Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Mystery Part Two.

Please read the post "Mystery?!?" before reading this or "Mystery Part One." and then please read "Mystery Part One." and then you can read this post. THis will make a lot more sense if you do.

Well, I have part 2 for you to read. I have some stuff to say. Also I may have confused you with the Kurt Camerent thing. It is Kirk Cameran, I have no clue how i messed that one up. An yes Pete he is coming to the Bismarck Civic Center October 13 (or something like that) 2004. Now this: I worked on part 3 last night and didn't finish it (it will be longer then 2 and 1.) but I should finish it today... unless i get to caught up in stuff that i need to do. I need to study for tests. I have no clue how 3 tests and a quiz came up on the same day. Some people have 4 tests and a quiz, luckily I'm not in that math class that has a test. I also I have some stuff to do around the house and I will go to church, so that leaves me with not a lot of time so I will give you the mystery right now. Here is section 2:

3 days later…
The weather was good. The storm had finally stopped after 3 days. I was prepared for 5 days away from home. I took a taxi to the airport in Miami and from there I got onto the plane. My destination was a town that I had never heard of. It had the strangest name too. Starsgale. My plane wasn’t very big, in fact I was the only passenger. On the plane I had a visit with the pilot about Starsgale Michigan. Apparently an ancient Indian tribe called the Trache once lived there. They are an extinct Indian tribe, but for some strange reason, no one knows what happened to them. They just kinda disappeared. The pilot told me that some people consider it legend that they even existed, but most of the people in Stargale believed they did at once exist. “They have found artifacts, which most people think to be Trache but the few who don’t believe that the Treche existed say they are Apache. Some say that the disappearance of the Trache was cause by white men. Some people think some mysterious force exterminated them,” said the pilot.
I went back to my seat because we were almost there. We landed at the small airport. I had my stuff unloaded from the plane, and the pilot told me I had a car waiting for me in from of the airport terminal, which was more like a house then an airport terminal. I went to the car to find that it was an old pick up and a driver that looked like a business kind of man. He as dressed in a suit and he looked to be about 30 years old. He said, “Hi. I’m Charles Srongland, but people just call me Chuck.”
I said, “My name is Jacob.”
“Well Jake, you-“
“You can call me Jacob.”
“Jacob, you can throw your bags in the back of the pickup and we’ll be on our way.”
I threw my bags in the back and got into the passenger side of the pick up. Chuck put the truck in gear and away we went. “Did you get a letter,” said I.
“Aye, I did. But, unlike you, I live here. I have never heard of this Jonathon Slitwit though. Have you?”
“I haven’t,” said I.
“I’ve lived here all my life and I have never heard of him. You know there is a lot of money here. You probably didn’t know that since this is a small town. A lot of people here are rich, but with the rich, there are the poor. The poor steal stuff such as car parts, that’s why I drive this old junker. Oh look we are here.”
I looked and saw a great mansion, with an unkept yard. It was surrounded by a massive stone fence with electrical wire at the top. It kinda looked like the mansions you see in scary movies. What person would even venture in there? The front gate opened and we proceeded in.

End of section 2. Longer then the first one.

Characters: Charles “Chuck” Srongland: A rich person that lives in Stargale. Seems to hate the poor. (for note, I just thought of the name. Not actually suppose to represent Charles.”
Also a side note. If I ever refer to a "Joseph", it is not on purpose. when i was writing section 3 i was writing Jacobs name as Joseph, but i believe i changed all the Josephs to Jacobs. So yeah.

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