Thursday, May 27, 2004

0 days left!

Oh yeah. Do I start count downs great or what? Ok so I started counting down a little late. I am happy, but not as happy as I would be if my monitor was here. I can wait one day. Tomorrow, I hope it to be here. It's in Bismarck right now, but it won't be dilivered until tomorrow, unless it is held at the airport for a day, which would suck cause it's a weekend after that day and then monday is memorial day which means it wont be at my house till tuesday... but that's only if it is held at the airport for a day or if there isn't room on the truck. Last night was a great time. We were supposed to go up to the Land last night, but their was a wall of rain clouds to the west, so we didn't, so we went to the church instead. I think it was better to go to the church. I mean we worshipped like... there's no words to describe it. I think God was telling me how great it feels to worship Him cause that was great. Now I need to memorize songs so I could sing them on my own time to Him. Well have a grand summer people. I will. No I am not not(double negative) blogging for the summer, I just wanted to wish you a great summer. Blog to ya later.

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