Monday, August 29, 2005

Give me a break, give me a piece of that kik-kat bar

I'm taking a break from my report. For a half an hour I'm like "Ok, experience that shaped me as a person", 5 paragraphs." Well I thought of several events that shaped my life... But none could be stretched to 5 paragraphs. Then I'm like, "This is retarded" because that's what I say about things that take really long thinking, and I end up just dragging the paper out, to try to make the requirements. So I finally thought of something, and it's a good one. It was when I moved here. That was my original idea, but I couldn't think of much to stretch it to 5 paragraphs, so I'm like thinking for a long time about all the events, and what not, and I re reviewed them, and I finally came up with some stuff for the moving here thing. Right now I'm at 3 and half paragraphs, and I have more stuff to write down, so it's going good. Spanish project is still retarded. That one is just retarded... No need to drag out anything, it's just retarded because the teacher's definition of "fun" is "Make students do retarded things, and speak in Spanish to the other students." I don't mind speaking my classmates in Spanish, mainly because no one really cares about what you are saying, so they don't try to translate in their head; it's just the part with "do retarded things" like the music. I really pulled a song out of my head and I went "Mario Theme" so I downloaded it and I'm gonna like burn it to a CD or something... I don't kinda a waste of a CD still. I'm really just repeating myself, from what I said in my previous post. I just really don't want to finish... although I was on a streak. Ok I'm gonna finish.

And remember: If you are a shy person, the best thing to do is to be kind to new kids, and ask if they would like to eat lunch with them. They know nothing about you, and you know nothing about them, so you've got nothing to loose, except you've beaten your shyness.

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