Monday, August 29, 2005

First Monday

Basically, this was the first Monday of school. I think from now on, I'm gonna sleep in on Mondays (since I have first period off). I did that today. I won't tomorrow, because I'll do homework. That extra hour made a big difference. I mean, I was actually not tired. So yeah. If you haven't heard, I got a website. So go there and look at it. Nothing is really on it yet. I haven't had a lot of time within the last few days to do anything. Between school and work, I've found only enough time to upload what's there. I would do it tonight, but it's my day off, and I have a report due on Wednesday, and I work tomorrow, so bah. Let's see... I have Wed. off. That's happy news. And maybe, I won't be too busy to miss youth again. I swear, I'm way too busy, since the only change is that I got a job. Speaking of which, Target is going great. All the people that work there are nice. At Miracle Mart, some of the workers seemed a little... not happy. Some of the people are but some aren't. You know. Especially the managers. Like two of them are nice. maybe three. Well, it doesn't matter to me, because I'm done with the job this Saturday. YAY! So I have a report to do, and I have to do this speech thing for spanish. It's really, really stupid. We have to do a dating type service thing. We have to have some sort of music that matches the personality. You can make up information if you want. But really, I got no music that I can think of. I think I'm gonna use the mario theme song. Just because I'm gonna talk about how I like video games. I mean when you think about it, the mario theme has become the music theme for video games. That works, right? Anywho, I gotta go download that, and put it on a CD. I have to put one song on a CD. Kinda a waste of money. I could put it on a CD RW... but it might not work in the CD player... which wouldn't be a bad thing. The whole thing is stupid in my opinion, and everyone else in my class. The thing has to be in spanish, which is the only thing really related to spanish. *sigh*. At least it only has to be 1 minute. We have to present it, and have the music play in the background.

Come school year, come complaints about teacher's teaching habits, come more posts.

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