. That was freaking hilarious. In the song TruDog: The Return, at the end trudog (toby's son) is like "can i go now" and toby's like, "You're getting paid for this." tru is like "sweet... wait how much am i getting paid?" and toby's like "a happy meal." I thought it was comical. I highly suggest you at least listen to a couple songs on the CD "Diverse City" by toby mac. I mean you can't just listen to one song and make up your mind. Like i said it's just has so much diversity in it. Hmm, what else was not so good today. There was something else. Must not have been important. Oh wait i know what it was. I made me want to eat blogger and spit it out into a pit of fire. Well apparently blogger hates Firefox, which is the web browser that i use. I mean I visit other blogs and it's like "no. Refresh me and maybe I'll work" so i refresh and sometimes it works. And when i tried to publish a post once, the screenwould flicker, but not go to the screen like "your publish has been succesful" or whatever it says. I pushed the button lots of times (5) and thought it didn't publish, but i checked by openeing a new window and I checked my blog. I took forever to get there (normal though... another reason why i think it hate firfox) and i got there and it hadn't published. So i tried Internet Exploder, and i get there and it posted it 5 times. So that's the reason i think it hate firefox. IE isn't nice to it either. By the way, don't clikc on the link that highlights "blind" in blindside. It decided to hyperlink that. Stupid Elite search toolbar. I got rid of it now. But i swear that i unistalled it once before. OH well it's not there now. Wish me luck on my driver's test tomorrow. Peace outy.

Monday, October 04, 2004

I gave it a shot

*notice the date. I am posting this on the 6th of october, but apparently blogger doesn't like me. Blogger is just doing some odd things.

Currently listening to Face to Face by All Together Seperate

You know I must have had that CD for almost 2 years and it stayed sealed. All Together Seperate that is. This is the first time that I listened to that CD. The first song hooked me in all right. I believed Nyc gave it to me when she went to their concert. I have no clue why I didn't rip it open and pop it in my CD player, but i didn't. Maybe I thought they were too soft. They're not that soft. I think I moved onto a different genre of music. I mean you know how much I was into the hip hop. I don't reach for Grit's new CD very often, I go for the TFK, Anberlin, or blindside, although it has been awhile since I listened to Blindside. It has been awhile since I listened to some music though. I mean I listen to some before school, but I mean just pop a CD in my computer. Hey I shot a commercial for school today. We did it on aFrolf Disc called Magnum. I have no clue if their is a disc called that I just felt that the name was awsome. Yeah it's great. First one of my friends is like "Dude check out my new Wal Mart disk." and he throws it and my other friends hits a tree with a box of assorted items and he goes "Ow". He has a funny ow. you just have to hear it. Anyways then I throw my Magnum disc and it goes into the hole on the first shot (we made it look like I did. Me get a hole in one? that's kinda funny). Then my friend is twitching on the ground and words will pop up on the screen that says "Magnum disks are just better, and less painful." It's suppose to be only a 30 sec commercial. If we are .1 under or .1 over we get docked. We edit it on the comuter. Reading books are fun, but when you have to read a book for school... I hate that. I mean we are reading Ferinheight 451 (I probably messed up the spelling big time) and it's a great book, but she makes us to worksheets on it, do vocabulary, do a whole bunch of stuff that doesn't really have much to do with English except the Vocabulary. I mean I like to read for pleasure, not something I have to do. Kind of doesn't want me to read cause I have to do a freaking packet and bunch of vocabulary, a bunch of symbolism, a bunch of just stuff that wouldn't really help you read. It's not a confusing book. Everythign is pretty much straight forward. Oh well. I should read all the book this week end. I mean it's just that good that you can read it non stop pretty much. Then I would just do the work sheets and what-not in class. Well I have to do some vocabulary so I'm going to have to barrow Webster the 19th Jr. bye bye.

Sunday, October 03, 2004


Definition of a poem:
  1. A verbal composition designed to convey experiences, ideas, or emotions in a vivid and imaginative way, characterized by the use of language chosen for its sound and suggestive power and by the use of literary techniques such as meter, metaphor, and rhyme.
  2. A composition in verse rather than in prose.
  3. A literary composition written with an intensity or beauty of language more characteristic of poetry than of prose.
  4. A creation, object, or experience having beauty suggestive of poetry.
I guess you'd call this a poem. A verbal composition designed to convey experiences, and/or emotions. If it's not a poem, then it's just my heart spilled out upon the page. In remembrance of you, Kasey Torgerson.
I looked up to you

Did I see you as mean

Did I see you as a person that would hit me

And I would hold back the tears of pain that I felt

I held back the expression of pain

Not to show my weakness of it.

Maybe I held back because I didn’t want you to know I was just a weak child

Maybe I looked up to you whenever we hung out

Maybe I took the pain because I wanted to be like you

The person that knew no pain

But yet I wanted to be loved

All I ever wanted was you to say

“You’re a cool little dude”

or maybe I wanted you to leave me alone

to do something out of my sync for you seems odd to me now

but when I look back I would've done anything for you

when I got old enough

I realized pain wasn’t a hero

Or was it to me

This confused me

Maybe I looked up to you still

But I just didn’t hang out with you

I sat beside you as you drove down the highway

Listening to the music of the cd you had in

No words would be spoken, but I was someone to hang with

Since I was the only one that was there

I didn’t ask you how your life was

I didn’t ask if you wanted anything

I didn’t ask anything at all

Just the music going through the speakers

Ask you ‘how come’ was abnormal then

Now in hindsight, I wish I would have heard it from you

Instead of your friends

Now that you are gone I finally realize that you were my hero

And always will be.

Saturday, October 02, 2004

I'm getting in touch with my artistic side

Well my birthday is in 2 days. Sweeeeeeeet 16 baby. How am I being artistic. Well I drew a picture in paint and it turned out pretty good. I could show it to you if I had a website/page. Also I think I have found a perfect idea to make a T-shirt. I will call it The Evolution of Video Games. It starts with the Atari 2600, goes to the NES, goes to the SNES, goes to the N64 and Playstation. It ends with an awsome picture I found of The PS2,GC, and XBox. Then I have the Handhelds to. GB, GBC, GBA/GBA SP, and Nintendo DS and PSP. It will look pretty sweet. I can't find the right words though to put on it. I was thinking "Know the evolution" or something like dat. The pictures will be on a timeline. Well I'm gonna go so bye bye.

Friday, October 01, 2004

Let's sum this up, shall we?

First off my birfday is on tuesday, October 5 which is 4 days away! : ) Secondly I get my license (if I pass) on Thurday. And that's pretty much all. That's my blog update.