Friday, April 23, 2004

Mystery Part Three.

Again please read the post "Mystery?!?". This will make a lot more sense.

Hey I said i would meet my deadline. Sorry bout it being 40 minutes before my deadline to be over. I had a lot going on. First i had to get a haircut. That was nice. Then I had to do the dishes and feed the doggy. And after this i went to my friends house for his birfday party. That was fun. We played some lazer tag and some game with a ball and throwing it over a roof and the other side tries to catch it and if they did they run over and hit the other side, and the side that threw it had to run around the shed before they hit us. yeah it was fun. Then we had a lot of pop and some ice cream cake :). SO here i am and I have part three done. Part three introduces you to a lot of characters. I got this done last night at the last second so you get it now. you might get part four if i start and finish it tomorrow. Well enough of my babbling. Part three:

Section 3.

We pulled up to the door, I started to take my bags out, “You can just leave your bags in the truck, we will not be staying here for the night” said Chuck.
We went up to the door and I rang the doorbell… or at least I was about to, but then someone opened the door. It was a butler. “You are expected Jacob and Charles,” said he. “Follow me.”
We followed him down a hall. The hall had lots of old paintings of people, who I did not know… though one caught my eye. The guy looked suspiciously familiar. It wasn’t a painting like the rest either. It was as big as the rest, but was a modern photograph. The guy in the picture was dressed in a black suit, like one that a groom would wear. Another feature I noticed was that he had a scar on his left hand.
As we followed the butler down the hall we came to a room where a man was sitting. He was slim and pale. He was wearing a black top hat and black pants and black shirt. He looked to be about forty years old, and he had a scar along his right cheek.
“Gentlemen, I am expecting 3 more people,” he said “please make yourself comfortable. Would you like a drink?” He was pouring me some wine before I could even answer, of course I wouldn’t have denied a good drink. “It’s from the year 1895. Good year for wine.” Said he.
“I won’t take any. I’m not a drinker.” Said Chuck.
“So can you tell us why we are here Mr. Slitwit?” said I.
“I cannot tell you until the other guests arrive.”
DONG! DONG! DONG! DONG! “And it seems that they have arrived.” Said he.
“I would like to present to you Mr. Holland Sivic, Miss Kris Slaint, and Miss Daisy Sopherson,” said the butler.
“Thank you Hoges” said Mr. Slitwit. The butler, Hoges, then went away. “Drink?” said Slitwit. They kindly declined. “Looks like it is just you and me Mr. Slanders.”
“Please call me Jacob.”
“I will refer to you all to your last names, as you will refer to me to my last name. You can refer to the other people in this room as they wish,” Said Mr. Slitwit.
“You can call me Jacob,” I said to the others.
“You can refer to me as Chuck.”
“Call me Holland,” said the man who looked to be about twenty. He was wearing a tee shirt and blue jeans. Despite his age, he sounded very sophisticated, and well mannered.
“Just call me Kris,” said a beautiful young girl to be about the same age as Holland. She wore glasses and she looked like a businesswoman and seemed quiet. One very odd thing that struck me was that she had a scar on her right arm. It was hard to see because it looked like she had applied make up on it.
“Y’all can just call me Daisy,” said the other girl who looked to be no older then 30. She had blonde hair, and had a Southern accent. She seemed a bit… peppy.
It is odd to me that so many people here and not here in person, such as the photograph, had scars on their body. But I suppose all people have secrets that they don’t want to be shared.
“Ok. Let’s get down to business.” Said Slitwit.

This is the end of section 3. Man that was long.

Characters… so many.
Holland Sivic: 20 years of age. Sophisticated. Wore tee shirt and blue jeans.
Kris Slant: 20 years old. Scar on arm. Businesswoman who is quiet.
Daisy Sopherson: Blonde. From the South. Peppy.
Hoges: thee butler. (does the butler do it?)
Jonathon Slitwit: Pale. Skinny. Forty years old. Scar on right cheek.

I think this may screw up my blog by making it wide so my links and stuff might be at the bottom again. I'm not sure yet though.

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