Tuesday, September 13, 2005


I should go to bed, because I have to get up for first period tomorrow, because I have to write a report, which has to be 4 pages long... yeah. Well the teachers assigned it on Monday to be due on Wed, but they were gonna give us time in class to do them. I didn't know what the heck was going on and I wanted to just relax, so i didn't do it on monday night. They gave us an hour (it's a 2 hour class) to work on it, and I got 2 pages done. See, they shared examples which was greatly appreciated by me, and I knew what the heck was goin on then. The sad news is that I had to work tonight, so I haven't gotten any more then the 2 pages done. Now it's due tomorrow... a rough draft, but basically that's your complete essay. It's a creative essay, which I like. But like i said, I had 1 hour to do it, and now I have to go to school earlier just so I can finish it. I guess I don't have to go to school an hour early, I could just do it at home... but I can get a good parking spot if I went when school actually started. Plus i do homework better at school. Dunno why; just do.

Speaking of tonight, we recieved the new Juliana Theory CD today, and I haven't gotten to listen to it yet. I am excited though. I already ripped it to my harddrive, and have it uploaded to my Ipod. I plan on picking up Switchfoot's new CD tomorrow. I am very excited about that one. Switchfoot is just awsome, and the song "Stars" is awsome. Go to their website and watch the video, now! Also I can check my checking account online now. You have to go through a process to do that. I finally got the confirmation email. So now I also confirmed my paypal account, and now I am a sponsor of Red Vs blue, whcih means I get their videos 3 days early, and they are in HI Res. Exciting. I also plan on buying the Secret of Mana DVD, which the person has a weird process for ordering stuff. YOu have to donate a certain amount of money through paypal, and then send an email to him/her (I don't know. I think it's a her) tell the person what you want. I'm like, Get a store! Gosh. I have to wait for paypal though to transfer funds. Bah. Paypal sucks, but now I can buy stuff... which is a bad thing because now i have to work to get money back, which interferes with essays. Also I have a test in the class tomorrow, also. That sucks. A report due and a test. They really expect a lot from a high school kid. Stressful. As a plus, day off tomorrow, and a Bolivia meeting... or maybe Orlean meeting... depends what we vote on.

I need to sleep for purposes I just told you about. Night monks.

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