Thursday, August 04, 2005

Mr. Peanut is Empty on the Inside

Ya know. I've been working for the past two days... today and yesterday. Is that two days? I think so. Whateva. Yesterday, I felt crappy. Like I was physically at work, but my mind was somewhere... I don't know where, but it was somewhere. I don't remember taking a break, unless I really think about, then I remember reading the paper. It said something about a smoking ban, and this one place closed, to make a point... yeah it wasn't a good idea. Today he reopened it. Some People's kids. Then today I was watching the news, and they had a segment all about how trapelines are dangerous... right. Yeah they are, since apparently like 100,000 kid injuries are that. Or somelthign like that. But it was rediculous. I mean there are warnings on those things that say "NO more then 1 person at a time" and adult supervision and what not... it's just people dont follow them. Well think about it for a second. Smoking is dangerous, and people know that, but they still do it. So... they are worried about jumping on a trameline and not smoking... ok. How bout something that pertains more to the age group of the trampeline thing. How bout riding a bike? I mean kids get sent to the emergency room riding bike. I just deleted a buch of stuff, that I realized wasn't coherent. I didn't even follow. So moving on.

Like I said, yesterday was crappy, for some odd reason. Today was a lot better. I felt a lot better and was happy and such. I had to where a Mr. Peanut costume today. Yeah... about that. Well the costume needed a small fan to stay inflated. It was a heavy fan that was around my neck, and I also had to carry the costume around my neck. Kinda heavy. Not only that, but I had to look through the mouth, and the mouth was a little below my eyes. It was more at my mouth. I had to slouch. And between the slouching and the weight, an hour was not fun of being in that costume. I was still happy. Was in a carefree mood so yeah. Reason why I had to was because Nash Finch was judging all the stores for the circus sale theme thing, and our store manager wanted us to pepp our store up with a Mr. Peanut costume and since I am about 6 feet and somewhat slim...guess who had to where the costume. Me. The store is a freaking circus though. People were dressed like clowns, and if you don't where a clown costume, you had to where a little animal visor. I didnt have to. Not because I wore the peanut outfit, for an hour, but because they didnt have another fishy visor. He he. Sneaky. There's also freaking ribbons all over the place and paintings and circus stuff all over the store. Man. Maybe that was why I was in a carefree mood; I'm in a circus. Except I serve fish and sausage to people. Yeah. If you didn't know I work at Miracle Mart

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