Monday, May 24, 2004

Rap City U.S.A.

Hey everybody. Just wanted to let you know that I just got done studying for 3 finals for tomorrow. I took two today. That Science final was hard. It was open notes but you don't have much time to do 80 question in 50 minutes. I finished it... don't know how the answers will look, but at least I tried. Then my math final... now I'm good at math and I like math a lot (I'm a freak man) and I have to say that that test was harder than I thought it would be. I mean it's 41 questions long and multiple choice! I'm glad that she made it a two day test. I got to number 25. The rest of the test is pretty easy though cause it is fresh in my mind. We finish that on Wed. though. Tomorrow... I have an english final. It's on Romeo and Juliet. I forgot my packet which will help me study so I couldn't study for that part, but I brought my book home so I could study vocab. I studied Global mainly. It's going to be an alright test. Mr. Hager doesn't make hard tests cause he doesn't like making tests. So it's good. But still we took like a long time to do these notes so there are a lot of notes. I studied them the best I could. Than Spanish. That's going to be easy cause I understand it. And if you understand it, that's easy. I should be alright cause it's only on the last chapter we did. On Wed. we also have Career's test... that's going to be a hard hard test. I'm going to have to start studying right after school tomorrow. It's on everything we've learned in career's and that's a lot of stuff. So that's going to be one of my hardest tests this week. Now ends my thesis on the finals. Now rap city USA! This is the year of the rap CDs coming out. KJ52 just released a remixed version of 7th avenue, which was his first CD. Thousand Foot Krutch is Remixing their first CD, Set it Off. Toby Mac is coming out with his new CD this fall. And last but definitely not least, Grits with their 2 part album called Dichotomy A and Dichotomy B, which A will be released in June and B in November. I'm excited. Also Relient K is coming out with a new album! Happy year. Hopefully Relient K will come out this year. It's to be announced. Happy happy year year. Can't wait. Starcraft Ghost is said to be out this Christmas, but Blizzard is... late usually, but with good reason of perfecting it. I don't have my new monitor yet, cause Newegg ran out of stock on the monitor I wanted, but as soon as they get some more in they will notify me. Mystery... well like I have said several times, I have no clue when I will get done with it cause of these finals. You know what's sweet? Psalms. Those are sweet. I'm reading that book now and it's sweet digity. So much wisdom. Blows my words of wisdomness out of the water. Speaking of which, here's some. "The Bible has wisdome. Read and take in the words. You will get something out of it." With those final words I wish you good night and God bless.

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