Sunday, September 04, 2005

Arg... ahg... blah...

Man. I don't feel so good. My throat feels scratchy. It doesnt hurt, it just feels scratchy. My nose has been running for awhile, and I can't catch it (i think i used that pun a while ago... can't remember. Might have been last winter.). My head hurt during work for a while. It doesn't hurt now. My tummy is not feeling well. I don't know. I'm tired, but that's because of getting up early for the last week or so. Anyways, I suppose you don't want to hear about me not feeling great.

I was looking into buying an FM Modulator for my IPod. I have options. I think I'll go with the ITrip. It's about 8 bucks more then the other one, but I think it'll be better. Plus I'll buy a car charger for this babe. Babe... I'm spacing out... I think I'll...

So tomorrow is labor day and I have to work. Why is it called Labor Day? It should be called, Not Laboring Day... or something like that. I have to labor, but I get paid wage and a half, which computes to nine bucks an hour. I forget when I work... is it 5:30 or 5? I dunno. All I know is I get to sleep in tomorrow... mmm, sleep. Me like that idea.

So website has been updated a little more. You should check it out. I didn't get to finish the current news post, because I got confused, about what time I had to go to work. I knew that I had to be at work at 1:45 (puzzles me too) but I was thinking that I had to leave at that time, because I usually have to be at work on the hour... coherent? I don't know. I'm not feeling well and Im tired. You are not gonna get coherency (I've used that non-word before too). But yeah, visit website. I'll post a link somewhere in this paragraph. You'll know. It'll be the only link in this paragraph. Also there is a link in my Links called "My Site!" I think.

Umm... I don't know. I'm chilling listening to my Iped and stuff. I'm also updating my blog. my iped is on shuffle. yeah. slushie. My ending statement is slushie. Slushie.



Anonymous said...

You are hilarious! You remind me of myself.. you ramble. I love rambling... Anywho, I'm bored so i've been checking out blogger profiles for the last hour. You're hilarious... Keep blogging and I'll keep commenting (is blogging a word?).. okay, I have to go to sleep now.. have fun laboring on labor day

Roy J said...

Wow. Someone thinks I'm not funny, but hilarious. That's kinda exciting... creepy, but exciting. I just wanted to use the word creepy. It's not really creepy. Also another note, someone posted a comment other then my brother.