Tuesday, December 11, 2007


First semester of college is over for me! Not only that, but for my last paper in English I got a 200/200 points! Yes! Not only that but I got a B on my Cisco final today, and got a 91% for the class (just short of an A). Linux was over a week early. That created less stress for finals. Then for legal reasons, they had to cancel my windows Cerification tests. Well delay them until next year. That took away a lot of stress. So this week I only had a English final, which was just questions like "What did you learn academically in the class", and I also I my cisco final today. And I passed that. I'm pretty sure I passed english. Let's see. 1000 points total. 150/200 for the first essay, 198/200 for the second. A "B" for the third. 200/200 for the last essay. Then the final. Whatever that was. It's a 100 points. So actually it's out of 1050 points. I passed. I don't know what I got for the final in english. I'll find out. I need to return a book to the bookstore tomorrow. So I'm happy. Just wanted to share.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Let it snow

'Twas a wonderful day today. I had the day off from work (one of the few saturdays that I didn't request off) and it snowed as an added bonus. I didn't go outside, but I filled a cup with snow and added some Mountain Dew and that was pretty tasty. I also played a lot of Mario Galaxy. I love that game. Definitely one of my favorite Mario games. I'm at 62 stars right now. Anyways, I came to blog to get my creative juices rolling. I've been busy between work, finals coming up, cysts, and the like. I have a paper due next Friday for English. On the plus side, this is the last and only English class that I have to take (unless there's a hidden english class for a four year degree). So for my two year I only need one English. I tried to write my paper, but I just couldn't get those juices rolling. I have all my notebooks, books, and the like on my bed. Right now my cat is using one of my books to prop herself up. It's kinda funny. I'm gonna take a picture of it. I think I'm suffering from the writer's block. I just I know what I want to say in my paper, but don't know how to say. You know what I mean? My paper is an argument paper and I'm writing it on Video games don't cause violence in children. It's a pretty good topic. I have a couple of sources already. I know what I want to say, but like I said I don't know how to say it. So let me practice here. Right now I have Video games are played by many people around the world. That's all I have. This is what I want to say, I think: 

Many children play video games around the world. Since the number is getting bigger, people are becoming more aware that video games are violent. This makes people make irrational decisions, by placing blame for violence in children on violent video games. People should not blame violence in children on violence in video games.

Something of that nature. It's a rough in the form, and I want to smooth it out. By the way, I'm working on the introduction. The thesis is clear. The thesis is a controversial topic. The reader knows where I stand on the subject. It meets the requirements. I might do something like that. I think I have the juices rolling now. From there on I'll blabber about emotions and logic and ethics. It'll be good and gravy. With that, I bid you a happy snowy December if you have snow where you live.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Gotta Vent

I'm fine right now, but i'll tell you about my cyst later. I gotta vent. My web design teacher is stupid. Why would you have us take a page that was designed with HTML tables, and make it into CSS, when it is easier and better to do this particular page in HTML? She said it took her two hours to convert the page to CSS. I'm like, it took me 5 minutes to create it using tables. In the real world, you would look at those options and go, "Table." I guess if the client has their heart set on tables, i would go "ok" and do tables anyways. as it were I'm not designing websites for other people and if they were to ask me, i'd say ok, but I do choose what form the layout is designed in. I worked on it a little more and discovered something after testing various methods to make it easier. I found one way, that with a little bit of tweaking, that might work. I've also thought htis through. It's five points for every page you don't change to a CSS layout. It almost is worth it to lose 5 points out 50 for this. But I'm too much of a perfectionist. If I get to the point that I'm punching people in the face, I'll just take 5 points.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Pain and Pus

I just have to say this: ouch. Never ever get a Cyst. They hurt. Also, if you drink caffeine on a regular basis, don't stop. I have a horrible headache right now and i assume it's because I haven't had caffeine is a few days. On the plus side, my cyst doesn't feel as bad. Basically this Cyst hurts like a mother. I went to see a doctor and apparently i have to have surgery. That sucks. At least I can cure it, right? Apparently surgeons don't operate on the weekend. Unless you go to the emergency room. I've heard horror stories of Cyst removal and emergency room. Basically the cyst is on my bum. It hurts no matter what I do, especially when I walk, sit, lay on my back, and get in and out of my car. Actually it hurts no matter what, but it is not as bad if I lay on my stomach or my sides. Kneeling on chairs isn't as bad. I have to get the week off from work somehow. I don't know if I'll be able to do that. I'm gonna call our Human Resource person tomorrow and see what she can do. She's nice. I really hate missing work, but I can't work with this pain. I know what happens when people call in sick. They can't find anyone to replace them, and everyone has to stay late. It really sucks being on that end. However it really sucks for me to be in pain. I'm actually sick, unlike some people. I'm gonna lay on my bed and watch tv.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Fairy Tales and Frustrations

It's be again. If i don't post, happy Halloween in advance. Moving on. I'm starting to hate web design even more. It's one of my online classes. The syllabus says something about a final web site that we create ourselves. The topic is on Community or whatever. The thing is, she hasn't mentioned anything about it. There's six weeks left in the semester. She said she should post rubrics and guidelines at a later date. It's just getting annoying. I'm just not going to worry about it. Another thing, she keeps babbling about random stuff that we aren't even doing. Example: we are suppose to do Carolyne's Creations (a website in the book that we are working on) and she said that in the syllabus, and in each assignment week. In her information posts that she posts on the main page of the class website, she talks about Tripsmart at random times. Something about help on number 13 on page 10-24 when the highest number is 4. Then she did a dirty thing to me. 9 weeks into the course she finally switches up her routine and i didn't bother to double check it. For Carolyne's Creation we switched up the layout of just th ehome page, according to the book. In her extra instructions under the assignment she posts doing it for all the pages. I found out by looking at one of her reminder posts about how to do some CSS stuff for the other pages. Luckily she just checks all the pages at the end of the course. But I had to spend a couple of hours doing that today. I was almost done with this week's assignment when i noticed that. Let's just say I wasn't happy. Then it got complicated. I won't go into details because chances are you aren't even reading anymore, but let's just say I took a less complicated way and took her exact instructions to word, even though it meant something else.

On the plus side, my online grammar class is easy. Got a 90% on my midterm. That's the only class I had a midterm in. I miss math, though. A few weeks ago we were doing stuff with binary in Cisco, and I was happy because I got to use math. Aced that test. I love subnetting.

Going back to web design, I came up with a great idea for an April Fool's Day prank on my website. You'll probably forget that I just said that so hehe in advance. Bye.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Coming to You Live from Lappy!

Hey how ya doin'? I hope good. I'm on my laptop because apparently defragging takes a long time in Vista. Granted I had never defragged my 200 Gb partition since I formatted and installed windows, but I didn't think it'd be more then seven hours later. So here I sit. Waiting patiently. Well, I got my online classes done for the week. So that's good. I really don't like laptop keyboards. I also found out where my hard drive space went.

On my Vista partition, I have about 200 Gbs of space. I had only about 50 Gbs left. I had to scratch my head and think where all this space went to. So I figured it out. 53.7 Gbs are in a download folder, 6.1 Gbs are in my Program Files folder, 19 Gbs are in my Program Files (x86) folder, 4.57 Gbs an ISO image of a DVD, 21.8 Gbs is in my Users folder, and 12.8 GBs are in my Windows folder. That comes up to 138.02 Gbs. So add 50 for my free space. That's 188.02 Gbs of space. I still wondered where 12 Gbs went. Then I remembered, I created a backup state for Windows to access if it every died. I'm thinking that's what the extra space is. When I created it, Vista said that it'd be a really really big file. They said it could be 1/3 of my space. I hope that's where it went. I don't feel like formatting for awhile. I am defragging it now, like I said and to ruin that wouldn't be good. What do I have in those files? A lot of crap. Users is where my documents, music, videos, photos, etc are. So that's why that's so big. The x86 program files is where i install programs to. The other one is where programs that don't know what a 64 bit computer goes to when they install. Not very many go there. I don't even know what I have installed in that one. Unreal and Hellgate london, and Stalker, are all installed in the x86, so that's why that's so big. The regular Program Files though, I don't know what takes up 5 Gbs. I have to check that out when it's done.

I just needed something to do so I blogged about something totally random. Later.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Happy Birthday to me!

Ok so my birthday was on Friday, but it's all good and gravy. I think the day was just wonderful, but it sounds boring. My teacher, that I have for three of my classes, was gone and canceled class for friday. So I got to wake up late. While I was eating breakfast, Cartoon Network was like "It's Roy's birthday, let's play Scooby Doo Where Are You? while he eats breakfast. My favorite show. I was happy. Then I opened by cards and got lots of money. Then I had English at 11 so I had to get up for that. Oh well. The class was really easy. Just some peer critiques on our essays. Went out to lunch with a friend. Wendy's was good and we got there right before the rush. I just sat around and watched House. That was good. Then I had to work at 5. That was too bad, but I had a good day. I was in electronics, which makes me happy. It was an easy night, but we were still there until 11. That was a bummer. Still it was a good day. So that was my birthday. I liked it. I'm having a party of sorts today, so that makes up for the lack of party on my birthday. Well I'm gonna go finish editing my essay. Later gator.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

That sucked

Let me tell you a story. For the past couple of days I've been sick, and I've not been sleeping well because of it. Yesterday, I didn't have to work, didn't have class in the afternoon, and I got a lot of stuff done that I needed to do. I needed to finish my layout design for the family reunion site, and i got that done, needed to do my online classes for the week, got that done, and I finally got around to installing the forum on my site. So I thought it was a pretty productive day. Watched some Scrubs with friends that night. Went to bed at midnight, was very tired because of lack of sleep and being sick. I don't have class today, so I was happy that night that I could sleep in as late as i wanted. It was going to be a good night. Fell asleep fairly fast. about 2 am, I wake up to being half asleep. I switched to a different position to fall back asleep. Then I woke up completely. From the right side of my neck, to my right elbow, my shoulder was in pain. And I mean pain. It hurt no matter what position I moved my arm. It was bad. I went upstairs, looked through our medicine cabinet. I found some Absobine JR, but I didn't want to apply a liquid on my shoulder. I found Ibuiprofin (however you spell it) and took one of those. That didn't work. At 3 am I finally asked my mom if she had some muscle pain medicine. She had some spray stuff and that helped. Made my shoulder tingle, but masked the pain a little bit. I finally just layed down, closed my eyes and finally sleep overcame me. Slept good the rest of the night until 11:30. My shoulder still kinda hurts. A hot shower made it feel even more better.

I'm hoping that my shoulder will feel better before work today. I'm still sick too. It kinda sucks. Well I'm gonna go do something else. Later.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Cisco's Tough

Hello everybody. I'm getting ticked at Adobe. I just downloaded and installed updates, and i restarted because it prompted me to, and it decides that it needs to install some more things. Then it decides to interrupt my typing. Oh well. I took my first Cisco test yesterday. When the teacher said that they were notoriously hard, he wasn't kidding. I reread the chapter the night before, did the review, took the chapter quiz, and i still got a D+. Freaking adobe. It decided it couldn't complete the install because firefox was running. screw them. It's really the wording of the questions. Then they are multiple answer questions. That didn't make things easier. Oh well. the teacher offers test retake days every couple of weeks. I understand the material, the questions are just worded odd. I'm trying to think of an example. Nope got nothing. The questions aren't anything like the quiz you take online, or the review questions. They're just odd. Anyways, enough about that.

The plus side is that I revived Vista. It's breathing is normal. The thing i dislike about reinstalling Vista is that it doesn't format the partition, it just detects that there's another version of Windows, and creates a folder called "oldwindows" and puts it in C drive. Basically it puts everything, including old windows files, in that folder. So I have 40 Gbs of extra stuff just lying in a folder. The nice part is that I can copy and paste like documents and music from there.

So my friend is looking at building a computer. He asks me for help. So I'm browsing around newegg, and was looking at processors. Well I have an AMD 64 X2 6000+. It's an awesome processor. I paid 513 bucks for it. Wasn't cheap. That was in June. I look at it now, and it's 170 bucks. I was kinda ticked. I couldn't believe it. Then there was one slightly better for 250 bucks. I was thinking about buying it and giving my friend my old processor, but then i noticed the new one doesnt have a cooling device. Processor run hot and I want a cooling device with my processor. Plus I'm not made of money. So I didn't. I found some good stuff for him for a pretty good price. 650 bucks is about what his computer will cost. We bought some parts today because they were on sale and had some rebates. Al together we saved 45 bucks, but those include mail in rebates and those take forever. Anyways I'm going to do some web design work. Later.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


I hate it when people do stupid things. Especially when it's my friends. Two of my best friends got in a car with one of my friend's coworker, and he decided to 70 mph around a bend on a dirt road. I'm no expert of dirt roads, but when my cousin dies in a similar fashion on a dirt road, i know it's not a good idea to be going that speed, especially around a bend. Yes they did get in an accident and they were VERY lucky. I have my suspicions that alcohol was involved, although i haven't asked my friends directly. I figured if they want to tell they will. Either way it was stupid. first off, if there was alcohol involved, they, my friends, should not have gotten in the car. If alcohol was not involved, then my friends should have been intelligent enough to tell the guy to slow down. There's a thin line between stupid and fun, and they crossed it. The driver messed up his spine pretty bad and is lucky that he is not paralyzed, and is still in the hospitol with two rods up his spine and bolts and screws coming out of his body. He's able to walk. My friend in the front has an extra vertibrae in his spine, and damaged a disk in his spine or something like that. He never had to stay in the hospitol but got some pain pills and said to take it really easy for two months. Now he was going to Korea for Tai Kwon Do (i think that's right) in Nov, but not anymore. I don't feel sorry for him a bit. Yes he's my friend, but I don't want to be grieving over someone else who got killed in a car accident. My other friend in the back seat is even more lucky, because he walked away unhurt. Just minor whiplash that he felt for a day and went away.

Now you may wonder, why i think alcohol was involved. Because of stupidity my dear. First off, the driver, who i said had a really messed up back after the accident, walked away and laid (lied?) down at home until the next day when he couldn't move at all. His spine was twisted in ways a spine is not supposed to be twisted. You're not suppose to move a body from a car accident that has a messed up spine. You're suppose to call the police and ambulance. They didn't, and i can imagine that the pain was great, but they didn't want to get caught with a dui and a minor. Actually there's not two. Just that one great argument.

I hope alcohol wasn't involved. My friends are not the type to drink. I'm not the type to drink especially after my cousin's death. But people act differently with other people.

Morally of the story. Don't be stupid. Don't drink and drive. Don't drive fast on dirt roads.


Sunday, August 26, 2007


Hi all. I know it's amazing: I'm actually blogging again and it hasn't taken me a few months! So college is sweet. I have awesome teachers. Then again, I have only two teachers that i see. I have the same teacher for 3 of my classes, Windows, Linux, and Networking. Then I have another teacher for English, and he is awesome. He's a teacher that's hard to explain, but so far I've only had two classes with him and both times he's left the room for 15 minutes. I guess if you sneak out, all you are doing is wasting money (lots of it). Plus he's just funny and fun. Then i have online classes so I haven't met them and probably won't unless I absolutely do not understand something. I was able to access my online classes the next day from my last post, just to let you know. Still don't have my book for Web Design. It's actually called Electronic Publishing, but it's just Web Design from high school. On a different subject, Vista died. If you have me on MSN and want to ask me about it, go for it. I miss Vista... wait i have it on my Lappy. Yeah I know I stole the name from Strong Bad, but hey, I'm going to copy it. I still miss Vista on my desktop. Vista does have better performance over XP i figured out. It takes way to long for XP to load. I'd say an extra two or three minutes for it to load up into XP then Vista. But I also want to warn you before you go out and buy Vista: make sure your computer is good enough. I'd say at least 2 Gb of ram and a decent processor. I hate people who are like "Vista sucks. I got it and my computer runs so slow." How much ram do you have. "1 Gb." That's why it runs slow. Vista is a ram hog. Some people might say this is a bad thing, and maybe it is, but really, ram is dirt cheap. And Vista looks pretty. I probably won't sway any of the Vista haters out there, but hey, I like it. Umm... what else. Well if i think of anything else I'll make another post. Later cats.

Monday, August 20, 2007

The Colors

Hello everyone. Well i start college tomorrow. I only have one class tomorrow, and it doesn't start until 1. I also have some online classes which i hope I'll be able to access tomorrow. I got an email for one of my classes online saying I could access it today, but when i tried, it failed miserably. So either I'm doing something wrong, which is possible, or it's not up yet, which is also possible. The thing is, i got an email for the same class telling me I had an assignment that's due next Sunday. I'm really hoping i can access it tomorrow. Something else that kinda ticks me off though is you pay tons of money on books, and when you go to buy them, they don't have them or the teacher still hasn't decided if they are going to use a certain book, even though it's 7 days before class. I figured you should know what book you are going to teach from 7 days before class. So i need two books. One for Electronics publishing, and the other for Networking Fundamentals. Another thing on the Electronics Publishing. I'm kinda ticked about that because in high school i took Web page design which is the same thing as Electronic Publishing, and i had the opportunity to take it as a college credit. I didn't because i didnt think i was going to need it. Sigh. Well i think i'm going to head to bed. Later.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

It's Cool

It's a wee bit cool down here. I updated the look of my blog. I might change it again. We'll see how this looks for awhile. Enjoy.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

What is there to say?

Hey everyone. I just wanted to swing by and blog. It has been awhile but here I am. I thought I would update you on my life because that's what blogs are for. I don't even know if anyone besides my brother reads this anymore. Oh well. I was going to talk about Vista, than I looked over my blog and realized I already had. So you just got lucky and did not have to hear me yammer on what I was going to say of what i already said. I've been playing video games of late. Lots of them. First one was Warcraft 3. The main reason I got back into that is because i read Warcraft War of the Ancients trilogy, which is a very good series, and it sparked my interest and understanding of the Warcraft universe further. I didn't really like Warcraft before I read some of the books, but now I do. It makes a lot more sense now. Especially since a few characters from Warcraft 3, such as Illidan, Furion, and Tyrande, are all in War of the Ancients Trilogy. It's a good read. You'll especially like it if you love Warcraft. Another game I've been playing is Shadow of the Colossus. That is an awesome game. Highly recomended from this person. I saw it for Target for 15 bucks and was like, "Sure I'll give it a try" and it was definitely worth it. It's not 15 bucks anymore, but it's 20. I'd run out and buy it right now if you are looking for a great game. Another game I picked up Super Paper Mario. I picked it up going "I heard good reviews. I kinda liked Paper Mario for the 64. Sure I'll give it a shot." Boy was it a good idea. One of my favorite Mario games and that is saying a lot. It's 2d action meeting with 3d. There's Pixls, and characters. Bowser is also a playable character which is fun. Nothing like watching him swim and vomit fire. If you have a Wii, pick this one up. Best game for the Wii since Twilight Princess. One more thing and then I'm off. I've updated my website, www.royfuss.com, which you should visit. I redesigned it, and I have a forum up. The problem is I need people for the Forum to work. I have three people, including myself. So stop on by. Thank you for listening.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Microsoft messes up, but not Vistas fault?

So yesterday i took my new 320 gb harddrive, and installed Windows XP x64 on it, than partitioned it and installed Vista on half of the harddrive. I only a few problems with Vista, but nothing that windows update didn't fix, or just finding an internet download didn't fix. Update fixed my video card driver problem, and than finding the drivers on the internet for my motherboard fixed the problem of my CD not running for the drivers. So that went well. After i got settled in, i went back to XP. Well i couldn't get my wireless network card to work (which i later found out how to fix) so i decided to reinstall XP. Never ever ever do that when dual booting the two. Basiclly, it messes up the boot loader thingy for Windows when you want to choose between the two. I could only boot XP, and not Vista. I try as i may, I couldn't find an alternative. So finally i just decided to wipe the harddrive and start over again. So here I am waiting for the harddrive to format and windows XP installation. After than I will partition the harddrive using GParted. After than, I will install Vista on the new partition. Speaking of Vista, let me share my thoughts about it. It's very beautiful. I mean the prettyness is just awesome. I can't believe I'm saying something good about a Microsoft product. You have to have a high end machine for it. I do as I discussed in a previous post. So i don't recomend it if you dont have a high end PC. Vista does ask everytime you run a new program, if you want the program to run. So that is kind of a down side, but I haven't really gotten irritated by it. Another thing is that on my friend's Vista laptop, i didn't know how to change the internet card settings. Well on my PC now, I just kinda guessed and found everything. So it's pretty logical i guess. It's deffinitely different. The only other thing i can think of is that sometimes it can't read cd drivers. For example, my motherboard. I found the drivers on the internet though i just downloaded them and installed. Worked like a charm. I was kinda worried about Itunes support. For one I was running Vista, but I was also running an x64 version. On apple's website it says they don't support x64 versions of Windows. Yikes. I tried to install itunes anyways. It worked fine. I guess I didn't try to play any songs, but it did install. The reason i didn't test itunes is because i decided to go to XP and install things, whcih ultimately lead to the 2 windowses (?) deaths together. If you ever get the oppertunity to format a 320 gb. harddrive, don't. It takes about an hour. well im gonna let you guys go bye.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


I decided that I would update. I must say it has been awhile since I've really really looked forward to a CD. Probably John Reuben's Boy Vs. The Cynic was the last CD I really really looked forward to. I would listen to Nuisance on his website a lot. Now Linkin Park is releasing a new CD finally and I've listened to their song What I've Done a lot and boy I am excited for it. So I can't wait until May 15. I also found a pretty sweet program that I think everyone should have. It's called Download Accelerator Plus. Downloads files faster from the internet. I didn't believe it until I saw it myself. What it does it partitions the file into smaller files and downloads them. It makes downloading a lot faster. I'm gonna give you an example. Using Firefox's downloading program, I downloaded Unreal Tournament's Mega Pack, which is a 200 megabyte file, in about 45 minutes. With Accelerator Plus, I downloaded it in about 20 minutes. Yeah. Little less than 20 minutes actually. So i recommend it. I also upgraded my computer BIG time. I bought a new motherboard so i could support all my new stuff. I had a 450 watt power supply, and upgraded to a 680 watt to handle my new stuff. I got a pretty new case to put it in. It's a full sized case, with 2 fans on the side, one big fan in the back and one fan on top. they all have blue lights, except the one in the back. The case looks like a transformer and has a green light where the transformer mouth would be. You know what, here's pictures of it. It's a heavy bugger, but my old computer overheated all the time so i needed a bigger case and more fans. This thing does not overheat, not even while I play oblivion on full specs. Which brings me to the guts. Got a new video card. I had a 128 megabyte ATI video card. Now i have a 768 Megabyte Nivdeo 8800 GTX video card. I needed a full sized case to fit that baby in. It's about the length from my palm to my elbow. It's long. Next was my processor. I didn't skimp on the either. I used to have a 2.2 GHz single core AMD preocesor. Now I have a AMD 6000+ series 3.02 GHz dual core processor. Yeah. It's awesome. Next was my memory. I went from 512 Megabytes of RAM to 2 Gigabytes. It's awesome. I run Oblivion without a hitch. It's a fun game. I also bought STALKER. That's a freaky game. If you give me a gun and tell me there are enemies everywhere, I'm fine in first person shooters. STALKER is different however. You are put inside an area known as the Zone. It's Chernobyl, you know the place where the Nuclear Power Plant blew up. Lots of radiation. Anyways, it's creepy. First off, the weather effects are amazing. The wind is creepy as anything. You wonder around the Zone fearing that you'll get snuck up on by mutants. I looked up the enemies and know there's a mutated dog somewhere, and some crows that are creepy. So when I'm walking around the Zone, by myselft, nothing really but trees, the wind blowing creepily, dogs howling, and crows cawing, but nothing is attacking me... I get freaked out. And this is DAY time. I haven't even gotten to night time I'm so freaked out. If i find some cheats or something to make me invincible, I'll feel a little safer, but I'll still freak out when something jumps out at me. So if you want to be in suspense a lot, I recommend this game... but than again I am a scaredy cat. Ask by brother. I slept with a night light until I was 15. Still can't play Resident Evil games. Nights.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Whaaaat's Happenin'?

So I ordered a new computer... parts. I enjoy building my own computer vs. buying one. It's a lot more customizable. For instance: I bought a 768 mb video card... it's huge. and awesome. It'll keep my video games running at full specs for awhile. I also got an AMD 3.0 ghtz dual core processor. Another thing that'll keep things running. I even bought a new case... good thing too. The video card is HUGE! About twice the length of a "regular" video card. Won't fit in a "normal" sized case. Now I didn't think the video card would be as big as it is when i bought the case. I just new the video card and processor would produce a lot of heat, so i wanted a big case, and one with lots of fans. This case came with 3 "small" fans and one big one. It's nice. It even has lights. I enjoy the look of it. What's with all the quotes? I use size terms lightly. It really depends on what's your definition of "normal" is. Anyways, moving on. So with all of these awesome parts, I have to have something to power this. I thought a 600 watt (a good sized power supply) power supply would handle it. So i ordered one. I get it, and realize that the video card would need two peripheral power plugs... i have 6 to use. I need two for hard drives, two for cd/dvd drives, and I want to use two for the fans and lights. Not enough for the video card too. So i send it back (I lost 15 bucks in the process of returning it and restocking it). I buy a better 680 watt with 8 peripherals. And it has lights. the computer as a whole is nice. I receive the motherboard last. I put it in the case, line it up so that the inputs can be plugged in (keyboard, mouse, etc) and the PCI express ports line up perfectly so the video card inputs (for monitors) are outside the case. This is fantastic. Alright now to screw it in... why don't i see the holes on the case through the holes of the motherboard? Crap. There's probably 25 or so holes pre drilled in the case. two holes actually line up with the motherboard's hole. I call Derek (praying he has a solution) and he told me that I needed to use some special screws, etc. I didn't have these screws, but he said he did and would bring them on Friday. So I'm waiting patiently. The only thing in my case right now is the power supply. Can't do much except connect the fans and lights. I had a little more than a week to wait, but I needed to get ready for a formatting of the hard drive. I needed a few things. Mainly some Microsoft Office action. So i got Office 2007 and installed it (i wanted to check it out) and boy was i surprised. Microsoft simplified it. No more menu bar at top with "File" "Edit" "View" etc. Instead, they have a fairly good size toolbar. It's a tabbed toolbar. meaning you click on the "Home" tab and you find the font options, center, color, etc. Than you click on the "Insert" tab for tables, shapes, pictures, etc etc. I think this is a good idea for people who don't know a lot about computers. I mean it's simple. You can hover over "B" under home and it'll say "Bold - make the selection text bold" etc etc. Good idea, right. I mean i had to relearn where things are, but it was simple to relearn and I probably know everything I could do in 2003 in just a matter of minutes. Probably the only praise Microsoft will get from me. I'm also gonna try Windows Vista. I have to check it out. So I'm gonna. I'm going to try to have Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Linux running on this computer. It'll be interesting. Anyways I'll keep you updated. Later.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Pocket Lent

You really don't realize how smell affects your appetite until you have fasted. For Lent I decided to fast every Wednesday, so today I fasted. It went well. I've done 30 hour famine before, where you fast for 30 hours and raise money for a growing food in third world countries. But we stayed in the church basement and had no signs of food around. Just juice. So when i fasted today and went to school and what not, it wasn't too bad. I went with friends to Taco Bell, just to hang out with them, and I was like "I really want a cheesy ghordita crunch!" Just because of the smell in there. I held firmly though. Than I went with a friend across the street from the school to the gas station to get some drinks, because I can drink stuff, but not eat stuff, and he decided to get a Waffle cone since it's waffle cone Wednesday. I was looking at it and it made me hungry. Again i held strong. Than at home my dad was making Tacos. I almost lost it. I don't normally like tacos but it smelt sooooooooooooooo good. I held of firmly though. And here i sit typing to you folks. I also bought two CDs today. Amberlin Cities and Toby Mac's Portable Sounds. I had no idea Amberlin released a new CD, until i got to the Rainbow Shop and there it sat. So I picked it up. I spent 36 bucks exactly on them. I get home and surfed the internet and checked out Target's ad, and i find out we have both the CDs and they are on sale for 9.99. So if you plan on picking up either of these CDs, go to Target. I guess I did support the Rainbow Shop, so it wasn't all bad. More good news. My bro and Ashley are coming to town on friday! YAY! he gets to install my amp and get linux working on my computer. Exciting considering it's HIS birthday. hehe. Well I'm gonna head off to bed so later catzzzzz.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Perfect Circle

Hey everyone. I told I'd blog more. I don't work until 5 today so i have some downtime at least. I CD player in my car went out a couple weeks ago and my brother took a look at it and found nothing wrong... except for the obvious fact that it wouldn't turn on. He used a voltage meter to check the wires and it said everything was fine. Well, Steve looked at my CD Player and used a voltage meter and my main power wasn't getting any power. So then we check the Radio Ignition fuse. I even knew what that did. Apparently it was shot to death. So I bought a new one and put it in, and now my CD player works. Yay! How my brother didn't think about checking that is beyond me. Anyways, I also bought a new CD player, just because I want one that I can plug my IPod into. It's nice. I also bought an amp while I was at it. I needed one for my Subs that have been sitting in my car for about a year now and I had no amp for it. You think I waited long enough? I wanted to get new speakers to, but the speakers I wanted were 55 bucks a pop, and times that by four is 220 bucks. Yeah. Plus I thought about when I tried to take off the side panel to my doors, and that wasn't fun. So I opted to not get a set of nice speakers. I bought the new Swichfoot CD on Saturday, Oh, Gravity and I liked it. It's a different sound for them, but it sounds great. I don't have much to elaborate on. It's just awesome. Apparently I've been spelling awesome wrong for the past some-odd years. I never knew it has an e between the w and s. I guess it makes more sense that way. The new blogger has spelling correction in it. I like it. You don't have to put up with as much of my bad spelling. I'm off to play some Wiiage before work. Later cats.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I don't feel so bad

I don't feel bad anymore. I just checked my blog list, and no one has updated for a while. Slackers.

Satan Sick?

I think my wonderful fat cat got hurt by a seven year old. She looks mean in the picture, but if you have met her, then you know that Satan is a fitting term. But she's nice to my brother and me. Anyways, I think the seven year old broke her cause she makes a weezy meow sound every now and then. Which is not normal. She usually has a raspy meow sound, but this sounds more like a moan. So sad. Oh by the way, if you forgot, my name is Roy and this is my blog. I've been very busy with work and school, so I haven't gotten a chance to update. Maybe I'm lying through my teeth and I've been playing my new Wii. It's kind of a combination. I've been working about 35 hours a week, and then I go to school for 35 hours, and on my days off I just don't get the initiative to blog. Now it's getting back to normal, with the new Target store not being so new, and the holidays done. Ah relief. Hopefully my hours will be cut. I will be happy. I've updated my website every now and then, and that'll take care of my Wii explanation of how much I like it. I suggest you buy one too. Speaking of my brother, he told me twice that i should update, so here I am. Happy? Speaking of the holidays, my Christmas was wonderful. I got a week off of work, I went to my grandma's and had Christmas up at my Aunt and Uncle's house. Joyful. I got a new sweatshirt which several people have nagged me to get a new one. Happy? I also received some cash money and a cash money shredder. An automatic shower cleaner, that requires you push a button when you get out of the shower. I didn't clean my shower before so this actually makes me work harder. I'm drawing a blank of what else I got. I got rechargeable batteries from my bro. Those are great for my Wiimotes :). Anyways I enjoyed the time spent with family for the most part. I also went up to my brother's apartment for a few days. That was pretty fun. I think my cat is still in shock from the seven year old. I've never seen her like this. I told you that I was gonna tell you about Bolivia. Whoops. My bad. I'll tell you when I have more time. I have a lot of junk I need to do such as: Work on website, play Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin, Play Zelda Windwaker, Play Zelda Twilight Princess, Play Castlevania: Curse of Darkness, beat various other games, read at least 12 books that I've been slowly working on, and the list goes on. I just remember that I need to finish a book that I barrowed from my youth pastor. I got half way through it. I should really finish it. It's good. I don't know why I didn't finish it sooner. It's been like 2 months or so. So i think i should set that to priority one. My cat looks really pitiful. I feel really bad for her. Anyways, that was my update. Happy? Happy Halloween, Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year. -Roy J