Monday, October 18, 2004

The Return of the Procrastinater

Hey it has been awhile. Well let's start with i have a bloody nose. I think I have it underwraps. Get it. Underwraps! I have it wrapped up in tissue! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ok not cool. Well first off I have a lot of my things installed back onto my hard drive. The only things I have left are Worms and Starcraft And Diablo 2 and all my pretty stuff that I have with them. But right now it's not liking me because for some odd reason, some install things such as Setup.exe files wont work. I double click on them, and nothing happens. I mean nothing happens. Just nothing at all. No error, no nothing. I don't like it. Not to mention Internet Exploder apparently wanted to install another thingy onto itself. Stupid IE. I'm going to reinstall it. I figured out how, so I can act on it this time. I don't know what kind of thing is doing it. I deleted all my cookies, history, etc and it's still there. I searched my computer for anything suspicious, well i found some things, but i unistalled them and deleted them, so they don't exist. I also scanned with Ad Aware. Everytime it scans, it finds a couple new things. I mean I'll scan and it'll find a lot of objects, and then i'll restart my computer and scan again and it'll find more. It's usually around 10 new objects. Well i have a report due tomorrow and I have half of it typed out. I have most of the information so it shouldn't take me to long. Bye bye.

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