Tuesday, September 06, 2005

I need sleep

So I should be sleeping right now, but my tummy isn't feeling well, and lying down only makes it worse and I can't sleep, so i decided to blog. Apparently if I mention something little in a post, people comment about it. Wierd. Paragraphs... hehe. I don't even use paragraphs correctly. I just make them whenever i deem it necissary. Oh well. I'm rambling without even knowing what I am saying, because i am very tired and my tummy no feel well. I had to work at Target apparently. I wasn't sure. I went to Target on my lunch break, and I checked the schedule, and it said i had to work today. I was greatly grieved. As a plus, I got to work in electronics... I heart electronics. Although i almost forgot to turn in the keys... that would have been a bumber.

I have these off periods of being sick all of a sudden. Like i was sick the last time I posted... or was that the time before. I don't keep track anymore. I was working today, and my stomach started hurting, and then it went away, and now it feels worse. Sad times. I don't know if I am psycho... then again I don't no if annomynous is creepy. Creepy... hehe. Creepy. I think i use the word creepy, because it's night and i really should get some sleep, and somehow that reminds me of the word creepy.

I think I'll go back to not using paragraphs. People comment on them. Oddly, people i don't know. I really don't feel good. I think i might vomit, or something. Blogging isn't helping this stomach problem. When you were young, did you guys go "My dad can beat up your dad"? If so, I feel left out. No one challenged me to that. I never got a chance to say that. Oh well. I tell you what though, if my dad was the Hulk, I would be the king of that.

I'm gonna get some sleep... I hope. I don't remember what I typed for the past fifteen minutes.

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