Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Disaster being Fixed and vacation journal

hey peeps. Well I found a desk for 15 bucks on bisman online. The freaking funny thing is that it's the same exact desk as my old one... which could be a good or a bad thing considering mine broke when we moved it. Anyways, all I have to do is switch some things around on it because they set up their desk for a left-handed person. And that's not good for a righty because the mouse is on the left hand side. I haven't bought it yet because when i called they weren't home, so I will call them later tonight and keep checking my mail, because I sent them an email. Well Since I'm on this laptop I'll put up my vacation journal.

Well I’m back from vacation… kind of anyways. Right now I am in a small town in Washington State, Westport. Well for now anyways. I’m going to tell you on what day we did what. Since we started vacation on July 16, 2004 and it is now July 24, I will just tell you by putting the dates in and what not. I am typing this now in Microsoft Word since I don’t have the Internet right now and I will just put this on the blog when I get home. Let’s see, let’s start with July 16.
7/16/04: we left home that day. Well my mom and I did, my brother and my dad went the day before and went up through Antelope, but I’m sure you’ve heard that on his blog since he had quite an adventure, which he probably told you about in his blog. We were heading up to St Ignatius for a family reunion. Well we headed up on I-94 to Wibaux, MT, to pick up my Grandma to take her to bring her to Thompson Falls, MT. Well we got to Missoula, MT, and it was 1:30 A.M. when we got there and we didn’t get our room until 2 A.M. of July 18. We just drove all day, nothing special.
7/17/04: Well we got to bed at 2 in the morning that day. We got up at 8 A.M. Well we took my grandma to Paradise, MT, which is far from paradise and is just a really really small town. We waited a little while for My aunt Kathy to pick up my grandma from us and she came and than we left for St Ignatius. Well we came here for a family reunion and we got up to the place and my brother was there but my dad wasn’t. He was with Leonard picking up Leonard’s car because it had a lot of grasshoppers (probably heard this from Derek) and he didn’t get back until 5 P.M. I had fun at the family reunion. It was hot that day and a little bit humid, but I took my chair and put it under trees and people gathered around (mainly cause of my mom and grandma was there, but I think they came for my handsomely good looks) and the trees acted as a natural air conditioner and I was cool (I was also cool as in cold). We just talked and relaxed. Yep a lazy day in the mountains for me. Then my daddy came and we had super up there (STEAK!) and then we had a white elephant auction (it’s an auction that you bring something homemade and they auction it off) and my grandma typed up something on family history of our family and that sold for $50. Than my uncle brought some old pictures (they were scanned from the originals) and they sold for 30-50 bucks each (there were only two of them). Then we went to our motel (which was nice considering it was the cheaper one and it was better than the more expensive. I mean the expensive one had broken air conditioners and were dirty and ours had a nice clean room and with a nice clean bathroom and an air conditioner.) and we slept. That was a fun day.
7/18/04: Well today we just went to the place where the family reunion was held and we said our good byes and then we went to eat lunch and hit the road for Thompson Falls. See reason why my grandma had to go there was because my mom’s side of the family was having birthday parties for all the people who were turning 40 that year (Marvin, Terry, Devi, and Dodie) and we were going to surprise them all. We surprised them all and we got there before Devi got there so we got to see her surprised. They all were surprised though. So we had food and cake and ice cream and played game and monkey and bob and kangaroo… minus those last three. Then we stayed the night at Terry’s bed and breakfast which is really, really nice. And that was the end of that day.
7/19/04: This day we were on the move toward Helena, MT, which is where my uncle Melvin lives and we were going up to stay with him and see his new house. Little bit of stuff to talk about that. He lives out of Helena about 10 miles, and last year his house burned down. Luckily he owned another house next door to his old one, that he just rented out the top part, so the bottom part was open so he moved in there. Well he rebuilt and he has a nice house. He had a sound system installed in his house with speakers in all the rooms. Sorry Derek, but it’s not a Bose system. But it’s really nice. Well anyways back to the vacation part. It’s my mom and dad and me, and we traveled with my aunt Dodie and my uncle Darrel (I don’t know how to spell it.) and we traveled back to Missoula and then went to Helena and stayed the night at my uncles and I guess that’s pretty much all.
7/20/04: we traveled all day from Helena MT until Westport WA. We got to bed at 10 PM so it wasn’t so bad. What’s bad is that we had to get up at 4:30 AM.
7/21/04: Well at 4:30 we got up and left the port for a deep sea fishing trip at 6 AM. Not to complain but this was a miserable day for me. I have to add that I started this trip with a summer cold and I have allergies. Well the allergies didn’t affect me on the sea but it was really, really cold on the ocean so my cold isn’t the best and I also got a sunburn even though it was really cold it was also sunny and the wind with still colder than the warmth of the sun. I didn’t catch any fish or any of our family but I did get a bottom feeder that the person said wasn’t good eating and than I got a salmon that was too small so I had to throw it back. Oh yeah I should tell you at this point it’s my mom, dad, and me. Well I’m typing this on this day and I think I’m going to go to bed I think so see you in a couple of days.

Hey I’m in Spokane WA, which is about 2 hours from Thompson Falls… which means we are on our way back home. Today is 7-25, which is Sunday. Hmmm… it’s 11:00 PM there… it’s 9:00 PM here. My sunburn is healing so that’s grand and I’m in a better mood now. Well I’ll keep you up to speed. Let’s see what day did I leave off with… ok I got it:
7/22/04: We went to Mt. St. Helens. That was sweet I will have to say. Learned a lot of stuff. Got to see it and got really close too it. Johnson’s Ridge is where we were standing which is across a small… valley… ravine… well a gap of a sort. Probably a ravine. Then we just traveled on back down and I became a pyro and had fun making a fire at our campground. Was a sweet night to camp. Not humid, not hot, not cold. Just right. That was a short day really.
7/23/04: Tacoma WA and we went to the zoo there. It was alright. I think our zoo is better, but they had a lot of cool animals. The best were the polar bears. They were awesome. They also had a tiger which was lazy (but it was a hot day so I don’t blame it), they had a caribou, which I thought had a bad habitat considering it’s an arctic animal and the habitat it was in had not green grass (they were suffering a drought here in Washington I think cause everywhere you go the grass is like that), and it was hotter then blazes. But it was a pretty cool zoo… or a hot one (I crack myself up with my puns). After the zoo we went to eat lunch, got tickets to a passion play called “Jesus of Nazareth”. It was at 7:30 but they told us to be there at 5:30… that was a bad idea. Here’s how they opened up stuff: at 5:30 they opened the parking lot. At 6:00 they opened the gates to the souvenirs and stuff. At 6:30 they opened the concessions. At 7:00 they opened up the gates to the seating. I may note that it was an outside event and it was hot until it was 7:30. The passion play was awesome. If you are ever up in Washington I would highly recommend it. Probably the best thing we went to on this vacation, and that’s saying a lot. After the play we went to sleep at our hotel.
7/24/04: Well one of the main reasons we came to Washington… my cousin Joy’s wedding is today. Well we had like only 3 hour drive so we went to a wilderness park which is a zoo except the animals are in there natural habitat. I like these better then zoos, just for that reason. We saw bears, wolves, cougars, lots of animals. Then we realized that we had a longer drive then we thought, so we had to leave, but we got to see most of the park. The wedding was pretty fun. Pretty funny too. See my cousin Mike, which is Joy’s brother, was decorating Joy’s and Brett’s (Joy’s husband) (Mike was putting ‘Just married’ and stuff like that on it, and it was secret to Joy and Brett) and guess what Mike did? He locked the keys in the car and those were the only set. So it wasn’t a secret very long and they had to call a locksmith like at 9:00. The wedding was held in their backyard. Not much else to say about the wedding. Let’s go on to tomorrow… or today according to my timeline.
7/25/04: Today we just traveled to Spokane WA. We are on our way home finally. We were going to go to Canada, but somethings got in our way so we decided just to get home. Well I’m signing out for the night mainly because I can’t see the future that well to tell you about it right now.

Well today is 7-28 Wednesday. Right now I’m in Antelope MT, meaning Scamper was really, really happy and so was my mom. So was I of course and my dad. Well let’s get on with it. Poopy. I forget where we were on the 26th. Well I can tell you where we were on the 27th. We’ll skip to that. Wait. I was just about to type and then I remembered.

7/26/04: today we pretty much just drove. We stopped in Thompson falls to eat lunch with Terry and Steve and my cousins. Than we drove on to Butte MT and camped there. That was a cold, cold night. The night wasn’t but the morning was.
7/27/04: Cold bright light. It was 6:30 in the morning… I awake to a very, very bright light. The sun was reflecting off of clouds, which just made it bright. Than it was like 45 degrees. Ugh. We than went on to Wibaux MT, where we had supper with my grandma. Home cooked meal. Roast Beef. Yummy. 7/28/04: Today. We went to see my aunt Dodie (by the way that’s a nick name not her real name) and that was fun. We were there for like 30 minutes to chat. Well nothing really happened there, but she’s just fun to be around. She has two dogs. One is old Cocker Spaniel and her other dog is a young hyper Springer Spaniel. Then we went off to Antelope and had lunch here. Well we won’t be leaving until Friday or Saturday, but it’s only a 5 hour drive so we should be there on one of those two days depending on which day we leave. Well I’m going to have home raised chicken for supper tonight… actually in a half an hour. My uncle has chickens and he butchered one for tonight. Mmmmmmmmmmm. Well see you soon.

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