Thursday, October 21, 2004

I lost my wisdom.

Well i got my wisdom teeth removed. Owie. I'm glad I only had 3 wisdom teech and that I only had one on the bottom. The one that they removed from the bottom, is where it is painful. lol. Blue Collar's TV is "being sick." The people were nice to me. When I woke up (I hardly remember. I had to ask my mom if I remembered right.) I was wrapped up in a nice soft blue blanket and I was freezing so I drew the blanket closer and it was nice and warm. Having a numb tongue isn't fun. I mean it's hard to know when to swallow. PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just finished eating my soup. It took me an hour and a half to eat it. It's very painful at the bottom of my mouth. Yeah, the numbness existed everywhere, except there pain is. The numbness is gone now. so I can feel my tongue and my lips again, but when they were nunb, the botom of my mouth where the tooth was, it still hurt. Pain pills aren't working very much. I would say it works a little though. I slept mostly today. That made the time fly by. I also learned today that Your mouth isn't fun when your tongue is numb, and you have gause in your mouth, and I'm having a pain typing the work "Mouth"m I keep typing moth, or mother, or something of that nature. Speaking of my mommy, she's been great. She's taking care of me. I also have to have a scarf arouind my head with two things of ice in the scarf. I'm just sitting here watching tv. Here as in my living room. I have the laptop. I did this so I could eat. I had to pause like in between every 4 bites because pain started to emit from my wound. Then it would die down in 10 minutes, and it just took forever to eat. Well I guess the good news is that the operation went fine. So I say praise the Lord to dat. The pain is starting to die down. I think anywhos. Well obviously I didn't even try to format my hard drive. Because I was sleeping, and I'm in great pain. OR not great anymore, just some little, as long as I keep my mouth closed. When I got up from lying on a bench in a closet... a closet... when I woke up I could have sworn it was just a small little walk in place... but My mom said it was a closet. But when I woke up, I could have sworn I was wide awake and aware, but now looking back, I can hardly remember. I remember I was aware of my surroundings, but I tried to walk and I tried to walk normal, but stumbled every now and then. Well I'm gonna go I think, so bye bye. My battery is dying, and it's 8:08 and i started this at 7.

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