Friday, April 30, 2004


Loving, gentle, friendly, computer fixer upper, brother, friend, helper, this can go on forever if we let it.

My blog isn't quarnatined... but it would be if i would have posted the post i did. I need some help. See My computer has apparently downloaded something from a site that i visited and i didn't approve or even knew about what it had done. See a... thing, has infected my computer. Not a hacker and I am pretty sure not a virus. But I have the google toolbar which blocks a great deal of pop ups that come my way... if not all of the pop ups that come my way. Well see i get this pop up in my email, and on sites that don't have pop ups, and when i push the preview post button, and all sorts of sites. They are the same pop ups... i mean to say is that there are different, but it shows the same ones over and over again. Is that confusing? I don't know how else to put it. Also, another odd feature is that when there are certain words on a page (I wont tell which words in this blog for the reason that they will quarantine my blog, and we don't want that to happen.) they will be underlined and highlighted and it will link me to a this place. I wont link it:|1||||Certain word|AA1VDw. DON'T GO THERE! I just that that the might give yoiu a hint on what it might be caused by. On google, when i type something in to find, the first page of findings are other search engines... well i accidently clicked the first one, cause usually the first one is the best... but at the time i didn't know google was doing that with the search engines... so i came to a page with pop ups gallor. ANd that is when all this began. I right clicked on one of the links to find a something, and I found a program there. I went to the remove programs and i found it there and i removed it... but it's still there. Any suggestions? HELP! (also, until i get all this fixed, I wont be posting mysterys cause it will mess it up. Hopefully I can find a "cure" to this so you can go back to the enjoyment of mysterys.)

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

I really should not spell things wrong and mess up stuff

I mean to put in the title below (Mystery part 5. now six. Im working on six tonight.) HOLY FREAKING MONKEY! You don't know it but i just mispelt like all the words and messed up on a lot of stuff in this one post! Good thing God created the Delete Key on keyboards.
Mystery Part 6... is down one post.

SO you get to listen to me blabber. Note: your cool word is "blabber", or better yet, "blabber mouth." Well you get to listen to me say some stuff. First off, if you have any questions on the mystery, for i know that I talk about something that you know nothing about and that i should've explained, but didnt. If you have any questions, please E-mail me ( or or if you are on my MSN list, just instant message me. With that said, I will talk about the grand message that Pete gave tonight. It was right on time for me. I mean I am almost done with the book of Job, and he talked about it. It is one of the best books in the Bible that I've read, and I've read a lot. I might just finish Job tonight. I'm on chapter 35 so i might finny. Now you get to listen to me grumble cakes about school. One thing that is bugging me is that my teacher is saying less then he actually means. Maybe I'm just confused and missed something, but I wouldn't be the only one if i did cause some of my classmates agree with me. See this teacher, in his class we make a T-shirt, etch a design into glass, cut a design into plexy glass, and it's a fun time. Well anywhos, he is talking about the T-shirts(good thing i proofread this) and nothing else, and he says this, you can make any design on your TSHIRT except drugs, weopons, and bands. Now im cool with that. But he is talking about T-Shirts and nothing else, and he didnt say any limitation on the plexy glass except the size. Well i had a band logo that was a perfect size piece, and my teacher figures out it's a band, and he docks me ten points. (it was worth 30 points so that was a lot). Now i have an A in that class so it doesn't really matter. But he was talking about the T-Shirts. No where did he say the words "Plexy Glass". he wasn't even talking about the plexy glass taht day. So maybe I was suppose to figure it out, but like i said a lot of my classmates heard the same thing i did. Oh well. I have an A in that class anyways. Well enough about that. I just needed to get that out. I feel better now. Well I might work on Part seven for you all. I'm going to have to change that little thing about reading that one post "Mystery?!?" soon cause it will be going into archives soon. Well by my people, but not without some Words of Wisdomness: Beware of teh words "Error on page." when it is at the bottom left hand corner of your screen. For some reason that is right there now. Ok here is your real Words of Wisdomness: "The bird does not sing because it has to answer. It sings because it has a song." ~Chinese Proverb. Never ever try to make a better translation of a Chinese Proverb. I just tried that and it didn't work to well. But I think that you get the picture, and I do too. Have a lovely night/day/afternoon/evening. the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the that that that that that that that that that that that the the the of the the the that that that that.
Mystery Part Five.

Please before reading this, read the post named “Mystery?!?” and the Mysteries in order. This will make a lot more sense if you do.

Sorry about the wait. I was caught up in one of my favorite N64 Games, Destruction Derby 64. I love that game. We should get married! But I've been playing that, while part 5 is collecting dust on my computer hard drive. I hope to finish the mystery in under 25 parts. I shall work on part six tonight after church. Before it is tomorrow, here is part 5:

Jeffery Sickleson. Old Jeff. I knew him in college. He was the life of the party. Not only the life of the party, but gifted. He could stay up the night before a big test, and he would party, but he would get an A on the test. Seemed like you could never stump him. He was by best friend. I had many friends in college, and so did he. But we he was my true best friend, and I was his. After college, he kinda just disappeared. He left me a note. It had said he was going to seek fortune. He must have found it… but he had lost it in a moment because of it. I didn’t just know him in college, but I grew up with him. We never said that we would part. We both passed high school and went to the same college. He wasn’t always “gifted.” He obtained it in college. I wish he hadn’t died… especially only at the age of 33.
“I remember Jeff,” said Daisy, “he had been an owner of a popular club in Texas. He had hired me as a waitress there. He knew all of his employees very well. He took them out to lunch and would help you with any problem you had. At the time I had a boyfriend. He was a thief. I wanted to break up with him, but was afraid to tell him. I brought my problem to Jeff, and he said he would tell him for me. I told Jeff I would appreciate it. I brought my boyfriend to the club and Jeff sat down with him and had a drink. I slipped away saying I was going to the ladies room, but really I watched behind a fake plant. I couldn’t hear, but I saw my boyfriend get angry and he left. The next day when Jeff went to open up the club, his club was demolished. I was helping him open up the club so I saw it too and knew that it was my boyfriend. We found a note saying that if Jeff didn’t leave in a week, he would be demolished. So Jeff packed his bags and high-tailed it on out of there. I never saw him since. I knew him a little over a year.”
“I have my own story about him; and about someone else in this room.” Said Holland, “I knew old Jeff for a year. We were partners along with one other person. Though I was young and only 19 at the time, he accepted me as a partner. I was a gifted child I guess you would say. And still only 23, I know a lot, if not everything about the business we were going into. We were going to start a high technical business. It was going to be as large as Sony®. We were in the planning stages, but all of a sudden, Jeff got a strange note. It was not signed. It had said that we should stop the planning and forget about it. We were almost done when we received this, but Jeff decided to quit. The next day the other partner and I went to his apartment and was told that he had paid his rent and left. I mentioned the other partner. Would that person like to reveal yourself?”
“Yes,” we heard Kris say, “My story is the same as his. Jeff was more then a partner, but a true friend to us. Like Daisy said, he would help us with anything. We were very close to him.”
“And that is when he moved to Starsgale, I presume” said Chuck, who had been quiet all this time. “He was in the same business that I am in. I heard of him taking his life, but didn’t believe it. We were partners. The money in this town is odd. It is in the sewers of this town. In the old Trache sewers we found that there is an unidentified mineral. Scientists have been studying it for years, but not as much as Jeff and I have. When I heard that he took his life, I didn’t believe it until I saw his body at the funeral. I thought that maybe this mineral had some sort of thing that could mess with the brain if you were around it too much. I thought that that had happened to Jeff. I studied the mineral further, and discovered its contents. It was not man made. The contents were made of unidentified elements. We are still not sure what these elements can do, but Jeff and I figured out that it could fuel a car for a lifetime, or power the United States for an eternity. I don’t know why, but the less energy an object needs to be powered, the faster the mineral burns up. That’s all I know about the mineral. I have no clue of its disadvantages.”
“And you Mr. Slanders,” asked Slitwit, “how do you know Jeffery Sickleson?”
“All I wish to share is that I knew him.” I said. I didn’t want them to know Jeff’s deepest and darkest secret.

This is the end of the long part 5.

If you need a reminder how each character knows Jeff, this is the section to look in.

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Mystery Part Four.

Please read the post "Mystery ?!?" before reading any of these posts if you haven't already. This will make more sense if you do. Thank you.

Yeah, I just got it done. It's a little short, but enjoyable. I forgot what else i was going to say. I remember now. I don't think my blog is screwed up. I think my borther is crazy, but he's Crazy Destroyer. Here it is, Part 4.

“I have asked you all here for a reason,” said Slitwit, “you all have something in common, and yet you know nothing about each except names. You are here for one and one reason only. In my letter I talked about an old friend. Well that one friend has been killed. The cops say it was suicide, but I knew him too. I knew that he wouldn’t commit suicide. He couldn’t. One thing that puzzles me is why he was murdered if that is the case. Mr. Slanders, I saw you looking at a picture out there. It caught your eye didn’t it?”
“Yes, I did see it to be familiar. Who is it may I inquire?” said I.
“Ah, so none of you remember him?”
Everyone shook their head says that they had never seen him or that he looked familiar.
Mr. Slickwit said, “That is because only Mr. Slanders and I would know that he looked like that. The rest of you would know him by name and a different appearance. Mr. Jeffery Sickleson.” Thunder cracked in the background as he said that. Jeff. I knew him. Of course I should have known that it was he in the picture. That scar. I don’t remember him having a scar.
“How did he die?” I asked.
“He died when his car ran over a cliff. Reason why the authorities think suicide is because he was wealthy and had a driver, but that night he was driving himself, he was taking a road that he would never take, and there was a note.”
“What did the note say?” asked Holland.
“It was a suicide note in his handwriting, but something tells me that it was forced. The handwriting was sloppy, and as you know, Jeff had very neat handwriting. Another odd thing is that I searched the site and found that the police had missed something. I found footprints. I didn’t want to report it for I think that someone in the police had deliberately missed them.”
“That still leaves me with one question,” asked Kris, “why do we all need to be here?”
“We need to find out who did it, of course,” said Slitwit, “and I think that it may have been one of you.”

This is the end of section 4. It’s short but informative. I was pressuring myself to get this done so that’s a reason. Also I like cliff hangers.
Jeffery Sickleson: dead person that everyone seems to know. Had a scar on his left hand.

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Report of blog screwing up.

I've had a report that on my blog that it uses some different letters of some sort on my blog after a certain point. But when he refreshed it it went back to normal. But then it happened to him again. So if it does do that... refresh the page i guess. Oh and my blog didn't get expanded by the last post. So that is happy day. Well im done. You can expect part 4 tomorrow.

Friday, April 23, 2004

Mystery Part Three.

Again please read the post "Mystery?!?". This will make a lot more sense.

Hey I said i would meet my deadline. Sorry bout it being 40 minutes before my deadline to be over. I had a lot going on. First i had to get a haircut. That was nice. Then I had to do the dishes and feed the doggy. And after this i went to my friends house for his birfday party. That was fun. We played some lazer tag and some game with a ball and throwing it over a roof and the other side tries to catch it and if they did they run over and hit the other side, and the side that threw it had to run around the shed before they hit us. yeah it was fun. Then we had a lot of pop and some ice cream cake :). SO here i am and I have part three done. Part three introduces you to a lot of characters. I got this done last night at the last second so you get it now. you might get part four if i start and finish it tomorrow. Well enough of my babbling. Part three:

Section 3.

We pulled up to the door, I started to take my bags out, “You can just leave your bags in the truck, we will not be staying here for the night” said Chuck.
We went up to the door and I rang the doorbell… or at least I was about to, but then someone opened the door. It was a butler. “You are expected Jacob and Charles,” said he. “Follow me.”
We followed him down a hall. The hall had lots of old paintings of people, who I did not know… though one caught my eye. The guy looked suspiciously familiar. It wasn’t a painting like the rest either. It was as big as the rest, but was a modern photograph. The guy in the picture was dressed in a black suit, like one that a groom would wear. Another feature I noticed was that he had a scar on his left hand.
As we followed the butler down the hall we came to a room where a man was sitting. He was slim and pale. He was wearing a black top hat and black pants and black shirt. He looked to be about forty years old, and he had a scar along his right cheek.
“Gentlemen, I am expecting 3 more people,” he said “please make yourself comfortable. Would you like a drink?” He was pouring me some wine before I could even answer, of course I wouldn’t have denied a good drink. “It’s from the year 1895. Good year for wine.” Said he.
“I won’t take any. I’m not a drinker.” Said Chuck.
“So can you tell us why we are here Mr. Slitwit?” said I.
“I cannot tell you until the other guests arrive.”
DONG! DONG! DONG! DONG! “And it seems that they have arrived.” Said he.
“I would like to present to you Mr. Holland Sivic, Miss Kris Slaint, and Miss Daisy Sopherson,” said the butler.
“Thank you Hoges” said Mr. Slitwit. The butler, Hoges, then went away. “Drink?” said Slitwit. They kindly declined. “Looks like it is just you and me Mr. Slanders.”
“Please call me Jacob.”
“I will refer to you all to your last names, as you will refer to me to my last name. You can refer to the other people in this room as they wish,” Said Mr. Slitwit.
“You can call me Jacob,” I said to the others.
“You can refer to me as Chuck.”
“Call me Holland,” said the man who looked to be about twenty. He was wearing a tee shirt and blue jeans. Despite his age, he sounded very sophisticated, and well mannered.
“Just call me Kris,” said a beautiful young girl to be about the same age as Holland. She wore glasses and she looked like a businesswoman and seemed quiet. One very odd thing that struck me was that she had a scar on her right arm. It was hard to see because it looked like she had applied make up on it.
“Y’all can just call me Daisy,” said the other girl who looked to be no older then 30. She had blonde hair, and had a Southern accent. She seemed a bit… peppy.
It is odd to me that so many people here and not here in person, such as the photograph, had scars on their body. But I suppose all people have secrets that they don’t want to be shared.
“Ok. Let’s get down to business.” Said Slitwit.

This is the end of section 3. Man that was long.

Characters… so many.
Holland Sivic: 20 years of age. Sophisticated. Wore tee shirt and blue jeans.
Kris Slant: 20 years old. Scar on arm. Businesswoman who is quiet.
Daisy Sopherson: Blonde. From the South. Peppy.
Hoges: thee butler. (does the butler do it?)
Jonathon Slitwit: Pale. Skinny. Forty years old. Scar on right cheek.

I think this may screw up my blog by making it wide so my links and stuff might be at the bottom again. I'm not sure yet though.
Mystery Part Three.

Again please read the post "Mystery?!?". This will make a lot more sense.

Hey I said i would meet my deadline. Sorry bout it being 40 minutes before my deadline to be over. I had a lot going on. First i had to get a haircut. That was nice. Then I had to do the dishes and feed the doggy. And after this i went to my friends house for his birfday party. That was fun. We played some lazer tag and some game with a ball and throwing it over a roof and the other side tries to catch it and if they did they run over and hit the other side, and the side that threw it had to run around the shed before they hit us. yeah it was fun. Then we had a lot of pop and some ice cream cake :). SO here i am and I have part three done. Part three introduces you to a lot of characters. I got this done last night at the last second so you get it now. you might get part four if i start and finish it tomorrow. Well enough of my babbling. Part three:

Section 3.

We pulled up to the door, I started to take my bags out, “You can just leave your bags in the truck, we will not be staying here for the night” said Chuck.
We went up to the door and I rang the doorbell… or at least I was about to, but then someone opened the door. It was a butler. “You are expected Jacob and Charles,” said he. “Follow me.”
We followed him down a hall. The hall had lots of old paintings of people, who I did not know… though one caught my eye. The guy looked suspiciously familiar. It wasn’t a painting like the rest either. It was as big as the rest, but was a modern photograph. The guy in the picture was dressed in a black suit, like one that a groom would wear. Another feature I noticed was that he had a scar on his left hand.
As we followed the butler down the hall we came to a room where a man was sitting. He was slim and pale. He was wearing a black top hat and black pants and black shirt. He looked to be about forty years old, and he had a scar along his right cheek.
“Gentlemen, I am expecting 3 more people,” he said “please make yourself comfortable. Would you like a drink?” He was pouring me some wine before I could even answer, of course I wouldn’t have denied a good drink. “It’s from the year 1895. Good year for wine.” Said he.
“I won’t take any. I’m not a drinker.” Said Chuck.
“So can you tell us why we are here Mr. Slitwit?” said I.
“I cannot tell you until the other guests arrive.”
DONG! DONG! DONG! DONG! “And it seems that they have arrived.” Said he.
“I would like to present to you Mr. Holland Sivic, Mrs. Kris Slaint, and Mrs. Daisy Sopherson,” said the butler.
“Thank you Hoges” said Mr. Slitwit. The butler, Hoges, then went away. “Drink?” said Slitwit. They kindly declined. “Looks like it is just you and me Mr. Slanders.”
“Please call me Jacob.”
“I will refer to you all to your last names, as you will refer to me to my last name. You can refer to the other people in this room as they wish,” Said Mr. Slitwit.
“You can call me Jacob,” I said to the others.
“You can refer to me as Chuck.”
“Call me Holland,” said the man who looked to be about twenty. He was wearing a tee shirt and blue jeans. Despite his age, he sounded very sophisticated, and well mannered.
“Just call me Kris,” said a beautiful young girl to be about the same age as Holland. She wore glasses and she looked like a businesswoman and seemed quiet. One very odd thing that struck me was that she had a scar on her right arm. It was hard to see because it looked like she had applied make up on it.
“Y’all can just call me Daisy,” said the other girl who looked to be no older then 30. She had blonde hair, and had a Southern accent. She seemed a bit… peppy.
It is odd to me that so many people here and not here in person, such as the photograph, had scars on their body. But I suppose all people have secrets that they don’t want to be shared.
“Ok. Let’s get down to business.” Said Slitwit.

This is the end of section 3. Man that was long.

Characters… so many.
Holland Sivic: 20 years of age. Sophisticated. Wore tee shirt and blue jeans.
Kris Slant: 20 years old. Scar on arm. Businesswoman who is quiet.
Daisy Sopherson: Blonde. From the South. Peppy.
Hoges: thee butler. (does the butler do it?)
Jonathon Slitwit: Pale. Skinny. Forty years old. Scar on right cheek.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Time for a day off.

Well I've decided to take a day off from the mystery(or maybe I just didnt have time to finish Part 3.). So you get to listen to me ramble. First off I am trying out the new gmail. It is an email program that is by Google, so send me a message. Me email for that is Please do send me one cause i wanna see if it works well and what not. I doubt that i will keep it, but if i get very very very little spam, I will use that and all my email that i get from Hotmail, I will just delete. So send me an Email at that address. I should really get section 3 done for your enjoyment. Since you have to wait a day (even though i told you every other day ill update it) I will give you an excert from part 3.
We followed him down a hall. The hall had lots of old paintings of people, who I did not know… though one caught my eye. The guy looked suspiciously familiar. It wasn’t a painting like the rest either. It was as big as the rest, but was a modern photograph. The guy in the picture was dressed in a black suit, like one that a groom would wear. Another feature I noticed was that he had a scar on his left hand.
That is your excert. It leaves you in suspicion. I say that's a good one to put in there. Well i think i want to play Diablo 2 and leave you to your pondering about the mystery. Bye bye my people. SEND ME AND EMAIL!. I like breaking internet laws of all caps.

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Mystery Part Two.

Please read the post "Mystery?!?" before reading this or "Mystery Part One." and then please read "Mystery Part One." and then you can read this post. THis will make a lot more sense if you do.

Well, I have part 2 for you to read. I have some stuff to say. Also I may have confused you with the Kurt Camerent thing. It is Kirk Cameran, I have no clue how i messed that one up. An yes Pete he is coming to the Bismarck Civic Center October 13 (or something like that) 2004. Now this: I worked on part 3 last night and didn't finish it (it will be longer then 2 and 1.) but I should finish it today... unless i get to caught up in stuff that i need to do. I need to study for tests. I have no clue how 3 tests and a quiz came up on the same day. Some people have 4 tests and a quiz, luckily I'm not in that math class that has a test. I also I have some stuff to do around the house and I will go to church, so that leaves me with not a lot of time so I will give you the mystery right now. Here is section 2:

3 days later…
The weather was good. The storm had finally stopped after 3 days. I was prepared for 5 days away from home. I took a taxi to the airport in Miami and from there I got onto the plane. My destination was a town that I had never heard of. It had the strangest name too. Starsgale. My plane wasn’t very big, in fact I was the only passenger. On the plane I had a visit with the pilot about Starsgale Michigan. Apparently an ancient Indian tribe called the Trache once lived there. They are an extinct Indian tribe, but for some strange reason, no one knows what happened to them. They just kinda disappeared. The pilot told me that some people consider it legend that they even existed, but most of the people in Stargale believed they did at once exist. “They have found artifacts, which most people think to be Trache but the few who don’t believe that the Treche existed say they are Apache. Some say that the disappearance of the Trache was cause by white men. Some people think some mysterious force exterminated them,” said the pilot.
I went back to my seat because we were almost there. We landed at the small airport. I had my stuff unloaded from the plane, and the pilot told me I had a car waiting for me in from of the airport terminal, which was more like a house then an airport terminal. I went to the car to find that it was an old pick up and a driver that looked like a business kind of man. He as dressed in a suit and he looked to be about 30 years old. He said, “Hi. I’m Charles Srongland, but people just call me Chuck.”
I said, “My name is Jacob.”
“Well Jake, you-“
“You can call me Jacob.”
“Jacob, you can throw your bags in the back of the pickup and we’ll be on our way.”
I threw my bags in the back and got into the passenger side of the pick up. Chuck put the truck in gear and away we went. “Did you get a letter,” said I.
“Aye, I did. But, unlike you, I live here. I have never heard of this Jonathon Slitwit though. Have you?”
“I haven’t,” said I.
“I’ve lived here all my life and I have never heard of him. You know there is a lot of money here. You probably didn’t know that since this is a small town. A lot of people here are rich, but with the rich, there are the poor. The poor steal stuff such as car parts, that’s why I drive this old junker. Oh look we are here.”
I looked and saw a great mansion, with an unkept yard. It was surrounded by a massive stone fence with electrical wire at the top. It kinda looked like the mansions you see in scary movies. What person would even venture in there? The front gate opened and we proceeded in.

End of section 2. Longer then the first one.

Characters: Charles “Chuck” Srongland: A rich person that lives in Stargale. Seems to hate the poor. (for note, I just thought of the name. Not actually suppose to represent Charles.”
Also a side note. If I ever refer to a "Joseph", it is not on purpose. when i was writing section 3 i was writing Jacobs name as Joseph, but i believe i changed all the Josephs to Jacobs. So yeah.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Mystery: Part One.

please read the post "Mystery!?!" before reading this post. You will understand this better if you do.

I need to make a short but brief thing. I have gotten Part 1 and 2 done, but I will only be doing one a day so you can expect part 2 tomorrow. Thank you.

Section 1.

It t’was a nice and sunny afternoon in New Brook Florida. It was one of those days that North Dakotans would dream of. My name is Jacob Slanders. I went out to my mail box and the mail man had just delivered the mail. Oddly, there was only one letter in the box. It was from a person named Jonathon Slitwit. I had never heard of the name before. I went inside. As I was going up the porch stairs, I started to feel the wind picking up. All of a sudden, seemed like seconds, the beautiful sunny day, turned to a cloudy windy day. Strange. I went inside my house. I took my letter opener and opened the letter. It read:
Dear Mr. Slanders,
I am pleased to inform you that you are invited to my house for
some business that I will tell you once you get here. It concerns you
and an old friend. This is short but that is all I am to inform you until
you get here. My address is at the bottom of this letter and a plane
ticket is sealed with this letter.
Jonathon S Slitwit

I took out the plane ticket. The plane was to leave 3 days from now. An old friend? Whom could it be? I jumped at the sound of the thunder. The storm was picking up out there.

This is the end of section one. It was short… I think, but it’s a start.

Characters: Jacob Slanders. Main character. The person you see the story through.
Jonathon S. Slitwit: Mysterious person who wrote Jacob the letter.

Monday, April 19, 2004


If you didn't notice, my description changed. Says something about a mystery. Well I have decided to make a little every other day treat for you. I'm "writing" a mystery. Now it may sound exciting, but you have to remember: I am not a writer. I just wanted to spice up this blogging. I will probably update the story every other day, or maybe a couple days in a row. Depending when i get a section of the story done. I'm writing this as I go, so i do not even know the ending yet (although i hear it is a good ending). Oh before I forget. I have a cool word for you: Giddy. Now that is a very cool word. Share it with your friends. Well I'm going to work on the Mystery. I'll also make a list of characters and a little discription of them at a section. It will include a discription of the characters from the the section (it'll be after i put down the section for you). If that doesn't make much sense, well i do not know how else to put it. I think you'll like it. You might not either. Depends. By the way, it takes place in modern times. So it'll be interesting. Well I'm going to work on that.

Saturday, April 17, 2004

I'm the best!

So many people have been against me and saying I am not the best... not really, but they have never said that i wasn't the best, so i could be the best. I'll tell you why im the best. I made a screensaver. Ah that doesn't sound like much, but i did it without spending any money and it's really good and it has music. Ooooooooooooooooh amazing. It's also based on one of my favorite games, Starcraft. I even have some history pictures in my screensaver. Bout 3 slides of history out of 20 but it gives you some understanding of how bad starcraft could have looked like. Although you could have burned down trees if you were a firebat if they would have kept it that way. But they didn't and they still made an awsome possum game. If you would like to see it, I can send it to you via email. I don't know if it'll work. It says that i can send it to people via internet, but i haven't tried it. So i might try it right now. I think i know how. I don't really want to send it to my brother who isn't home, for he would not be able to test it for me till he got home. I am very proud of the screensaver. Mainly because I made a better quality screensaver then my brother, but he still gets the cake for the best theme and best theme for a website. Im starving. I didn't get any food for supper cause i didn't make any food. I might eat some cereal. My brother is going to the Prom this weekend. The weird part is that it isn't his Prom. He's going to his girlfriend's Prom, which is good. I like pestering her, but hey what are younger brothers good for if you can't pester their older brother's girlfriend? Yes being younger is more fun then being older. Well I think I might turn in for the night. Good night and God bless you.

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Wild Fire

Yeah i got home from the Fire which was awsome possum. The comedian was funnier then a monkey with a no something like a arm. Great times. He sang some songs that were already songs but he modified them meaning he took the toon and put different words and it was all great. "I'll take you out on a date, but you'll have to pay, cause i work at Subway". I don't know the name of the toon so it probably wasn't that funny to you. Yeah October 13 at the Bismarck Civic Center, Kurt Cameren(exscuse my spelling if it is wrong) will be the speaker at the family fire. It's free! Although donations are gladly excepted. Well now that I am done being a walking (or sitting in my case) advertisement for the Fire, I will go and read "Great Expectations". Nighty night night night.
H-I-P to the H-O-P

If that looks funny to you, then i might be able to help you out. A. You don't listen to hip hop, or B. You have to spell it out. COuld be a combination of both though. I've been thinking, it must be hard to write a rap song. I know it's hard period to write any type of song (unless of course it is a wordless song... then it that case it would be hard to write music for a song). But it must be hard to write a rap song because i needs to rhyme for one, and you have to write a lot of words because of the fast pace of the rap song. You need to fill in the time ya know. Another good thing to put in a rap song is quality. Meaning none of the sailor-talking(aka swearing), none of that crap about killing yourself, none of that crap killing others, and the list goes on. I'm talking to Pete right now... kinda. My fingers are preoccupied typing this so it's hard to type this and talk to Pete at the same time. I need to dust my room. Hmm i was going to talk to Pete but then his status went to away. I should try something... I really need to be right back, so brb. Back. Man batman was a messed up show. Pow. Sploosh. Punch. yeah that's great. They had a movie, the old one I'm talking about, and in it was the Riddler and he wrote a riddle and it was like "what's yellow and writes?". Robin is like "A ballpoint banana". it was messed up. Well I think I'm going to go so talk to ya later. Or see you at the Fire tonight. Bye bye.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

"Look ma'. It's Chippy!"

I wish there was a squirl named Chippy and could talk and that he was a good squirl and would answer to my every need. Though there isn't a squirl named Chippy so I would go into detail. I'm trying to prove a point by blogging today. I'm going to try to bring back the old "Super really long blog that seems as if it will never end and doesn't make sense" blog. So I'll try that. School usually takes up a lot of room blogging. Let's try that. Graphing Communications is going really well. It's super easy and I have lots of time left over after I get finished. We are building small sheds, meaning they are about a foot off the ground and a foot wide and are made of balsa wood. It's alright. I get some time to read "Great Expectations". Speaking of that, I am reading that and almost done with it (meaning I have about 100 pages left). I should read that tonight. Hmm, it's an alright book although i hate reading books for school because there are tests on it, where I like to read books just because. It's a good book like i say but it tempers me when i have to remember stuff from the book. Like what year the author lived. I mean why would I care the exact year that Charles Dickens lived? Doesn't make sense since we are reading a book. I understand know that the author lived in the 1800's gives you an idea about the book, but the exact date, that's just stupid. Well enough bout that. Now on to career's education. That's alright. I'm learing some stuff about finding a job, like Burger King has whoppers and McDonald's doesn't. The Ground Round serves pop corn and Apple Bees doesn't. Yeah. I guess the person that is interveiwing you wants you to know that. Like it isn't obvious. But of course there are some people out there that think that biggie size is at McDonalds. Math is pretty easy. Just easy. That's all. easy. Oh well more time to read the book. Hmmm. The Fire is tomorrow night. I'm going to go most likely. Comedians rule. That made me hungery for some odd reason. Let's see my mommy made some cookies! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Cookies. I'm gonna get some after this blogging session. Oh in Spanish, we made a monster, and mine is sweet. He's like a dude. He has bare\bear feet. yeah they are both. See his feet resemble bear feet and he's not wearing any shoes! hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. I'm done. Well I think I'm going to get some cookies which means that I'm done blogging for today. Bye.

Sunday, April 11, 2004

The skunk said it wouldn't hurt, but then i tried it, and it hurt my nose a lot.

Hmmmm. Maybe I didn't tell you guys that i went to see my grandma. Well that's why I haven't blogged in a while. But the good news is that we brought her home with us for a week. I also went to see Scooby Doo 2. That's a good movie. If you like Scooby Doo, like i do, you will like that one. It's better then the first one. There's really nothing new to blog about except for that. I could mention that we busted out our dart board and was going to play some darts, but as it stands, it is broken. Hehe i made a pun and didn't realize it till now. "Busted out"..."broken".....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. Oh that's a good one. It got cold here. In Plentywood, it snowed even. It looked like a winter day, and lots of snow. It melted though by the end of the day. that was good. Good Friday was good. Although I was riding in a car to my grandma's house. Never try to accidently surgically remove your face. Razor blades do a great job of doing that. Plus it bleeds for a long time. That's all that is new. Nothing much. I think I might go play some cards with my grandma if she isn't tired. I like to play Skip-Bo or Uno with her. I think we have some Skip-Bo cards. Bye bye people.

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Diablo Frolfin' Burnyouty Jigga Person

what does all that mean... well it just described my past 3 days. I have been playing a lot of Diablo II which I started a barbarian on. I got to act two in 5 hours or maybe 7. I don't remember. Enough said 'bout that. Frolfing. Frisbee golfing. I have been out twice. The first game this year we played doubles and I was with Andrew. I went tonight too. That was fun. I got 7 under. My best is 10 under, so I am getting close to being in those like 15 under. Hmm. Well Burnout 2. How I got the game is a story in itself so I will talk about that first. Yesterday was a windy, but warm day in ND. Well I biked down to Rock 30 Games. Did i already tell you this. No i told you I was GOING to go down to rock 30. Well me and my friend kyle biked down there, which is a long ways away. now going there the winds were to our backs and it was pretty much downhill... yeah we were going freaking fast. Nice. On the way back... well i was peddling in first gear to get DOWN a hill. The wind was that strong. Now the game. It's fun. I like that game a lot. BUY IT! fun fun. In fact. If i have time, I shall play it tomorrow before church. Jigga? It's just my new word for "what?". So that about covers it. So if I don't blog in awhile, I'm probably doing one of those things. Well I think I'm going to go and get some shut eye. Oh yeah. It's been really really really great super fantabulous weather outside. On friday it says it will snow? I don't believe that. I'll check again. I hope it doesn't. Bye now.

Sunday, April 04, 2004

I was thinking over thinking

Hmmm. Well I just felt like blogging. I dislike Careers Education very much. It'd be much better if the teacher told us what to do during class when we write a report. See, my teacher gave us a survey type thing, which the multiple choice answers had numbers above them. Well being a survey, it wasn't graded, but he had the questions broken down into catagories and then we wrote down our score for each catagory (that's what the numbers were for). Well that was fine and dandy and all, but notice i told you that the class would be better if he told us what our report was suppose to be on DURING class. The bell rang and then he was like "this is what you do..." and i had to hurry so i didn't write it down. Careers Ed. and Spanish are furthest apart for me, so i had to hurry. I listened to him, think that i could remember and write it down in spanish. I didn't get time and I just remember what the first half page was on. The other half I think i might know. So i guessed and hoped that I did the second half of the page right. I don't think it is. So here I am about to go play Diablo II. I'm going to go buy Burnout 2 from Rock 30 games. My brother says it's really fun and it's only 14 bucks so I am going to by it while he still has it. I'm going to go play some Diablo II so later all the people who are reading this blog. (xxxx)==========>

Saturday, April 03, 2004


Holy spam batman! not the meat Spam. The Junkmail in your E-mail. I used to get 95% junk mail, but only like maybe 5-15 junk. Now all of a sudden, I'm getting 30 emails a day and all of them junk, and oddly, most of them are in a different language. Yeah... that's great... I want emails that I can't read cause of a disability called NOT KNOWING EVERY FREAKING LANGUAGE ON THE PLANET! Yes I am a little mad about it! 1-2-threeeeeeeeee... I feel better now. Well I'm done. Just felt like saying that. Although, that is a lame April Fool's joke destroyer.But that might be so, because I am reading it on the third of April and have seen your car just today. Bye.
We Got 3rd in a World War

Yeah. The Narceleptia (suppose to be spelt "Narcoleptia") got third against the other competing countrys. Dang Penguinstan. Although their flag was really cool. By the way, Narcoleptic means you are sleepy a lot. We were the best in Spy Hunter. Not the video game. We were because it was nighttime and we are awake sometime between 5p.m. to 1 A.M. So I say that is why we won that game. Spy Hunter was so much fun. We got assignments to find a set of 5 spys within 30 minutes. Yeah we had to take a picture of them and how the game worked is that something would be like "a teenage girl wearing a yellow shirt" and then we can go anywhere in town and find a teenage girl wearing a yellow shirt. Most of the time, you wouldn't get all 5. the 5th one was a double on the assignment thingys. We had 3 assignment thingys and a "Super Spy" which is a specific person, someone that we knew but in disguise. We also played a giant game of Risk, which we lost horribly at. Oh well. And we played some 4 way soccer and we didn't get first and I don't know what place we got. That was kinda lame cause of wind (for we had a goal that the wind kind a helped push the ball in) and because everyone was going after Candy Land cause they were ahead by a lot of points from "Landmines" another game we played. But if we weren't caring much about who's in first and gang up against them, it would have been fun to play 4 way soccer. Fun times at "The Army of God" retreat. Yeah well I think I'm going to play some video games so later.