Sunday, August 22, 2004


Yeah i tried the new Moutain Dew Pitch Black today. It's not bad, but at the same time it's not the best thing out there; give me the originally over that stuff. It's not really pitch black it's more pitch purple. See it's mountain dew with grape. That's what it tastes like. Doesn't taste like Dimatap (however you spell that) but it doesnt taste like Mountain Dew. You'll have to give it a whirl for yourselves. What's new in my life? Nothing. Just was bored and wanted to blog. Have been playing a lot of Diablo 2. That's about it. I got my monitor payed off finally. I need some money to buy some CDs. Let me give you list of CDs that I will buy when i hvae money. Grits Art of Transformation, which is a remix of art of translation. Relient K Mmmm. That's the name: Mmmm. Maybe it's only 3 "M's". Toby Mac, Welcome to the Diverse City. Grits Dichotomy B, and Thousand Foot Krutch, there remix album. TFK again, with there new CD when it comes out. Most of the CDs I listed aren't out yet. Well Im bored so im going to go bye bye.

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