Saturday, May 08, 2004

I'm running out of titles cause i want to put "Hmmm..." as all of them

Hmmmm... well today was fun... yesterday was painful... not painful, more like the creating of scabs day. Well yesterday I rammed into my friend Kyle on my bike... don't worry about him, he was on his bike and i rammed his tire... no damage done to the bikes, and I don't think he got hurt, but I fell off my bike. My kneed has a hole in it literally, and my palms are scratched up and hurt a wee bit. Although I couldn't push the spacebar with my right thumb cause it was painful. But I'm good now. My leg is the main thing hurting now. I can't bend it that far. I'm positive that it's not broken or something along those lines. But I'm healing. Today was fun. I went to see the new movie Van Helsing. That was a good movie. I go to movies a lot of times because of previews, but as some may no... the previews look good, and then the movie sucks when you go see it. But it seems now they are fixing the preview thing. The movies that i see preveiws for look good, and then I go to the Movie... the movie is awsome and the preview didn't spoil anything for me. Van Helsing is an example of this. So of course it was awsome and great and many other various words. I think it is time for me to get some Red Lobster and their glorious shrimp alfredo. Then I think I will sit down (cause my leg wont permit much more then maybe a little bit of a limp of walking. Similar to the kind that i used to go to the movie) and play some Splinter Cell. Well I'm going to go eat and I'll give you part 8 after i eat. bye

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