Monday, August 01, 2005


Well, they patched Diablo II, with patch V1.11. Do I care? Well I wasn't really excited, but I was curious what the patch, patched. It fixed some bugs, that didn't pertain to me, and a new feature, only is good for people who have a diablo 2 character who has beaten the game, on the realm servers. Well, it's been awhile since I've played diablo 2 online, and all my characters (who hadn't even beaten the normal difficulty) were expired. So the patch is worthless to me, although I wish the special features would be used on Single Player, because I have several players there who have beaten the game! I'm thinking, why would Blizzard do this? First I will tell you this special secret feature thing. See, if you kill certain monsters (the countess, summoner, and Nialthiac.. however you spell his name) you get a key for each one you kill. Now you have a 1/34 chance of getting the key from the monster. Well if you transmute those keys in the Cube, then it opens a portal, and you kill the boss there and you get another relic. Then if you kill the Prime Evils (Mephisto, Diablo, and Baal) you get a body part from them. You transmute them and opens a portal and then you kill the monster there and get another relic. I forget which one, but one of them the boss is a new boss, which is called Lilith, which is Andariels sister. Anyways, the other boss is just a clone of Mephisto, Diablo or Baal, it's random. Know one knows what's going to happen. Only one person that I know of, has beaten Lilith, but then again. the patch just came out today. I just want to kill Lilith, but I can't because Blizzard made it so you can only do all this on the Realm servers! Ok, now back to my original question: why would Blizzard do this, so I can't do this on Single Player? I mean how does it benefit them. I paid my money for the game, is free. They get no advantage out of this, and it is making a lot of people mad. I'm a customer that bought the game, and I should be able to play all of the game, without having to start all over. Character's exipre after 3 months. Doesn't mean I haven't played the game in 3 months. I've been playing single player getting those guys levels up. *sigh*. Oh well. I'm sure if they make another patch, they will make it so you can in Single Player... but who knows when that patch will come out. Life goes on. I'll go on. The world will go on. Diablo will go on. Blizzard will go on. WoW will go on. People love WoW. Crap, people love Starcraft. I think that's the longest running game. Starcraft. By the way, if any of this post doesn't make since, then don't worry, you'd have to have played Diablo 2 at some point in time to understand some of it. I'm gonna make myself a milkshake, and decide if I want to play Diablo 2 on the realms, or to play diablo 2 single player, or just look at the forums of blizzard and feel myself get more stupid every post I read. Bye.

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