Monday, October 04, 2004

I gave it a shot

*notice the date. I am posting this on the 6th of october, but apparently blogger doesn't like me. Blogger is just doing some odd things.

Currently listening to Face to Face by All Together Seperate

You know I must have had that CD for almost 2 years and it stayed sealed. All Together Seperate that is. This is the first time that I listened to that CD. The first song hooked me in all right. I believed Nyc gave it to me when she went to their concert. I have no clue why I didn't rip it open and pop it in my CD player, but i didn't. Maybe I thought they were too soft. They're not that soft. I think I moved onto a different genre of music. I mean you know how much I was into the hip hop. I don't reach for Grit's new CD very often, I go for the TFK, Anberlin, or blindside, although it has been awhile since I listened to Blindside. It has been awhile since I listened to some music though. I mean I listen to some before school, but I mean just pop a CD in my computer. Hey I shot a commercial for school today. We did it on aFrolf Disc called Magnum. I have no clue if their is a disc called that I just felt that the name was awsome. Yeah it's great. First one of my friends is like "Dude check out my new Wal Mart disk." and he throws it and my other friends hits a tree with a box of assorted items and he goes "Ow". He has a funny ow. you just have to hear it. Anyways then I throw my Magnum disc and it goes into the hole on the first shot (we made it look like I did. Me get a hole in one? that's kinda funny). Then my friend is twitching on the ground and words will pop up on the screen that says "Magnum disks are just better, and less painful." It's suppose to be only a 30 sec commercial. If we are .1 under or .1 over we get docked. We edit it on the comuter. Reading books are fun, but when you have to read a book for school... I hate that. I mean we are reading Ferinheight 451 (I probably messed up the spelling big time) and it's a great book, but she makes us to worksheets on it, do vocabulary, do a whole bunch of stuff that doesn't really have much to do with English except the Vocabulary. I mean I like to read for pleasure, not something I have to do. Kind of doesn't want me to read cause I have to do a freaking packet and bunch of vocabulary, a bunch of symbolism, a bunch of just stuff that wouldn't really help you read. It's not a confusing book. Everythign is pretty much straight forward. Oh well. I should read all the book this week end. I mean it's just that good that you can read it non stop pretty much. Then I would just do the work sheets and what-not in class. Well I have to do some vocabulary so I'm going to have to barrow Webster the 19th Jr. bye bye.

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