Saturday, October 23, 2004


Well my mouth still hurts, although I think that I have found a solution to get rid of a little bit of pain. I was thinking, "Man my tooth hurts like the wisdom tooth scratch off a filling." and I've been brushing mhy teeth, but have been avoiding those senseitive stuff. So just now I'm like, "screw it, I'm going to brush my last teeth." So I brushed them, and it spat out some blood, but my teeth do feel a little better. Now the only pain I feel is from my cheek. My cheek hurts a little... or i guess not a little. But I think when they removed one of my wisdom teeth, it like popped out a filling. The little video said it was possible. But my cheek, I have no clue what's wrong with it. It just hurts. I'm running out of these pain pills, which are suppose to make me drowsy, but that doesn't happen. I mean I'm suppose to take these every 4 hours when I have pain, and I take it, an hour later it starts to kick in, and then an hour later I feel pain again. Now I have to wait 2 hours before I can take another pill. I'm just starting some solid food. Today I had chicken noodle soup while my grandma, aunt, mommyy, and brother had chicken, and I took a wing and took small peices and stuff it back by my left molars because my right molars hurt like crazy. But my gums back by my molars hurt but brushing my teeth sure felt good. I ramble. I'll try to make it to churchypoo tomorrow as long as this not very much pain isn't because I took a pill an hour ago. My lips have been dry for the past 3 days. My lips are cracking like crazy. That has probably helped me because I've wanted to knaw at the pieces of stringy flesh that are part of my lips, and to do that I had to move my jaw to a wider position then closed. Maybe I'm weird that way. Boy that did feel good. brushing my teeth that is and just to get this off my fingers, teetch. I've been trying to spell teeth like that. I just really hipe that I feel better tomorrow because I want to go to churchypoo. Wow. Nothing is on tv. That's all I can pretty much do is sit in this chair with my blanket and watch TV. Now that nothing is on, I busted out the Laptop and started typing my blog up. You know, the doc didn't lie to me about my swelling being the worse on the third day. It's the third day, and that's probably why my cheeks hurt so much. On the plus side, I ate something solid today, I can open my jaw wider than 5mm. and I can brush my teeth. My breath was beginnin to reak even though I did brush some. I think my gums know when to stop bleeding because I can open up a wound in there by brushing and in like 10 sec it ownt be bleeding. For those of you who think that wisdom teeth will hurt a lot when you get it pulled, I'll tell you it's really fun to get hooked up to a heart monitor and then the nurse will say the word "I.V." and you hear a sudden change in the beeps. I was calm all the time that I was at the docs office place, but that could be it was really early in the morning. Even the needle thing, I'm not afraid of needles but I am afraid of watching any object penetrating skin. I was even calm when they did stick the needle in me. I'm bragging probably now and wasn't trying to. I have to say it is really fun to watch your surroundings get all blurry and all of a sudden you become "focused" to the best of your ability in a different room. I'm rambling now so if I confuse you at any time, please let me know and I'll get right back to you. I can't wait until these stitches desolve. I also can't wait until nine o clock so tyhat something is on tv. I don't watch a whole lot of TV so me sitting back and watching it all day is odd to me. Well I'm going to preview this post and examen it for incorheirentsy... I doubt I spelt that one correctly. Bye peeps and hopefully I'll see most of you guys tomorrow at churchypoo. Whoa talk about all of a sudden sleepiness. Bye bye peeps.

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