Wednesday, October 06, 2004

I was mad, but now I'm happy

Hey peeps! Well let's see I'm happier then a monkey with a banana. I mean I'm going to take my driving test tomorrow. I feel pretty confident. I cleaned out my car today, got all of my dad's stuff out of there. I drove down (with my mommy of course) to get a haircut, so my hair is short again. Then i went down to the rainbow shop and picked up the new Toby Mac CD. Jamming CD. Although I've listened to only 2 1/2 songs, soon to be 3. Hey Now features Grits. Now it is 5 songs. I had to redo the song list because Window's Media sucks and doesn't have very good information about the songs. It like has about 6 songs and they are in the wrong order, the other songs are represented by Track whatever track it is. I fixed that. I think I submited it to them too. Gone is anther great song. He's being like multi genere. Well let's talk about the bad points. This is a funny one actually. I making some food for my dog, and he eats soft dog food and anyways this is a huge freaking can of dog food. I put it on the can opener and it would like cut and spin but the thing would just slide and i try to hold it but apparently it does nothing when i do. anyways I had some points at which the can wasn't cut so im trying to get the lid off using verious objects. The one that worked best was the scissors (hey i think I spelled that correctly!). So if that ever happens to you, use the scissors. That was freaking hilarious. In the song TruDog: The Return, at the end trudog (toby's son) is like "can i go now" and toby's like, "You're getting paid for this." tru is like "sweet... wait how much am i getting paid?" and toby's like "a happy meal." I thought it was comical. I highly suggest you at least listen to a couple songs on the CD "Diverse City" by toby mac. I mean you can't just listen to one song and make up your mind. Like i said it's just has so much diversity in it. Hmm, what else was not so good today. There was something else. Must not have been important. Oh wait i know what it was. I made me want to eat blogger and spit it out into a pit of fire. Well apparently blogger hates Firefox, which is the web browser that i use. I mean I visit other blogs and it's like "no. Refresh me and maybe I'll work" so i refresh and sometimes it works. And when i tried to publish a post once, the screenwould flicker, but not go to the screen like "your publish has been succesful" or whatever it says. I pushed the button lots of times (5) and thought it didn't publish, but i checked by openeing a new window and I checked my blog. I took forever to get there (normal though... another reason why i think it hate firfox) and i got there and it hadn't published. So i tried Internet Exploder, and i get there and it posted it 5 times. So that's the reason i think it hate firefox. IE isn't nice to it either. By the way, don't clikc on the link that highlights "blind" in blindside. It decided to hyperlink that. Stupid Elite search toolbar. I got rid of it now. But i swear that i unistalled it once before. OH well it's not there now. Wish me luck on my driver's test tomorrow. Peace outy.

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