Saturday, May 15, 2004

The sweet sound of video games

The not so good part of today was that the car wash that we had planned was canceled on account of nothing much but a morning rain and a late evening rain. I woke up at 12:30 today and the carwash was at 1 so i had to hurry. I took a shower and then I called Charles to find out and make sure it was at 1 and Pistol answered and told me it was canceled. Well it was 66 degrees outside (very nice) the sun was shinin' and no wind. beautiful day. So hearing that it rained this morning shocked me. then like at 5 it got cloudy and maybe 5:45 it rained. Then at like 5 i read my email and found out Pete had sent me a message yesterday that the carwash was canceled. I had that one message in my inbox yesterday and i noticed it, but i never looked at it cause i thought it might have been some spam. So when i actually went to my inbox and saw a message from Pete and I read it. Nice ending Pete. Video games are good (I changed the subject hehe). I played some Mega man 3 last night. I played it till 2 A.M. That's why I woke up at 12:30. I rode bike today and that was fun. Such a beautiful day. I went down, with some friends, to the mall. Gateway mall doesn't have much, but it has the Pretzel Maker. We went to a friends and he just got Cable for internet. We need that (changed subject). A self cleaning litter box. Not the laser one. This one has like a comb like thing and it "sweeps" the poopy into a sealed container. It has motion detectors so it sweeps when it feels motion i guess. Our cat is weird. Our kitty box has a door on it, but our fat cat poops in it, than she likes to paw the turds out and somehow with the door on the kitty box. There's like a pile outside the door but she still poops inside the box. How many "Now" CDs are they going to make. THey have Now 15 out. ok back to video games. I barrowed Final Fantasy VII from my friend. I've played it a little bit, but the last time I barrowed the game from a different person, i played it on the PS (I am using the PS2 now) and it froze in the same spot all the time and you had to go to that spot. So never got to play it very long. So I'm trying this again. I'm the person that is addicted to stragety guides, so I am like "I'm not going to use a guide for this" and i was like this for FFVII. I got to the first boss and i kept dying, and i was using thunder or whatever it's called, which did the most damage to the boss. I finally looked at the guide and it said to use that, but that i shouldn't attack when it's tail is up. I was wondering why Cloud said that attacking it with it's tail up that it creates a counterattack. Just to tell you, there is a little humor (i guess if you are me and thought of it and that it was kinda lame) in part 12. Well I'm going to go kill that boss now so bye bye people.

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