Friday, May 14, 2004

Mystery Part 11.

Please before reading this, read the post named “Mystery?!?” and the Mysteries in order. “Mystery?!?” is in my most recent archives. This will make a lot more sense if you do.

Poopy. I almost forgot to update. I meant to do it after school, but i guess it is still after school. Well nothing much went on today. I can give you the mystery now and i think I will. Now I will say what I always say, here's the mystery part 11:

…Man my head hurt. It was noon again. But my head hurt. I am beginning to feel like a zombie or something with 18 hours of sleep and 6 hours of not sleeping a day. Not to mention the paranoia I have of being killed. I wanted to talk to Daisy. I wasn’t sure what hotel she was staying at though. So I did what any person would do to find a person at a hotel; I looked in the phone book for all of the hotels in town and called all of them. There was only five and I knew she wasn’t at mine so it didn’t take long for me to find her. I called her and she answered:
“Hello?” she said, “who is it?”
“It’s Jacob, I need to talk to you.”
“About what Jake?”
“Call me Jacob please. I need to talk to you about how you knew Jeff and stuff.”
“I already told you how I knew him.”
“There has to be more. Please won’t you see me?”
“Ok Jacob. Where should we meet?”
“Let’s meet at a café. The Old Grandpa Café and Bar. Meet at 5?”
“Ok see you then.”
Well I had about 4 and half hours to kill… I mean spend. I have no clue what to do. What do you do in a small town that has a mass murderer on the loose?
Later at 5:00 at the Old Grandpa Café and Bar…
She was late… but I was early because of nothing to do. I mainly just sat and watched TV this afternoon. Daisy finally arrived. Right as she sat down the waitress came. We both ordered burgers and fries. As we waited for our food, we talked.
“Well how are you?” she asked.
“Other than being scared out of my freakin’ mind, pretty good.” I said.
“Why have you been scared?” she asked.
“You would be too if your car blew up.”
“Just for curiosity, if your car blew up, wouldn’t you be at least injured?”
“I walked back to town and had it towed. It blew up as the tow man was towing it. Luckily he was towing it and not driving it.”
“That’s odd. Now what did you want to know?” She asked.
“I’m just curious, do you know how Jeff got that scar on his hand? He didn’t have it in college, when I knew him.” I said.
“I don’t. I thought you might know. He had that scar on his hand when he owned the club. He told me he started the club right after he finished college, and I worked for him the day he opened the club.” She said.
“I have not the slightest.” I said.
Just then our food came. We didn’t talk much while we ate, but when we did we talked about various things like the weather. To be perfectly honest, I don’t think she liked me. So maybe I was right; she thinks that I killed all the people.
It was getting dark. It took our food a long time to get ready so it was like 7:00 when we finished eating. She went up to pay her bill, as did I. I felt a shiver run up my spine. I wanted to make sure she got to her car safely (she rented one) so I watched her leave while I paid my bill. She was at her car and looking for her keys in her purse when out of nowhere a guy dressed in all black and was hunched over and he grabbed Daisy and covered her mouth. He was holding something in the hand covering her mouth, and she went unconscious. He could run fast, even with her in his arms. I started to run after him, but when I got outside, he was gone. He was nowhere to be seen. Nothing. Not a trace. I looked all over the parking lot. Nothing. I didn’t know what to do. I mean I was paranoid before, but now I was super paranoid. I didn’t even want to call the police. I just didn’t trust anyone in this town. I just went back to my hotel. I had a head ach and was tired again… I lie down and fell right asleep…

This is the end of part 11. Now you know I am rushing cause all the people are dropping like flies in a microwave that is turned on.
Daisy- she died.
Jacob- just wanted to point out he is super, super paranoid.

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