Sunday, April 25, 2004

Mystery Part Four.

Please read the post "Mystery ?!?" before reading any of these posts if you haven't already. This will make more sense if you do. Thank you.

Yeah, I just got it done. It's a little short, but enjoyable. I forgot what else i was going to say. I remember now. I don't think my blog is screwed up. I think my borther is crazy, but he's Crazy Destroyer. Here it is, Part 4.

“I have asked you all here for a reason,” said Slitwit, “you all have something in common, and yet you know nothing about each except names. You are here for one and one reason only. In my letter I talked about an old friend. Well that one friend has been killed. The cops say it was suicide, but I knew him too. I knew that he wouldn’t commit suicide. He couldn’t. One thing that puzzles me is why he was murdered if that is the case. Mr. Slanders, I saw you looking at a picture out there. It caught your eye didn’t it?”
“Yes, I did see it to be familiar. Who is it may I inquire?” said I.
“Ah, so none of you remember him?”
Everyone shook their head says that they had never seen him or that he looked familiar.
Mr. Slickwit said, “That is because only Mr. Slanders and I would know that he looked like that. The rest of you would know him by name and a different appearance. Mr. Jeffery Sickleson.” Thunder cracked in the background as he said that. Jeff. I knew him. Of course I should have known that it was he in the picture. That scar. I don’t remember him having a scar.
“How did he die?” I asked.
“He died when his car ran over a cliff. Reason why the authorities think suicide is because he was wealthy and had a driver, but that night he was driving himself, he was taking a road that he would never take, and there was a note.”
“What did the note say?” asked Holland.
“It was a suicide note in his handwriting, but something tells me that it was forced. The handwriting was sloppy, and as you know, Jeff had very neat handwriting. Another odd thing is that I searched the site and found that the police had missed something. I found footprints. I didn’t want to report it for I think that someone in the police had deliberately missed them.”
“That still leaves me with one question,” asked Kris, “why do we all need to be here?”
“We need to find out who did it, of course,” said Slitwit, “and I think that it may have been one of you.”

This is the end of section 4. It’s short but informative. I was pressuring myself to get this done so that’s a reason. Also I like cliff hangers.
Jeffery Sickleson: dead person that everyone seems to know. Had a scar on his left hand.

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