Friday, May 28, 2004


My monitor is here and set up! YAY! it's nice. Well I'm gonna go now so bye.

That's your cool word for the day. Glee. To be happy. I'll use it in a sentence. Roy is so gleeful that his monitor is on a truck for delivery that he will pee his pants if he were anymore gleeful. MY MONITOR IS COMING SOON TO MY HOME! About 4:30. Oh I'm so gleeful and excited. I don't even know if gleeful is a word. Well while I'm excited I'm going to play a game called Final Fantasy VII. Bye peeps of the internet.

Thursday, May 27, 2004

0 days left!

Oh yeah. Do I start count downs great or what? Ok so I started counting down a little late. I am happy, but not as happy as I would be if my monitor was here. I can wait one day. Tomorrow, I hope it to be here. It's in Bismarck right now, but it won't be dilivered until tomorrow, unless it is held at the airport for a day, which would suck cause it's a weekend after that day and then monday is memorial day which means it wont be at my house till tuesday... but that's only if it is held at the airport for a day or if there isn't room on the truck. Last night was a great time. We were supposed to go up to the Land last night, but their was a wall of rain clouds to the west, so we didn't, so we went to the church instead. I think it was better to go to the church. I mean we worshipped like... there's no words to describe it. I think God was telling me how great it feels to worship Him cause that was great. Now I need to memorize songs so I could sing them on my own time to Him. Well have a grand summer people. I will. No I am not not(double negative) blogging for the summer, I just wanted to wish you a great summer. Blog to ya later.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Guess what?

(I sing the happy song and dance the happy dance) My monitor should be here Thursday, my monitors should be here Thursday, my monitor should be here Thursday, and if it's not it should be here Friday!(end sing and dance... well i continue just not in the post.)

MY MONITOR IS IN STOCK! YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES! Hmmm... now I need my brothe to order it....

Monday, May 24, 2004

Rap City U.S.A.

Hey everybody. Just wanted to let you know that I just got done studying for 3 finals for tomorrow. I took two today. That Science final was hard. It was open notes but you don't have much time to do 80 question in 50 minutes. I finished it... don't know how the answers will look, but at least I tried. Then my math final... now I'm good at math and I like math a lot (I'm a freak man) and I have to say that that test was harder than I thought it would be. I mean it's 41 questions long and multiple choice! I'm glad that she made it a two day test. I got to number 25. The rest of the test is pretty easy though cause it is fresh in my mind. We finish that on Wed. though. Tomorrow... I have an english final. It's on Romeo and Juliet. I forgot my packet which will help me study so I couldn't study for that part, but I brought my book home so I could study vocab. I studied Global mainly. It's going to be an alright test. Mr. Hager doesn't make hard tests cause he doesn't like making tests. So it's good. But still we took like a long time to do these notes so there are a lot of notes. I studied them the best I could. Than Spanish. That's going to be easy cause I understand it. And if you understand it, that's easy. I should be alright cause it's only on the last chapter we did. On Wed. we also have Career's test... that's going to be a hard hard test. I'm going to have to start studying right after school tomorrow. It's on everything we've learned in career's and that's a lot of stuff. So that's going to be one of my hardest tests this week. Now ends my thesis on the finals. Now rap city USA! This is the year of the rap CDs coming out. KJ52 just released a remixed version of 7th avenue, which was his first CD. Thousand Foot Krutch is Remixing their first CD, Set it Off. Toby Mac is coming out with his new CD this fall. And last but definitely not least, Grits with their 2 part album called Dichotomy A and Dichotomy B, which A will be released in June and B in November. I'm excited. Also Relient K is coming out with a new album! Happy year. Hopefully Relient K will come out this year. It's to be announced. Happy happy year year. Can't wait. Starcraft Ghost is said to be out this Christmas, but Blizzard is... late usually, but with good reason of perfecting it. I don't have my new monitor yet, cause Newegg ran out of stock on the monitor I wanted, but as soon as they get some more in they will notify me. Mystery... well like I have said several times, I have no clue when I will get done with it cause of these finals. You know what's sweet? Psalms. Those are sweet. I'm reading that book now and it's sweet digity. So much wisdom. Blows my words of wisdomness out of the water. Speaking of which, here's some. "The Bible has wisdome. Read and take in the words. You will get something out of it." With those final words I wish you good night and God bless.

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Test Week

This week is test week. Dang. I wish it weren't. I have my mystery to finish but no i have to study... or lack there of. I'm studying or really just watching a movie on tv right now. So i just decided to blog instead of get no where studying for a test that I have tomorrow. After tomorrow though the rest of the tests should be easy. Well I'm gonna go back to my movie so bye bye people.

Thursday, May 20, 2004


I'm tired and been tired all day. So *sigh* wait until i get the mystery done. I will probably work on it tonight, but right now, I don't feel like doing anything except maybe site here and stare at thee wall. I don't feel like blogging much so pretend this never hapened...

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Another days wait...

Yes, I don't have the last part of the mystery finish. It's taking me a long time cause I am not getting very much time. Today i got home early, at 3:00 (I would've been home sooner but I was riding my bike beside a friend who was walking home) because of the 9th grade picnic. 11:30 till 2:30. That was fun. I went over to the amusement park and I went on the big slide and went on these spinny cup thingys and i went on the bumper cars. I would've went on the go karts but i was too tall :P. Oh I also went on the swingy thingy. Fun times. I'm glad that I went on the Spinny thingy before i drank my Mt. Dew. Fun times. THen i get back to the school at 2:30 and we can leave. That was great. Tonight I get to see my grandma, and I leave at 4:00. Sad part is that I won't be at youth tongiht cause I have to type something up for school, and with going to eat with my grandma up at Prairie Nights. Afer we eat me and my mom will leave but like i said i have to type this thing up. (N). On MSN that would be a thumb pointing down meaning "no". This chair is comffy. The fan going on drinking some Apple Juice and leaning back in my chair... it's the sweet life. Well I'm going to say good bye cause I am way to comffy to type. Good Bye.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

I'll be your little monkey that makes you laugh

Well the last Mystery part going to be long so I'll just post it tomorrow cause I need to finish it. Tomorrow we go to the park for school. Fun times. Me? I'm going to bring mass amounts of junk food. Happy note again, monitor. Yes i get to order it this saturday. Sad note is that i can wear my wallet on my head as a hat and not worry about money falling out cause I'm broke. See, I'm getting a crack right there on my arm! Hmmm. acording to this site, it's suppose to rain in the morning. That's kinda good cause we go to the park at 11:30 so it'll be nice when we get there. A little bit cool looking though... wait it's 65... that's nice. 70 at 3:00. Right at noon it's suppose to stop raining according to the place dude. People say you run out of stuff to say when you talk about the weather... which is the case now so bye.

Monday, May 17, 2004

The time to unwind

Hmmm... well on my happy note (which is happy) I will be getting my new monitor! YAY! $139 and it's nice. My brother has almost the same one. Same brand and pretty much the same monitor. The $139 includes shipping so it's good. 17" flat screen monitor. Great for gaming. Now all i need is a new video card, but I owe my dad money now so I won't be getting one any time soon. I've paid him $50 of the money now, and I'll pay him back $20 a month, so we have a good system. Hmmm.... so can't by food at fast food resturaunts in awhile, can't go to movies... but that's what my new monitor is for so I can watch DVDs and play mass amounts of video games. I'm Lovin' it. Well I have to mow the lawn for my daddy, this will help get some money for my new monitor. So tomorrow I will try to get the last Mystery up. Good bye and fairwell for tonight.

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Mystery Part 12.

Please before reading this, read the post named “Mystery?!?” and the Mysteries in order. “Mystery?!?” is in my most recent archives. This will make a lot more sense if you do.

Man... a whole entire day of playing Final Fantasy VII... and I am still on the first disk! It seems like i should be near the end but no I'm still on the first disk! Well I won't keep you cause you are so excited about the mystery. I'm so excited i could pee my pants! I'm kidding. Just to let you know, this is the second to the last mystery. There is one more left after this. So I will go back to creating long posts about my life. Enjoy mystery part 12:

I was beginning to think that something was seriously wrong with me. Yes 12 again. I was thinking about forgetting all this and leaving. I mean I was running out of clothes and plus, I was paranoid. I mean I had my gun under my pillow when I slept, not that it would matter much cause I probably wouldn’t wake up. Again, my head hurt. Like I said, I was planning on leaving this town of Starsgale. So I packed my bags. After I was done I opened the door and picked up a newspaper that was sitting at my step. It was rolled up and I just felt like reading it before I left. I went back inside and unrolled it. It had a note in it. A note that was typed so I couldn’t tell who it was from.
Jacob Slanders:
I see the element is working on you and that you are getting a good nights sleep. I hope you didn’t get too close to those poor people. Look at the first page of the newspaper.

I looked at the front page. The headline read “Two People Dead”. I didn’t need to read anymore, but I just wanted to make sure. Daisy and Holland. How did he die? I read on to find out they both had died from having their throats slit. There was no indication of who done it. There was more to the note:
I know your thoughts Jake… or Jacob. I know you hate Jake. You despise it. I wouldn’t try to leave this town, or you may find yourself 6 feet under. Stay in town a little longer. I promise I won’t bite…

That was the end of the letter. Now, by this time, I peed my pants. I had no clean clothes… at least I hadn’t peed in them. Now according to the letter, it says he wouldn’t kill me unless I left town. I was beginning to wonder if the bullet in this pistol would be better for him, or for me…

This is the end of section 12. I like the last paragraph. You know how people get when they get paranoid and scared and pee their pants; they make jokes. Comic relief.

Holland- dead
Daisy- see Holland
That’s all although we do get a letter from the princess, I mean killer.

Saturday, May 15, 2004

The sweet sound of video games

The not so good part of today was that the car wash that we had planned was canceled on account of nothing much but a morning rain and a late evening rain. I woke up at 12:30 today and the carwash was at 1 so i had to hurry. I took a shower and then I called Charles to find out and make sure it was at 1 and Pistol answered and told me it was canceled. Well it was 66 degrees outside (very nice) the sun was shinin' and no wind. beautiful day. So hearing that it rained this morning shocked me. then like at 5 it got cloudy and maybe 5:45 it rained. Then at like 5 i read my email and found out Pete had sent me a message yesterday that the carwash was canceled. I had that one message in my inbox yesterday and i noticed it, but i never looked at it cause i thought it might have been some spam. So when i actually went to my inbox and saw a message from Pete and I read it. Nice ending Pete. Video games are good (I changed the subject hehe). I played some Mega man 3 last night. I played it till 2 A.M. That's why I woke up at 12:30. I rode bike today and that was fun. Such a beautiful day. I went down, with some friends, to the mall. Gateway mall doesn't have much, but it has the Pretzel Maker. We went to a friends and he just got Cable for internet. We need that (changed subject). A self cleaning litter box. Not the laser one. This one has like a comb like thing and it "sweeps" the poopy into a sealed container. It has motion detectors so it sweeps when it feels motion i guess. Our cat is weird. Our kitty box has a door on it, but our fat cat poops in it, than she likes to paw the turds out and somehow with the door on the kitty box. There's like a pile outside the door but she still poops inside the box. How many "Now" CDs are they going to make. THey have Now 15 out. ok back to video games. I barrowed Final Fantasy VII from my friend. I've played it a little bit, but the last time I barrowed the game from a different person, i played it on the PS (I am using the PS2 now) and it froze in the same spot all the time and you had to go to that spot. So never got to play it very long. So I'm trying this again. I'm the person that is addicted to stragety guides, so I am like "I'm not going to use a guide for this" and i was like this for FFVII. I got to the first boss and i kept dying, and i was using thunder or whatever it's called, which did the most damage to the boss. I finally looked at the guide and it said to use that, but that i shouldn't attack when it's tail is up. I was wondering why Cloud said that attacking it with it's tail up that it creates a counterattack. Just to tell you, there is a little humor (i guess if you are me and thought of it and that it was kinda lame) in part 12. Well I'm going to go kill that boss now so bye bye people.

Friday, May 14, 2004

Mystery Part 11.

Please before reading this, read the post named “Mystery?!?” and the Mysteries in order. “Mystery?!?” is in my most recent archives. This will make a lot more sense if you do.

Poopy. I almost forgot to update. I meant to do it after school, but i guess it is still after school. Well nothing much went on today. I can give you the mystery now and i think I will. Now I will say what I always say, here's the mystery part 11:

…Man my head hurt. It was noon again. But my head hurt. I am beginning to feel like a zombie or something with 18 hours of sleep and 6 hours of not sleeping a day. Not to mention the paranoia I have of being killed. I wanted to talk to Daisy. I wasn’t sure what hotel she was staying at though. So I did what any person would do to find a person at a hotel; I looked in the phone book for all of the hotels in town and called all of them. There was only five and I knew she wasn’t at mine so it didn’t take long for me to find her. I called her and she answered:
“Hello?” she said, “who is it?”
“It’s Jacob, I need to talk to you.”
“About what Jake?”
“Call me Jacob please. I need to talk to you about how you knew Jeff and stuff.”
“I already told you how I knew him.”
“There has to be more. Please won’t you see me?”
“Ok Jacob. Where should we meet?”
“Let’s meet at a café. The Old Grandpa Café and Bar. Meet at 5?”
“Ok see you then.”
Well I had about 4 and half hours to kill… I mean spend. I have no clue what to do. What do you do in a small town that has a mass murderer on the loose?
Later at 5:00 at the Old Grandpa Café and Bar…
She was late… but I was early because of nothing to do. I mainly just sat and watched TV this afternoon. Daisy finally arrived. Right as she sat down the waitress came. We both ordered burgers and fries. As we waited for our food, we talked.
“Well how are you?” she asked.
“Other than being scared out of my freakin’ mind, pretty good.” I said.
“Why have you been scared?” she asked.
“You would be too if your car blew up.”
“Just for curiosity, if your car blew up, wouldn’t you be at least injured?”
“I walked back to town and had it towed. It blew up as the tow man was towing it. Luckily he was towing it and not driving it.”
“That’s odd. Now what did you want to know?” She asked.
“I’m just curious, do you know how Jeff got that scar on his hand? He didn’t have it in college, when I knew him.” I said.
“I don’t. I thought you might know. He had that scar on his hand when he owned the club. He told me he started the club right after he finished college, and I worked for him the day he opened the club.” She said.
“I have not the slightest.” I said.
Just then our food came. We didn’t talk much while we ate, but when we did we talked about various things like the weather. To be perfectly honest, I don’t think she liked me. So maybe I was right; she thinks that I killed all the people.
It was getting dark. It took our food a long time to get ready so it was like 7:00 when we finished eating. She went up to pay her bill, as did I. I felt a shiver run up my spine. I wanted to make sure she got to her car safely (she rented one) so I watched her leave while I paid my bill. She was at her car and looking for her keys in her purse when out of nowhere a guy dressed in all black and was hunched over and he grabbed Daisy and covered her mouth. He was holding something in the hand covering her mouth, and she went unconscious. He could run fast, even with her in his arms. I started to run after him, but when I got outside, he was gone. He was nowhere to be seen. Nothing. Not a trace. I looked all over the parking lot. Nothing. I didn’t know what to do. I mean I was paranoid before, but now I was super paranoid. I didn’t even want to call the police. I just didn’t trust anyone in this town. I just went back to my hotel. I had a head ach and was tired again… I lie down and fell right asleep…

This is the end of part 11. Now you know I am rushing cause all the people are dropping like flies in a microwave that is turned on.
Daisy- she died.
Jacob- just wanted to point out he is super, super paranoid.

Thursday, May 13, 2004


I think I spelled that wrong. but anyways. Like Pistol, I have seen the DS, which is sweet looking and will be sweet to play. I need a job. BUt at the same time I plan to get a job this fall. SO come 2005, I can probably have money to buy that thing we call a DS and what we call the PSP or Playstation Portable. Check it out man about the PSP. Now, it doesn't have duel screens like the DS (named for it's Duel Screens). But It looks sweet still. I mean a black handheld, not heard of since the GameGear. Now i kinda think maybe they should have waited a little bit longer, just till they make them a little smaller. These things are going to be like the GameGear; huge, but full of graphics for it's time. I guess it won't be "good" graphics according to us since good graphics is like the PS2's, Gamecube's, and X-Box's. But for being small, good graphics. Yes this is devoted to the new upcoming handhelds. Can't wait till they come out. It is making me wonder when they are going to do the PS3 and whatever the Nintendo is going to do. And probably Microsoft. I think they'll call it the "Bill Gate's Box". Or maybe "Windows Game Box". Box has to be there. Video games. I need money to blow on video games. Well, let's see, I just filled out 6 applications yesterday, and I won't get a job from that cause our career's teacher wanted them back, plus they were a little outdated. Well you people , you should play video games. So should I. Bye bye.
Peaches and Hurb... and the Sea Monkey

Today was cool. I guess nothing much happened. But it was cool. Hmmmm. It was sweet digity. Nothing much happened though. Nothing much happened. Well bye.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Mystery 10.

Please before reading this, read the post named “Mystery?!?” and the Mysteries in order. “Mystery?!?” is in my most recent archives. This will make a lot more sense if you do.

Hey people. I can't chat much cause I have the homework thing going on. Career's Ed. We have to fill out applications. Real applications, but we don't get a job. Darn. It's a lot of them too. ONe 3 page one and five 2 page ones. that's a lot. I can get two done in about an hour so I'm just going to give you part 10 and run. here is part 10 (yes i must announce it.)

I was getting my full of death. I was on the verge of wondering how long I had left before I died. At my hotel room I kept my curtains closed and stayed away from the door and window as best I could. Holland and Daisy knew of Kris’s death by now. I began to wonder if they thought I killed all of the people. I mean as I thought about it, I was with all the people that had died. I don’t know if they were thinking that though. I began to think that I would be alone on finding out the murderer. I decided to snoop around for clues. Not without something though. I went to my suitcase and grabbed something I had packed for emergencies such as this… a pistol. I put on a light jacket and put the pistol into a pocket inside the jacket. Completely concealed. No one would be the wiser.
I wasn’t going to check out Slitwit’s mansion, cause the police had that locked down nice and tight. I decided to check out the site where Jeff had died. Slitwit had showed us on a map when we were at his house. One problem was that I didn’t have a car. I took out the phone book and looked up to see if I could rent a car. The local mechanic shop rented out cars. I walked down there and rented a car. The car was a crappy car. But I guess it is better then nothing.
I drove down to the site of Jeff’s accident. The cliff was not that steep. I could see the tire marks from the car still. Also the police had spray painted the path that his tires made. So it was pretty obvious. I still kept my eyes peeled for anything that the police might have missed. At the site of the accident, which was nothing but some spray paint marks, I looked extra hard… then I found the footprints that Slitwit talked about. They were about my foot size, but a little bigger. Maybe a size bigger. Other than the footprints, I found nothing. I noticed they were Nike shoes. Like I said before, about size 12 because I had size 11 shoes. I started going back up to my car, than stopped. I looked in the direction of town and walked to town. I left the car there. I don’t know if it was paranoia or what, but I didn’t want to get into a car. I didn’t feel safe anywhere. I was a mile from town so it took me 20 minutes to get back to town. When I got to my hotel room I called the mechanic and told him to tow his car home and told him where it was. Later that night I heard that it had exploded. Luckily the mechanic was towing it and it exploded on the way back to town so he didn’t get hurt. Now I began to really get scared. Holland was a pretty big guy. He could fend for himself if he needed too. He was bigger than me that’s for sure. But than again, a lot of people are bigger than me. I just have big feet. Jeff was bigger than me. Heck even Daisy was bigger than me. I’m only 5’2”, with huge feet. Daisy must be 5’6” and Holland, 6 feet probably. Again I felt tired. I have no clue why. It was only 5:30. But I hit the bed and away I went to dreamland…

This is the end of section 10. pretty good I think. Microsoft word has found me out I think. It put this in italicize for me.

Jacob- 5’2”. Paranoid (but who wouldn’t be in his situation?) Someone is out to get him obviously.
Daisy- about 5’6”
Holland- huge guy. 6’

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

I think I'll call this "Updates"

I call this updates because Chane updated his site (he was nice enough to send me an email :)) and because i woke up this morining and it was sweet. It was sweet because my leg didn't hurt. I mean I can climb up stairs again and climb them 2 by 2 (like Noah). So that's maraculous. I mean last night, it hurt. Now today I can bend it, and no pain, and my knee doesn't bleed when i bend it. Although I am in training. Sometimes I start limping and then I'm like, "Oh yeah... I can walk." or when i sit down I keep my leg stretched, and them I'm like "oh yeah I can bend my knee" and then i bend my feet under my chair cause I feels good to bend my knee. Well I would like to chat some more but I have tons of homework cause teachers were thinking that it was National Homework Day and celebrated it. Hopefully I'll get part 11 done tonight. I know that it is part 10 that is due tomorrow, but I already explained my new system. And it works really well. I want to see what this insert
block quote does
. You can tell me what it does. I'll take a look at it when i get finished so then i will know what it does. Ok well... homework... do it for me... show up at my home and do it for me... please...
I think I'll call this "Updates"

I call this updates because Chane updated his site (he was nice enough to send me an email :)) and because i woke up this morining and it was sweet. It was sweet because my leg didn't hurt. I mean I can climb up stairs again and climb them 2 by 2 (like Noah). So that's maraculous. I mean last night, it hurt. Now today I can bend it, and no pain, and my knee doesn't bleed when i bend it. Although I am in training. Sometimes I start limping and then I'm like, "Oh yeah... I can walk." or when i sit down I keep my leg stretched, and them I'm like "oh yeah I can bend my knee" and then i bend my feet under my chair cause I feels good to bend my knee. Well I would like to chat some more but I have tons of homework cause teachers were thinking that it was National Homework Day and celebrated it. Hopefully I'll get part 11 done tonight. I know that it is part 10 that is due tomorrow, but I already explained my new system. And it works really well. I want to see what this insert
block quote does
. You can tell me what it does. I'll take a look at it when i get finished so then i will know what it does. Ok well... homework... do it for me... show up at my home and do it for me... please...

Monday, May 10, 2004

Mystery 9.

Please before reading this, read the post named “Mystery?!?” and the Mysteries in order. “Mystery?!?” is in my most recent archives. This will make a lot more sense if you do.

Wow! New blogging thingy. Unless you have a blog, you don't know what I'm talking about. I thinking of a good picture for my profile. So many. Hmmmm... Oh yeah mystery 9. Is it already 9? Holy crap I better get this done in under 25 mystery post things. I guess I have 16 mystery posts left before i hit that mark. I mean if I go over, it's not a big deal, but I would like to get the mystery done before school is out. 13 more school days, and i think 18 days till summer vacation (weekends). Hey my wounds are healing. Although I limp with my leg being what shape it is in. It's more to prevent it from breaking open and bleeding then pain. I don't feel very much pain in it. Really none at all. Just whenever i walk up stairs, it breaks open and bleeds so i wear a bandaid. Then i try to walk "normal" and it seems I can't for some odd reason. So hopefully it heals. Just a warning... I think that Part 9 is crappy cause i rushed it and didn't go into it very much. DIdn't really go into the emotions of Jacob. Plus it seemed... rushed like I said before. It's your call on what you think of it. I promise you that Part 10 will be much much better then this. I'm almost done with part 10 so that's how I know it will be better. Here is Part 9:

I woke up the next day quite late. I felt hungry so I decided to check out some places to eat. It was noon on a Wednesday so it wasn’t too busy. I had to walk since my only source of transportation blew up. I found this quaint little café and ate there. When I got inside I saw Kris sitting at a table. She noticed me and signaled me to sit with her.
“Hey,” she said, “how goes it?”
“It’s going.” I said.
The waitress came and took our orders. Kris and I started talking.
“I think I may know who killed Slitwit and Chuck and maybe Jeff, but I don’t think it is a good idea to talk about it in public.” She said.
“Then we should meet later tonight.” Said I.
“Yeah, I’ll meet at your hotel room at around 7:00?” she said
“Ok.” I said. By this time our food had come cause all we ordered were salads. We started to chat about various things, like the whether, a little about Jeff, like what we thought of him and whatnot.
“He was nice all the time to us.” She said, “he was a good business man. Like Holland said, we were almost done getting our business set up, when he got this threatening letter.”
“He was a good friend to me.” I said, “we were best friends throughout elementary school through college, and we were always there for each other.”
Our waitress came and gave us our bills. She paid hers first and was leaving as I was paying mine. I looked up to watch her leave when all of a sudden out of no where, she fell to the ground and blood fell out of her body. I ran out there to see what had happened. She had been shot, directly in the heart. She was dead. Didn’t take long for the police to get there. They asked me what had happened and I told them that she was just walking out of the café when she fell down. I told them what happened and the paramedics examined the body and found the bullet. They said it looked like a bullet from a sniper rifle.
Slowly the people who had answers about Jeff’s murder were dying. This murderer was good at what he or she does. That just shot down the suspicion that she had killed Slitwit, or Jeff for that matter. I was back to the start again, except that I had to find out who killed four people. The only way I could find out was to talk to the only remaining people that knew Jeff well: Holland and Daisy. Speaking of Daisy, I don’t know much about her, except that she lived in Texas and she worked in a club. I think I’ll have a talk with her. Hopefully she won’t die before I talk with her… or I after I talk to her…

End of secton 9. short and sweet but good to eat.

Ok I will now go over the feelings of Jacob I guess. Well for one thing he is scared out of his freaking mind cause he is worried he will get killed next. So he is in a more panicy mood then a cool mood. About the death of Kris... well he is still more scared, but he is sad that she died, and kinda mad cause all of his clues are dying. SO yeah. Still more panicy.

Kris- really she just dies. Nothing more for characters.

Saturday, May 08, 2004

Juliana Theory

Hey guess what people? Juliana Theory, if you didn't know, came out witha music video. it is called "Soldier" and the song rules. the music video is the band playing the song. The song rules if i didn't say that already. Juliana theory is also coming out with a new CD if you didn't know. I don't check out their site very often so i just find all this out. The music video has been out since march if that tells you how long it's been since I've been there. That's all that is new to say except that i should go to bed right now so I won't be tired for church tomorrow. Fun times. Night you late night watchers of the blog. Check out Mystery 8 below
oops mistake in Part 8

The mistake is "I knew not how he got that scar on his face." It is suppose to be "I knew not how he got the scar on his hand." So read it that way, except without the boldiness on the hand.
Mystery Part 8.

Please before reading this, read the post named “Mystery?!?” and the Mysteries in order. “Mystery?!?” is in my most recent archives. This will make a lot more sense if you do

The foody was goody at the spoody, even though it was moody i had a cookie. or the food was really good and i enjoyed it very much. My daddy bought me a new chair at an auction today. He got it for 2 bucks and it is a comffy chair. It doesn't look good, but it is very comffy. I wish I can move the back up a little bit; it is a little far too far back. I think one of these twisty thingys does it but with my hands being how they are... it hurts to twist them and it takes a lot of effort to do it. You know what? My brother pointed something out to me. Thousand Foot Krutch's song "Last Words" is what my cousin would say if he could say anything to us. I mean the song is perfectly what he would say. I was on the verge of tears when I listened to that song that way. It's so much true of what he would say probably. Well, I have to say that part 8 is long... and informative. I need to get started on part 9 and then tomorrow I can do part 10. So I am trying but I was busy all day today, and last night I wrecked and my thumb hurt a lot and I didn't really feel much to work on part 9. Here is part 8 for y'all.

I found out something. The police waste no time getting to the scene of a crime. I also found out that they are very suspicious of suspects. They won’t let us leave the house.
“Excuse me Mr. Slanders,” and officer approached me again, “I will need to ask you a few questions.”
“Go ahead.” Said I.
“How well did you know Mr. Slitwit?” He said.
“I knew him only a day. I met him yesterday evening.”
“Why did you meet?”
“We met cause of a death of a mutual friend.”
“Whom was this friend?”
“He was Jeffery Sickleson.”
“Any feuds between you and Slitwit?”
“None at all. We just met and I didn’t know him that well.”
The questions went on like this. They were asked to everybody, and everybody responded in the same way as I. Then the police told us that we could go back to our hotels.
Later in Jacobs hotel room…
Since it was late because of the questioning, I went to bed. It was only 6 o’ clock, but I felt tired. As I lay there, I felt tired but couldn’t sleep. Something was troubling me. So I decided to re-think my relationship with Jeff. I knew not how he got that scar on his face. When we were in elementary school, we met. We played with each other at recess and we made fun of teachers together. We were like regular best friends in elementary school. Then middle school. We were still friends and we hung out all the time. We weren’t that popular actually. I mean everyone knew who we were, but it wasn’t like they flocked around us. We usually made fun of the popular kids. He got addicted to crack our 8th grade year. I was the only one who knew about it, and I swore I wouldn’t tell. The odd part is that he got it for free. A guy named Snake. I knew his real name though. His real name was Francis. But I would refer to him as Snake anyways. Snake would pay and give Jeff the crack for free. I don’t know where Snake got the money to spend and not get paid back. He was in college at the time. Then I just thought, maybe, just maybe he murdered Jeff. He had the alibi. I mean what kind of person would spend hundreds of thousands of dollars for a person? So Jeff could have what Snake paid for? Plus he knew how to rig explosives. He rigged up a couple of pipe bombs in his day. He didn’t really blow up anything, except like garbage and stuff. Nothing important.
Later that year, I finally talked Jeff into quit smoking that crack. It took him like only 2 weeks to quit. He had no cravings after that. He didn’t seem to be doing crack, so he must have quit. In high school, we were pretty much the same in the popular scale. He was different though. I knew he was off the crack for sure by then. He obtained these “secrets” that only I knew about. He met a friend that was obsessed with guns and weapons, mainly for hunting though. I forget the name if him. Every now and then Jeff would hang out with this dude. We were still the bestest of friends though. He hung out with me mainly and we would go to the local bar and play pool and some of the video games. That’s where we spent a lot of cash. Other then the crack back in middle school, he had other secrets. While he hung out with that one dude that liked weapons of sorts for hunting, Jeff learned and made some knives. No one knew it but me. His parents didn’t know and neither did that one kid. They were amazing. Some of them were extremely sharp and small. Some were the size of Samurai swords. They were sweet. He hid them in his closet wall where he had made a hole back in middle school to conceal his crack. Then I found out he also made a gun. Or invented one anyways. It was small and could deal a lot of damage to a deer. He went hunting often and used his knives and that gun. That gun took out that deer in one shot from a couple hundred yards. I have no clue how he aimed with that thing. One really odd secret that he had was an obsession with the medical profession, and the business world. Now it doesn’t seem odd cause he tried to start a business, and owned a club. The medical though, I don’t know. He was into it in college too, but not as much as in high school. That one is a mystery in itself.
Something that struck me odd is that Kris was a doctor. Now, she couldn’t be more then 25 years old. How in blazes does she become a doctor that fast? Especially when she was trying to start a business with Jeff and Holland.
Something struck me just then. She could have murdered Slitwit. I mean it was because of Jeff that the business went bad, cause the note was to Jeff. Also, she was the one that examined the body of Slitwit. She could have taken the thing that killed him out of the body. She got into the wound a little bit. She had somewhat of an alibi now. I need to have a little talk with her. Just then I started to fall asleep. Last time I glanced at the clock it said 2:39 A.M.

End of this scene bobby. Loads of info. on Jeff and a lot of people. Suspicious. Little bit of humor at the beginning… very little.

Snake- real name, Francis. Rigged a couple of pipe bombs. Was a crack buyer for Jeff.
Jeff-in middle school, smoked crack. Made knives and swords in high schools. Just a lot of information on him.

I'm running out of titles cause i want to put "Hmmm..." as all of them

Hmmmm... well today was fun... yesterday was painful... not painful, more like the creating of scabs day. Well yesterday I rammed into my friend Kyle on my bike... don't worry about him, he was on his bike and i rammed his tire... no damage done to the bikes, and I don't think he got hurt, but I fell off my bike. My kneed has a hole in it literally, and my palms are scratched up and hurt a wee bit. Although I couldn't push the spacebar with my right thumb cause it was painful. But I'm good now. My leg is the main thing hurting now. I can't bend it that far. I'm positive that it's not broken or something along those lines. But I'm healing. Today was fun. I went to see the new movie Van Helsing. That was a good movie. I go to movies a lot of times because of previews, but as some may no... the previews look good, and then the movie sucks when you go see it. But it seems now they are fixing the preview thing. The movies that i see preveiws for look good, and then I go to the Movie... the movie is awsome and the preview didn't spoil anything for me. Van Helsing is an example of this. So of course it was awsome and great and many other various words. I think it is time for me to get some Red Lobster and their glorious shrimp alfredo. Then I think I will sit down (cause my leg wont permit much more then maybe a little bit of a limp of walking. Similar to the kind that i used to go to the movie) and play some Splinter Cell. Well I'm going to go eat and I'll give you part 8 after i eat. bye

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Mystery Part 7.

Yep i gots part 7 for y'all. First off, my links are messed up a wee bit... i think. The webster one is off and on. Well I won't say much. I will just post this mystery and run so here it is:

I slept really well, and late. It was 11 in the morning when I woke up. I got ready for my lunch with Chuck. I took my shower, the normal routine. I watched some T.V. since I had some extra time before Chuck would get here. At 5 minutes to noon, I heard sirens. I didn’t make anything of it until I realized they wouldn’t stop and that they were close. I stepped out of the hotel room and went toward the sirens. As I drew closer I noticed that there had been a car accident. But something drew me closer, the car… it was an old truck… CHUCK’S TRUCK! I ran over and saw a lifeless corpse of Chuck. The paramedics tried to revive him, but it was a loosing battle. The put a sheet over him and put him in the ambulance. I walked back to my room, somewhat sobbing. I didn’t know him well, but he was a nice and a great guy. Then something drew me back to the scene of the accident. Him crashing into a street pole wouldn’t have made an explosion and started his truck on fire. His car was charred. Something wasn’t right. I was beginning to think there was the smell of another murder. I went back to my room and called Mr. Slitwit.
I dialed the number and heard him answer:
“Chuck’s been killed Mr. Slitwit… in an accident. I think it was murder.” I said.
“I’ll call a meeting right away, and you guys can have lunch at my house.”
Later at the Mr. Slitwit’s house, the group is seated around the table and a storm had picked up outside…
“I have called an emergency meeting. Mr. Slanders will explain.” Mr. Slitwit said.
I wiped my mouth from the food on it, and stood up. “Chuck was killed in a car accident this morning. We were going to have lunch and he was going to pick me up. On his way, he ran into a pole. I don’t think that it was an accident, but murder.’
Various gasps and comments were made around the room.
“Let Mr. Slanders finish,” Slitwit said.
“I think it was murder because when you run into a pole, your car usually doesn’t explode. And his car was burnt to a crisp. Second, he seemed to be a very good driver. And the pole was very obvious. I don’t know much more then what I saw. I think that his car was rigged with bombs or something explosive.”
“The gas tank could have easily exploded,” said Holland, “what if that is the case?”
“It is possible that that could have happened,” I said, “but unlikely. Plus we think there is a murderer on the loose. Wouldn’t that person want to wipe out anyone who suspected that Jeff was murdered?”
“Which brings me to this,” Mr. Slitwit had stood up and said, “I know who the murderer is. I have investigated enough tha-…” There was a loud crack of thunder and the lights went out. I heard a small thump. Then the lights came back on.
Slitwit had fallen to the floor. We all got up and went over to him… only to find a wound in his back. Kris got down to investigate, ‘I’m a doctor as my occupation.” Said Kris. “He’s dead… the wound is pretty deep, but nothing seems to be inside him. But it doesn’t look like a knife wound.”
“Then what killed him?” asked Holland.
“I’m scared,” said Daisy.
“Let’s call the police,” said Holland has he picked up the phone. He dialed the number, “Hello… There has been a murder… It happened at 123 Bob Monkey Street… Thank you.” He hung up the phone. “They are on their way… in the mean time they say we are all suspects.”

This is the end of this part. Actiony if that was a word, it would be the word to describe it I think.

Chuck: dies in a car accident… or murder as Jacob thinks.
Kris: Doctor.
Jonathon Slitwit: Murdered by an unknown source.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004


I have decided that I am just going to give you a link to and it's definition of the word I can't spell. Hey I pushed Ctrl W again. Didn't make me to happy. But since I am having a little bit mroe time and the only thing that I would be doing right now, I would be typing the mystery. So it's more of your loss then mine, cause I know how it ends. Well I said that I glass etched in a glass and it looks sweet digity. Picture this link on a glass about the size of the picture, except the glass is about 2 inches taller below the picture. Then picture the black part a frosty color, and the blueish grayish part clear like the glass. That's how the sweetness of the cup looks like. Now I am done with that. That's all i really had to say more, but there were a few minor things that i don't think you would care about, like me doing my speech for career's ed. Lamey wamey. But it was a good speech. Oh yes and i said I am going to put and somehow i forgot to put maddogs blogs link to the side over there <. Ok now for the title. Miraculous. Miracles were our topic in Youth tonigh, which Pete did a nice job doing. I have come up with a miracle in my life; living through a day. Now a day is dangerous. We get into a shower (some of us), and we could drown! Then we might eat some food, which could be poisoned! Then we would brush our teeth, we would swallow some of that toothpaste and die! Then we might get in the car and ride to school, now driving... you just take your life into yours and other peoples hands when you drive. School, you could trip and fall. The food could be poisoned there too. Man the world is dangerous. But seriously, it is dangerous. It is a Miracle that we live through the day. A healthy baby is a miracle. Cancer being healed, miracle. Sure the Red Sea parting would be miraclous to see, but we ignore all these miracles and more, and wait for the sea to part. Pete's example: Why isn't the Red Sea parting, oh my cold feels gone, that's great. Come on God why won't this sea part? That was Pete's example. I wonder if Pistol is reading this and thinking, "When did i say this? I'm pretty smart." I'm talking about Peter Jonesypoo. Hehe Jonesypoo. Ok now I will Post this blog and you will get your news that took me too long and time out of the mystery. I have part 7 done, but I need to start and finish 8 before I post that thing we call, Mystery 7. Look for good luck happening, then think, "there is no luck, just miracles"
God Bless. Peace

who ever invented that, should get slapped.

Yes I am a little frusterated. Cause someone invented it and decided not to put up a message telling you it was closing. I was done with my blog and i don't even know how this happened. I was done and like accidently pushed like control and something else. It was a good blog and now since I am out of time to tell you you don't get to hear what I have to say except this. You probably been wondering when I am going to update the mystery. Well, I made a plan. I am going to finish Part 7 tonight and part 8. You won't get part 7 till tomorrow. I plan to update every other day. So I will always have a backup in case i get busy and can't type out one. Now since I am low on time, I will say good bye to you and slap the person who invented ctrl+W. I have math homework and then I get to go to church which is always fun. bye bye good people. (i hate ctrl w i hate ctrl w.) Not really. I use it quite frequently. So I am just going to slap that guy. ta ta for now.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Complaining... me? Naw.

Oh yeah. That's sarcasm by the way. They should make a key that makes it so you can type sarcasm. Like a voice booms in and says it sarcastic. Hey Peter fixed his links. So someone reads my blog other then some other people. Well I complain to much about people. That's not very good cause people don't complain about me. Hmmmm... maybe peter should be like "YOU SHOULD FINISH THE FREAKING MYSTERY!" And it still wouldn't get done. Hey on a good note, I finally found out who did it on my mystery. I can't tell you though. You'll just have to wait five million years, when i finish that mystery... actually i plan to finish it before June. I might work on it tonight. So don't fret. But you should be like "Hey, update the freaking mystery monkey boy or I'll monkey you monkey." and then i would be like "ok" and it wouldn't get done faster then it is now. So I will play my video game and then update that thing we call Mystery Part blah blah.

Monday, May 03, 2004

Hmmm... another one within 10 minutes... am i mad again like when i started blogging?

That's a freakin' long title. Ill shorten it to The man who thought he was perosn man, but soon found it he was only semi person man... sitll a little long. try this: kong. That's good. No offense or anything Pete, but your links are a little off target there. I mean my link is above my name, and so is derek's and hey charlies has the website and the link above his name... but i once messed up like that, so i wont critisize you cause i can't spell that word worth anything, and i'm to lazy to look it up. anyways, one thing about Mazilla is that some blogs don't work, but i still have Internet Exploder on my computer to check those out. I can update my blog with Mazilla and that's all that matters. Oh and Pete reminded me to give you some words of wisdom since he used the ultimate source of wisdom. Here's mine from my own head: "Film can explose itself when put under light.... therefore taking one point off your grade in graphing comm." or I'll do this one "You grow some and you loose some wheat when you plant. But what matters is that did you try to grow some, even though you lost some. All that is asked is to try." Thank Pete for that one. So i guesse i didn't use that one from my head. But what can i say? You guys drain me of my wisdom, or lack there of. Hehe. Peace out.
I'm Happy!

No need to format my harddrive. And my brother fixed my computer, and i got rid of Internet Exploder. YAY! So now i use Mozzila Firefox. It has a cool name unlike "Internet Exploerer". how original. Internet in the name... although i can't think of any other browser with internet in it. But the whole explorer idea... not very original. I mean Netscape Navigator. Anyways Mozzilla is cool in its self, but then they added the Firefox and they are just Kick' with the coolness. And plus it has google search engine on top and it's own pop-up blocker built it. So I don't need to have the google toolbar, which served me well. Hey you guys get mystery sooner then explected.... as soon as i get on it. I have to type my speech for career's ed. today, and i have un poco español( a little bit spanish), and a little bit of math. I think I'll start with math, then work on my career's. I have all my info for career's I just need to type it. I will probably start and maybe finish the next part of the mystery. Well I'll get started on my homework now. My my peeps!

Sunday, May 02, 2004


Ok now it's official. My antivirus program told me I had the trojan horse on my computer. That's a bad virus. I mean my computer was sleeping, when i woke it up it had a little box that said "AVG6 has found trojan horse virus on your computer. Please open AVG to get rid of it." that's probably not a direct quote but it went something like that. When i did open AVG, it was denying the fact that it said i had a virus. So I'm going with the format. Read Mystery Part 6 below. I got it up if you didn't know already.
Mystery Part 6.

If you haven't already, read the post "Mystery?!?", which would be in my archives by now, and probably read all the posts after. This will make a lot more sense if you do.

Yes you get your mystery finally. Although my computer is messed up still, so I got this great idea that took hours upon hours to come up with. The idea was to put the mystery on a disk from my computer, and since i have several computers in my home i decided to take that same disk and put it in one of the other computers. And i was like, "Whoa! That's just crazy enough to work!" and so i did it and here i am. I don't know when I'll have part 7 out, because my computer is where i type the mysterys and usually publish them. Since I am formatting my harddrive, it could be awhile, meaning a couple of days, meaning sometime this week. I most likely will have it this week sometime. Probably near the end. Since I'm on this computer, I can tell you the words that my computer upstairs messes with. It messes with the words car, ticket, date, airplane, adware, and stuff similar to that. Well here is part 6:

“Didn’t you say you knew him?” asked Holland.
“Yes I knew him. I can tell you that I went to college with him. Jeff would not want me to tell anyone anything else about him.’
“There must be something else that you can tell us.” Said Kris.
“There is not.” Said I.
“Do you know anything that pertains to his death Mr. Slanders?” asked Slitwit.
“All I have to say is that I knew him in college. I think I have the freedom to hold back any relations I had with him.” I said.
“You may,” said Slitwit, “but it just gives us all the more reason to think that you killed him.”
“Then I guess that it is your freedom to do that.” I said.
The old grandfather clock struck nine. “I guess it is time for my guests to go to their hotels.” Said Slitwit. “Hoges, kindly show them to their cars.”
Hoges came out. “Follow me ladies and gentlemen.” He said. We followed him down the hallway and he opened the front door for us. The something dawned upon me just then, how did Slitwit know that I was looking at the picture. He wasn’t standing in sight. It was strange to me indeed.
Chuck and I got into the truck and we started to leave.
“Let’s get down to it,” he said, “did you kill him?”
“Of course not.” I said, “why would I kill my best friend?”
“Then why don’t you tell at least me how you knew him? It’s not a big deal, is it?”
“It is,” I said, “Jeff has secrets, just like everybody, that he doesn’t want to be shared.”
“Everybody?” he said, “That’s a lot of people you are talking about.”
“Well a lot of people have secrets, including a lot of these people.”
“What are you getting at Slanders?”
“I guess I can tell you a little bit.” I said, “I grew up with Jeff, all the way from our childhood, until the end of college. He told me everything. After college he mysteriously just picked up and left. He left me a note, telling me he was going to find fortunes. I didn’t know what he was doing. Until now that is, when I heard your guys’ stories. It answered some questions that you guys are having now and what questions I had left to answer about Jeff. If you didn’t notice in the picture, if you even noticed it at all, he had a scar on his left hand. Now I figured out that ol’ Jeff was in a different disguise every time he moved. That is why I was the only one who knew the picture was of him. Except one thing he didn’t have in college that he has in that picture; that scar. If you also took any notice, Kris had a scar on her right arm, and Mr. Slitwit had a scar on his right cheek. I think there is a connection. What’s the matter Chuck?” He seemed to be holding something inside of him.
“Nothing, it’s just that…” he pulled over to the side of the rode and lifted up his left pant leg. There was a scar on his ankle.
“So you also have a secret.” I said, “Would you mind revealing it?”
“I don’t know Jacob. Why should I even tell you? It’s not important.” He said.
“For one thing, I think I can get this mystery solved if you do tell me.” I said. We had just pulled up to the hotel when I said this.
“I’ll tell you tomorrow. I’ll pick you up at noon. Get a good nights sleep.” I got out and got my bags, and away he went.

End of part 6.

Chuck: has a scar on his left ankle.
That’s all for the character thing today.

Saturday, May 01, 2004

Internet exploder

I have reason to believe that my internet explorer got infected by something, and that the problem isn't on my computer, but on my internet explorer. See whenever I turn on my computer, it brings up a "send error report" thing for internet explorer. It still works... somewhat. when i went to post this, well it was messed up, but refreshing it fixed it.
Quarantine Update

Well, I have ran Adware, and scanned for viruses. No luck with Adware, but i did find a virus on my computer with my virus program... didn't fix it. i'm thinkin to format my harddrive. That wouldn't be good for me, cause i have like 5 gigs worth of stuff that i want... fitting that onto a CD for future use... doesn't sound good. probably not 5 gigs. I just want my D2 characters, my starcraft screensaver, my starcraft person, probably my other games on here, not much more really. Well im going to go. Just wanted to tell you what I have done so you don't tell me to do those things. Peace.