Tuesday, April 13, 2004

"Look ma'. It's Chippy!"

I wish there was a squirl named Chippy and could talk and that he was a good squirl and would answer to my every need. Though there isn't a squirl named Chippy so I would go into detail. I'm trying to prove a point by blogging today. I'm going to try to bring back the old "Super really long blog that seems as if it will never end and doesn't make sense" blog. So I'll try that. School usually takes up a lot of room blogging. Let's try that. Graphing Communications is going really well. It's super easy and I have lots of time left over after I get finished. We are building small sheds, meaning they are about a foot off the ground and a foot wide and are made of balsa wood. It's alright. I get some time to read "Great Expectations". Speaking of that, I am reading that and almost done with it (meaning I have about 100 pages left). I should read that tonight. Hmm, it's an alright book although i hate reading books for school because there are tests on it, where I like to read books just because. It's a good book like i say but it tempers me when i have to remember stuff from the book. Like what year the author lived. I mean why would I care the exact year that Charles Dickens lived? Doesn't make sense since we are reading a book. I understand know that the author lived in the 1800's gives you an idea about the book, but the exact date, that's just stupid. Well enough bout that. Now on to career's education. That's alright. I'm learing some stuff about finding a job, like Burger King has whoppers and McDonald's doesn't. The Ground Round serves pop corn and Apple Bees doesn't. Yeah. I guess the person that is interveiwing you wants you to know that. Like it isn't obvious. But of course there are some people out there that think that biggie size is at McDonalds. Math is pretty easy. Just easy. That's all. easy. Oh well more time to read the book. Hmmm. The Fire is tomorrow night. I'm going to go most likely. Comedians rule. That made me hungery for some odd reason. Let's see my mommy made some cookies! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Cookies. I'm gonna get some after this blogging session. Oh in Spanish, we made a monster, and mine is sweet. He's like a dude. He has bare\bear feet. yeah they are both. See his feet resemble bear feet and he's not wearing any shoes! hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. I'm done. Well I think I'm going to get some cookies which means that I'm done blogging for today. Bye.

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