Thursday, August 25, 2005

Places I have come to fear the most

School started today. I have a feeling this year is gonna be a stressful year for me. Mainly because i have a job this year. Let's see, I have first period off, which means I can sleep in, if i so choose. I may just go and do homework. That'll help. I also have fourth off, which means, if you want to do lunch with me, call me around 11:20, and we can do lunch. I'd like that. Why can I do that? Well, we have two lunch periods... we as in the school. Half the students eat at one lunch, and the other half eats at the other time. Anywho, fourth period is the branching point there. So I have an hour and a half for lunch. I have webpage design 2nd period, and algebra 2 third. Fairly easy classes, at least the webpage design. I always thought math was fairly easy. Moving on. The second half of my day is the worst part. That's when I have spanish III, which I'll have homework in, and American Pagent, which combines english 11 with US History, into two periods... they're taught together basically. I expect that to have a bunch of homework, projects, and speeches. Blah. Maybe this year won't be so bad. I do have those two periods off, to do homework. Well I'm off. I might have some webspace tomorrow, whcih means I'll have a website. But I have to work tomorrow night... for 3 hours. It's kinda worthless. That's at Miracle Mart. Speaking of them, they kinda ticked me off today. I went to get my paycheck, and it was upstairs in accounting (it's usually at the service counter). Well, it was up there because they wanted to talk to me about why i didnt go to a mandatory safety meeting. Well, I didn't know about it. Why? All they did was put a little sign about it, at the top of the stairs, and it must have been done after I worked, because I only work on Fri, and Sat, and I usually notice new signs. So they either need to A. Advertise meetings better, or B. Advertise meetings more in advance. I probably was working at Target anyways. Plus I only have two weeks, or 4 working days, left of working at the crappy job. Pretty much, I dislike all the front end manager's there. Well I'm done with my rant about how I hate Miracle Mart. Bye bye.

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