Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Mystery Part Five.

Please before reading this, read the post named “Mystery?!?” and the Mysteries in order. This will make a lot more sense if you do.

Sorry about the wait. I was caught up in one of my favorite N64 Games, Destruction Derby 64. I love that game. We should get married! But I've been playing that, while part 5 is collecting dust on my computer hard drive. I hope to finish the mystery in under 25 parts. I shall work on part six tonight after church. Before it is tomorrow, here is part 5:

Jeffery Sickleson. Old Jeff. I knew him in college. He was the life of the party. Not only the life of the party, but gifted. He could stay up the night before a big test, and he would party, but he would get an A on the test. Seemed like you could never stump him. He was by best friend. I had many friends in college, and so did he. But we he was my true best friend, and I was his. After college, he kinda just disappeared. He left me a note. It had said he was going to seek fortune. He must have found it… but he had lost it in a moment because of it. I didn’t just know him in college, but I grew up with him. We never said that we would part. We both passed high school and went to the same college. He wasn’t always “gifted.” He obtained it in college. I wish he hadn’t died… especially only at the age of 33.
“I remember Jeff,” said Daisy, “he had been an owner of a popular club in Texas. He had hired me as a waitress there. He knew all of his employees very well. He took them out to lunch and would help you with any problem you had. At the time I had a boyfriend. He was a thief. I wanted to break up with him, but was afraid to tell him. I brought my problem to Jeff, and he said he would tell him for me. I told Jeff I would appreciate it. I brought my boyfriend to the club and Jeff sat down with him and had a drink. I slipped away saying I was going to the ladies room, but really I watched behind a fake plant. I couldn’t hear, but I saw my boyfriend get angry and he left. The next day when Jeff went to open up the club, his club was demolished. I was helping him open up the club so I saw it too and knew that it was my boyfriend. We found a note saying that if Jeff didn’t leave in a week, he would be demolished. So Jeff packed his bags and high-tailed it on out of there. I never saw him since. I knew him a little over a year.”
“I have my own story about him; and about someone else in this room.” Said Holland, “I knew old Jeff for a year. We were partners along with one other person. Though I was young and only 19 at the time, he accepted me as a partner. I was a gifted child I guess you would say. And still only 23, I know a lot, if not everything about the business we were going into. We were going to start a high technical business. It was going to be as large as Sony®. We were in the planning stages, but all of a sudden, Jeff got a strange note. It was not signed. It had said that we should stop the planning and forget about it. We were almost done when we received this, but Jeff decided to quit. The next day the other partner and I went to his apartment and was told that he had paid his rent and left. I mentioned the other partner. Would that person like to reveal yourself?”
“Yes,” we heard Kris say, “My story is the same as his. Jeff was more then a partner, but a true friend to us. Like Daisy said, he would help us with anything. We were very close to him.”
“And that is when he moved to Starsgale, I presume” said Chuck, who had been quiet all this time. “He was in the same business that I am in. I heard of him taking his life, but didn’t believe it. We were partners. The money in this town is odd. It is in the sewers of this town. In the old Trache sewers we found that there is an unidentified mineral. Scientists have been studying it for years, but not as much as Jeff and I have. When I heard that he took his life, I didn’t believe it until I saw his body at the funeral. I thought that maybe this mineral had some sort of thing that could mess with the brain if you were around it too much. I thought that that had happened to Jeff. I studied the mineral further, and discovered its contents. It was not man made. The contents were made of unidentified elements. We are still not sure what these elements can do, but Jeff and I figured out that it could fuel a car for a lifetime, or power the United States for an eternity. I don’t know why, but the less energy an object needs to be powered, the faster the mineral burns up. That’s all I know about the mineral. I have no clue of its disadvantages.”
“And you Mr. Slanders,” asked Slitwit, “how do you know Jeffery Sickleson?”
“All I wish to share is that I knew him.” I said. I didn’t want them to know Jeff’s deepest and darkest secret.

This is the end of the long part 5.

If you need a reminder how each character knows Jeff, this is the section to look in.

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