Wednesday, April 14, 2004

H-I-P to the H-O-P

If that looks funny to you, then i might be able to help you out. A. You don't listen to hip hop, or B. You have to spell it out. COuld be a combination of both though. I've been thinking, it must be hard to write a rap song. I know it's hard period to write any type of song (unless of course it is a wordless song... then it that case it would be hard to write music for a song). But it must be hard to write a rap song because i needs to rhyme for one, and you have to write a lot of words because of the fast pace of the rap song. You need to fill in the time ya know. Another good thing to put in a rap song is quality. Meaning none of the sailor-talking(aka swearing), none of that crap about killing yourself, none of that crap killing others, and the list goes on. I'm talking to Pete right now... kinda. My fingers are preoccupied typing this so it's hard to type this and talk to Pete at the same time. I need to dust my room. Hmm i was going to talk to Pete but then his status went to away. I should try something... I really need to be right back, so brb. Back. Man batman was a messed up show. Pow. Sploosh. Punch. yeah that's great. They had a movie, the old one I'm talking about, and in it was the Riddler and he wrote a riddle and it was like "what's yellow and writes?". Robin is like "A ballpoint banana". it was messed up. Well I think I'm going to go so talk to ya later. Or see you at the Fire tonight. Bye bye.

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