Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Ummm... The CD Burner Ate My Homework.

The title is although strange, but yet possible, but not pertaining much to this blog... unless you BREAK-IT-DOWN. FIrst I will go with the one that it is possible by telling you how it is possible for the CD Burner to eat your homework. Well you could have done your homework on the computer, and was going to burn it to a CD to bring to school. makes sense... although I did not do that, I was just telling you how it is possible. Now I will tell you how the title pertains to me by BREAK-ING-IT-DOWN. First we will take the "Ummm..." and the "My Homework" part. Well i got all my homework done that I had to make up for being gone 3 days from school. I finish the "HOMEWORK" part last friday though, but i still had a 1 quiz and a test to make up. Yesterday I made up the quiz and today I finished my test, so homework is done. Now for the "The CD Burner Ate" part. See my CD burner has the tendency to, well, eat CDs. meaning that it will take the CD in but it wont spit it back out. Though if i restart my computer, it will open again. It will open about 2 times per "starting", I guess is the word you would use. But this one starting, I guess it just decided to only do it one time. So I am too lazy to turn off my computer and turn it back on to get my CD. Well that breaks down the title. Hmmmm... it has been awhile since I gave you kids some Words of Wisdomness. Let's see if I can gather up some. Well I don't have any I guess. You've sucked me dry. Dang kids. They always wear me down. Hmmm. Think think think think. "If a monkey and a hippoponimous(hehe. it's so much better if you spell that word wrong. Like with an extra P or something.) are going somewhere, and the hippoponimous(still funny) runs into a club called "Spike Club", why did the monkey call an ambulance? Cause the spikes on the club made the hippo bleed. HAHAHAHAHAHA!. I'm so cool." I'm so cool. Oh! Speaking of cool, I have a cool word for you too: Hippoponimous(still funny i say.). Oh yes spelling that word wrong many times over is still funny... don't ask me why, it just is...

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Let's see...

First off, Comfrences at my school are tonight for me. I hate them. They are student lead comfrences. While good for other people, not good for a student that has 6 A's and a B+(might as well be an A cause it's a 91.8% which if you round it up (which they are suppose to do) it would be 92% which is an A. Also it's not good for a student who isn't a trouble maker. For I am both, I think. I'm not trying to breg or anything so don't get that idea. There are better students then me. also you have a skript to follow. Um... in Algebra I have a 103% which means i did extra credit in it and got A+ on my assignments, and in the scritp it says "I can improve in this class by...". yeah... how do I answer that for algebra? How do I imporve? I hate the script in the first place. It's worthless. One of the things on it is "I behave..." and for everyone I put "well". It's worthless, I mean people can lie on it, although the teacher might look at you funny and say that the student is a bad student if the student is in fact a bad student. Enough on that subject. On to another. I haven't updated in awhile for a reason. That reason being that I was playing Diablo II a lot. Although my monitor is still broken, I can see a lot of the screen, almost all of it, although the edge of the screen is skinny, cause of it being "pushed" in. but I can play anyways. Now done with that. I've been reading Great Expectations for English, and now I am beginning to understand, where as before I was confused. It's not a bad book, pretty good actually. I have Confrences in a half an hour. It should be "a hour", technically, but with the other "our" starting with a vowel, we tend to say it "an hour". I should talk to monkey bout that. Weird part about my email is that I am recieving messages from other countrys like Japan or any of those Asian countries that use symbols. THey just get deleted. I have no clue who they are from. Oh, it has been such lovely days in North Dakota lately. Spring is here. Lovely. God knew what he was doing when he created the seasons, that's for sure. I mean having winter before spring, makes us enjoy spring a lot more. I can't wait till the Army of God retreat, that is this weekend. It's going to be fun. It's about time we change our clocks forward. It gets dark too early. It's 7:00 central standard time, and it's getting dark. Not much more going on. Well, I'm going to check Homestar Runner because yesterday, they didn't have a new E-mail or anything. Although last week they did make a new Toon. Bye peeps.

Friday, March 26, 2004

Blurred Eyes

Too much homework I tell ya what. My eyes are a little blurred up and I can hardly see. I still need to finish reading 2 chapters in Great Expectations. I also need to go in and make up 1 test and 1 quiz. The quiz should take me 5 minutes the test... I dunno how long. 30 minutes. I need to go in during homebase. The good part is that I have made up 2 quizes and 2 tests. It is all good. I finished 2 five paragraph reports, a lot of math homework, and a lot of spanish homework. So I'm going to study for my test and quiz this weekend and finish reading those chapters. It's a messed up book. But it is also an old novel written by Charles Dickens, known for this novel and A Christmas Carol. I wonder if they made a movie of Great Expectations. I have no clue why I said that. Tomorrow or today rather, I get to sleep in late. That's good. I got a new blanket. It's nice and soft and warm and cool. It's blue and white; it has a tiger on it, that is blue and white, and he's cross eye apparently. I have some pretty nice friends at school. I don't have lunch money, and my friends were nice enough to buy me food. Thursday, they bought me a muffin, chicken noodle soup, and that's all I think. Now today, I didn't eat much. They don't like there bread rolls, and I like them a lot, so they gave me them. I got three of them. That was my lunch, although one of my friends bought me a lemonade. I owe them something. Like if they need some food, I can get them some food. I need to remember lunch money. It's been on my hand for a long time. I just made myself hungry. Me? I'm tired. Estoy consado. I'm going to sleep. Estoy yendo dormir. Buenos noche.

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Been awhile...

Most of you may already know why it's been awhile. The reason is on Saturday, march 20 at 2 a.m my cousin, who was 18, was killed in a car accident. We rushed over to Plentywood, where he lived, and attended his funeral on Wenesday. I learned more about him from his friends then any of his family knew. I just needed to do something to get away from all this homework that I have. So that's why I'm blogging. Just thought you might want to know what happened. I have tons of homework. 2 reports. Mrs. Arman just won't quit with the reports I tell ya what. I have one that i still need to finish that I started last friday, and I need to start a new one on an outstanding person, such as an actor, musician, author etc. If I don't seem to be taking the accident with my cousin to hard, I am taking it hard. I just couldn't find any words, but I needed to be doing something. I just can't believe that he was killed. In fact that is so true that I didn't process it all until I saw his car, which he wasn't driving at the time of the accident. I mean so many people loved him, all the candles, signatures on a huge poster board, poems, his senoir pictures. That's when it all sank in that he wasn't coming back. See his car is old, and he was driving home, he wasn't planning on going out or anything so he was going home, his alternator quit on him and he coasted into a parking lot. One of his friends gave him a ride, and apparently he was going to a party, so he got a ride to the party with his friend. Well going 80 miles per hour around a curve where the road is gravel, isn't the best thing to do... the car rolled 3 times, 1st time the door came off, second time he fell out, and the car crushed him. His friends tried to get him to the hospital by putting him in their car, but in the emergency room he died of head trama. Even if the ambulence was at the scene, he wouldn't have made it. I have asked questions like what if he wore his seatbelt; what if his car didn't stop working; what if there was no party; what if...? I believe he's in heaven above, smilin' down on us.
You're always remembered 'cuz. Roy Torgerson

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Little Kid

Weird title. You'd think I got bit by a little kid or something... which I didn't, but if I did the title would be the same most likely. Anyways the title will fit after I'm done blogging. This is my tribute to all the "Words Of Wisdomness" I missed. Ah the good old days of being a little kid... you got your diapers changed, you were fed by a chow chow train or rocket or an airplane (I didn't know they looked so much like a spoon). And your parents spent lots of money on you on things you would only eat, throw away, not like cause it looked cool on TV but now it doesn't. Yeah the good old days. That's not the only reason why we were so happy. No stress to deal with also. Why is that do you suppose? Could be cause we had no responsibilities, but then again going to bed was one I suppose, or cleaning your room. I also looked at this subject even deeper. Could it be that we were care free? Like not caring what people thought of you? I think that's it. Number one cause of stress right there: pride. Why do you care so much about pride, that we get stressed out by it sometimes? We HAVE to wear this, we NEED to listen to this. Why can't we just wear, oh I don't know, say a knight's suit? Other then the fact it is heavy, and that people would think you are strange... why would people think it was strange now? I don't know. Cause maybe I'm not wearing baggy pants with my boxers hanging out... that sounds pretty strange to me though. Why would I want my boxers hanging out of my pants. I think that's kinda sick... or some other word that I can't think of at the moment. Ok what I'm getting at is why don't we shout "PRAISE BE TO THE LORD!" in the middle of lunch time. I'm not saying that you should do that, (although I would think that's pretty cool), but you can at least let other people know that your praise belongs to God. Become a little child again and forget what other people think. You might be surpirsed, cause when you were young, the other kids would do what you like to do if you said it. Or somethin' like that. yeah that's it. Peace. Roy T.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Beats Me

I don't know. Don't know why I'm blogging really. Although it might have to do with da fact that I'm trying to pass some time or somethin. Could be. Today was pretty good. It snowed a lot, then it melted and it wasn't as windy as the meteorologist said it would be. So that was good. I had a test in Driver's Ed. today. I did pretty good except for that one question which was something you wouldn't even care about if you were driving. In graphing Communications we did something really really easy, and he thought it would take us 3 days. Well by the end of the class period (he took up 20 minutes of it by the way) I had finished alla but one thing we had to do. And i started on it. it was 5 things we had to do and I finish, that are perfect (this is the teacher I was talking about that was a perfectionist; well now we are working on computers and it's really easy to do it perfect). Well it was a really good day for me. No homework really. Although I had some math. That took me 3 minutes to finish so that was good. I still have to read this one thing from my Rules of the Road book. I took my permit test, and I studied it already. Although his tests are really tricky so I might need to read it again for a refresher. I just know he is going to have a pop quiz on it. Wonder if I should bring a soda? HAHAHAHAHAHA. I rule so much. I'm going to go now before I esplode or something. Esplode is so great. so much better then saying Explode.

Monday, March 15, 2004

Hi people

I beat the mission in only 2 tries. So I have better stealth skills then I thought. Well it really took 3 i guess cause apparently walking as quietly as you can, is making a sound. Yeah I was going to grab this cook dude and I've done it like a million times cause of playing that mission and failing so much, but when I was sneaking up behind, like I had done several times (except that one time when i shot him in the head and killed him, and he is a civilian and yeah... that was my very first try.) and anyways, he heard me and ran like a panzy to the alarm, and before i got in some anger managment in (killing him to avenge my future death) the guard from outside came in and shot me. yeah after I completed that mission though, I had to shoot some people and I started out with like 18 bullets; well now I have 3. Now too good when you need bullets really bad. Let's see... one for that one guard, although i think I can bypass shooting him... maybe. Then one for the camera, I have to shoot those so that's definitely one bullet. So that leaves me with 1 bullet and maybe two. I'll see if that works. I'm gonna check my strategy guide cause I want to make sure I have enough bullets. But right now I need to figure out how to use this Disposable Lock Pick, cause it's faster then my screw drivers and what other tools I have, and I need to pick it in about 7 seconds. I can't figure out how to use it though. I looked in the strategy guide; it didn't tell me. I look in the book; didn't tell me. It must be simple but I've tried everything simple and it doesn't work. Maybe I can pick the lock using the screw driver in less then 7 seconds... I don't think I can though. I've decide that your skin can indeed taste... well anyways the inside of your skin. See this is the way I see it: first if you have a little cut, that isn't bleeding, but it stings when you touch it kinda, if you touch something cold, such as cold water, it kinda sooths it. Where as if you put hot sauce on it, or spill it cause i don't think anyone would go "Hmm, hot sauce, I think I will pour it on this cut.". Now it hurts bad when you do that. Why? Well your skin can taste the hotness, like your tongue can. So that is my conclusion. Not a very good one I don't think. Well I'm going to play Splinter Cell with the three bullets that I have. Bye. Oh bye the way, I was talking about SPlinter Cell in the last post and in this one too. bye.
Redo: Sup Dippity Dawg?

Yeah see that "Redo" up dare? Well reason why it says that is because I HAVE TO REDO THIS POST! Yeah apparentlly if you push the "Ctrl" key, your typing gets deleted... although maybe I accidently pushed the ctrl key and then hit the "A" key and then i pushed the delete key... that may have happened. either way. I don't know if I will repeat myself and not share with you what I had to say. I don't think so. I will tell you that I went to my buddy Game FAQs and found out the proper way to beat the mission I'm on. I will also tell you that it will probably take me 3 to 5 tries before I beat it cause of my mass stealthy skills, or lack there of. Ok that's all I had to say for my post that i was putting in, except for the detail I went in before hand. Bye people.

Sunday, March 14, 2004

The PS2

Well I've playing the PS2 a lot lately. It's been fun. Although that Splinter Cell has given my an annoying thing to work with. It's hard man. I like have to kill these two guys, one pacing through the room and the other standing still, and I can't have them trip an alarm. Now the room is a big entry way and the guard standing still is standing close to the alarm. I take him out first, the pacing guy, who is not so close to the other guard, goes running to the alarm and Sam's "gun mode" is really slow to move the cross hairs to the other guys head while he is running. I did get lucky, and I mean very lucky, and got them both in the head, but then a high ranking dude person comes in, and i have to iterigate him, which means do not shoot him but grab him... yeah... kinda hard to do that when he sees 2 dead corpses on the ground, that i didn't even have enough time to move one, then magically get behind him and grab him. It's a pain. So I play different game. And that's what I've been doing for the past two days. Spring Break was fun, and I wish it wasn't over. But most good things must come to an end. I really can't wait wait till Starcraft Ghost comes out. That'll be great fun. I got up early this moring cause I had to get a ride from my brother to church. So I got to go to church twice. I think that was pretty good, cause sometimes I forget Kermit's messeges. SO hearing it twice helps me remember i guesse. Singing thee old hymes was pretty cool too. I wasn't as tired as I thought I would be. I think I am going to do something now so good bye y'all.

Saturday, March 13, 2004

It's been awhile

Yeah it's been awhile. I have been cleaning and rearranging my room, which i have a lot of space now. and last night me and some friends had a sleep over over here at my house. that was fun. espacially when we were playing metal gear solid two, and messing around with this guard, which we used a box to mess around with him. it was funny... or maybe we were all really tired for being up at 2 and 4 a.m. That's the end of the sentence by thee way. We also played some other video games. Ah I get to sleep in tomorrow. We played predator tonight, and that was great. We had 33 people there at the beginning, and it wasn't really as fun, cause it was like four groups of ten cause there are only 3 stair cases leading upstairs and most of the time the predator was upstairs. But after like 3 hours people started to leave and we had just the right amount of peeps. When I was predator, it was the last two hours or something so it was only like 23 peeps which is a good number, and anyways Jake, Whale, and I were the predators and I was in a good spot cause it was just right across from the safe room, and I was hiding there and no one ever checks there, and i was going to wait for the last people to go and I would kill them, but that didn't happen. Ok ill go to whale's story. He was like by the kitchen, and he took out the first 3 people and no one noticed his escape. It was great. Now I didn't get the last four people cause the door didn't get closed till those 3 people that got killed went to the safe house and closed the door (for there was light coming out of the room). Now I went up one stairway after everyone went up like 2 of them, and Darren was going up it, I got him (that was a good kill cause Darren is a hard one to kill). Now it was great. Whale was in one of the dark rooms and everybody was around that room. No one was anywhere else. I go there and from there behind I sacrifice myself to take out 7 people for the predator team. It wa great. Then Whale owned. So it was grand. I also killed a predator, a good one in fact. Cory. I was a quick and sneaky one... except clumbsy cause he fell down a lot. His speed made up for it apparently cause it took me while to get him and him taking out a whole bunch of people on the way. It was a great predator. Although, the beginning kinda was bad cause of the tremendous amount of people in a... what the word I'm looking for... not made for a big predator group church... yeah that's it. Now if he had a huge place, like a school, that amount would be fun. Although schools wouldn't be fun to play in cause they are just classrooms and classroomms look the same and repeating. The church is a great place to play predator though. I enjoy it very very much. I don't know if the my kills that I made tonight when i was predator, was as good as my first night was predator. The one when i was teamed with Uncle Ben. That was da fun. They both were great kills. High fivers to the good people out dare. I think I'm going to go to sleep. OH yeah I played some Splinter Cell today, and dat was fun. I finally got passed the part I couldn't get passed. It was luck. I had to be quick with my gun shots. Oh by the way, if you think we "killed" people in predator... we didn't. We tag them and that is called killing them. If you want to know more bout it, go to either in my december or january archives and look for one called like "Ouch! My leg hurts" or somethin' like dat. But I think whoever reads my blog, knows me... and probably was at predator... yeah. I hope my legs wont hurt today (for it is after midnight when i am typing this so today is March 13) I don't think my legs will hurt, cause I didn't put as much stealth on them, and I stretched before I played. Well I'm going to sleepy by and naming myself officially "Mr. G. Biv". Words of Wisdomness is "If you are trying to be sneaky, hiding under boxes and moving around is fun and funny, but isn't very sneaky". Night.

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

BLog problems no surprise

Not a surprise my blog blew up again. what how many times has that happened? I don't know. All I know is that it decided to post twice for some odd reason. I click the "preview your post" button, then click the "publish post" button, and then i push "view blog" and i see it blogged twice. so enjoy the short "Hey Bob" twice. Oh I didn't finish blogging. Opps I left ya hangin'. Ok Words Of Wisdomness: "The popularity of someone isn't really what his popularity is. What his popularity is is what God thinks: Loved"
Hey Bob

I'm going to end each sentece with Bob, Bob. So if it seems weird Bob, don't be alarmed Bob. I am finished with da speech thing... except the presentation. It really ain't a good situation, cause I have a 15 minutes speech... with ten minutes to do it in... yeah i need to, I don't know. Well that didn't last long with the Bob thing. Oh well. I guesse my Global teacher will have to except the fact that I am an over achiever... anyways when it comes to projects it seems like. Yep. I like monkeys and I am going to go bye bye cause i have ran out of things to say, except I have listened to "Phenomenon" for the hundredth time. so bye.
Hey Bob

I'm going to end each sentece with Bob, Bob. So if it seems weird Bob, don't be alarmed Bob. I am finished with da speech thing... except the presentation. It really ain't a good situation, cause I have a 15 minutes speech... with ten minutes to do it in... yeah i need to, I don't know. Well that didn't last long with the Bob thing. Oh well. I guesse my Global teacher will have to except the fact that I am an over achiever... anyways when it comes to projects it seems like. Yep. I like monkeys and I am going to go bye bye cause i have ran out of things to say, except I have listened to "Phenomenon" for the hundredth time. so bye.

I finny the ting I call "Kenya Project". yes it is all done except i need to glue da pitures on the poster board (and i can't do dat till me mommy gets home cause i have no clue where she keeps the little glue strips) and Present it to the class. I'm not to worry, although i am worried about going over 10 minutes. I timed it today and 15 minutes, and that's not to good. But I will most likely be speaking faster when I give the speech, and plus i kinda paused every now and then for reasons being I found something in it i could get rid of. Homemade chocolate chip cookies are da bomb dazigity. I enjoy them a lot. I had to close my window, cause some kids were having fun, and a person was honking uncontrolably it seemed, and it distracted me, which also took up some time for my speech cause i stopped saying the speech, with the time still going, and closed the window. So i think I will hit a good 8-10 minutes. And if I go over, I think he won't dock me too bad, cause i volunteered myself for this week instead of next week, and I'm first up tomorrow. Hey tomorrow is the last time you will hear of me talking about this project, you can all celebrate. I'm going to go eat now so later you guys.
I just thought

That I would blog in and tell you what a beautiful it is here. Too bad I can only open my window and experience it that way, cause of some "finishing outline" reasons. and "poster" reasons. and "reading speech over and over again" reasons. 6 hours to do dat in. or maybe 5 hours to do dat in. That should be enough time. My note cards are going to be a novel. Well i told you that I would finish that outline yesterday, but an unexpected visit came. He said he needed some help with math. I helped him and it took awhile, so i didn't get my project done. But with my outline almost finished, I just have to finish it, copy it onto note cards, and then print out some GIF pictures. I don't know why I used internet lingo, and with the lingo meaning the pictures you put onto a site, it doesn't really fit. So I'll just say "I have to print out some pictures from the internet of Kenya". that kinda sounds like im going to use Kenyan internet. But I'm not... unless they use Midcontinent Cable internet. Now I'm getting kinda cold from that opened window... but it smells so nice getting all the stuffyness out of this stuffy room. Not to mention doyty. With dat said, I am going to prepare for my mother to actually clean my room on friday. I don't like dat. I like dust in my room. It's natural by now. And I enjoy empty boxes that are useless to me, that are in my closet. Actually I don't mind the dusting part that she will be doing, for it will clean my entertainment center and probably rid me of stuff i don't need, like those ancient "cassette tapes"....

Monday, March 08, 2004

Hi People

What's so great about today you ask? Well for one thing the sun is shinin'. The other thing is I don't have homework so it makes for a good day to finish this global project, that i am so close at finishing that i can smell it... speaking of smelling, I smell BEEF roast. I love dat beef. I'm deprived from it cause my parents got a buffalo and they like buffalo and they are big, and i dispise buffalo. I don't like it. So having the beef is very nice thing. So, so many good things goin' on today. Wednesday is going to be the day I speak my speech on this Kenya. I have to say Kenya is more interesting then the countries that i heard today. Although one kid tried to spice it up by having one of those voices that you can tell it is a fake enthusiasm voice. It was funny. Yeah i think I'm going to get that picture of the lion urinating on the Safari bus, truck, car thingymcbobber. Well all things considered I figured out I forgot 2 things in my project. One being the minerals of my country and two being the official name of the country which is "Jamhuri ya Kenya". I should go look up those minerals. Tomorrow I have 4 tests. Spanish shouldn't be that hard. I can study that during homebase, easily. English... well that is easy. I know what we need to know pretty well, and plus we get to use our notes which shouldn't be needed. Science. What can I say. I should've probably brought that home. I should be able to study that during homebase also. And math class. Easy is all I can say. When we spend a week doing the exact same thing over and over again, I know it like the back of my hand, which is pretty well. That's all my tests pretty much. I do have Words Of WisdomnessTM. "You are what your actions say; not what you say." meaning, If you punch someone in a face several times and hard, and you say "I love you" every time you punch him; I don't know if i would believe you. Yeah i stole dat one from Peter JonesyPoo. Jonesypoo... that's great. Well I'm going to go so lataz d00dz.

Sunday, March 07, 2004

4 blogs later...

I'm done. Except those things I told you I would do tomorrow. Other then that I'm done. holy cow. It took me 7 hours to do that. And all i have is a written rough draft pretty much. Oh well, the rest should be a piece of pie. Hehe i didn't say cake. I'm special. Oh you know dose Quesadillas? Well in spanish that means "Cheese cake". Yeah and taco means something that i forgot. Well that was really really long. Now I know what would happen if you only had 2 days to do your Term Paper. Althoug, I wish I would have my aunt as my techer when im a Senoir in High school. Cause she only has you do 5 pages for your term... and I have 8 on this country. That's what i should do if I can. Write about a country. I don't know the guidelines for the term paper, so i dunno if I can have a country as a topic. My aunt doesn't teach in Bismarck so I won't have her. Plus it'd be kinda weird to have your really nice and cool aunt, be your teacher... for english... just thinking about it gives me the willys. willys is a cool word. That's your long awaited for cool word. Willys. Mr. Hager should have given us our countries a week and a half ago, instead of just the half a week ago. I got all my info on wed.-fri. and then I had writers block apparently on Saturday and then i spent 7 hours writing this report. I have no clue what i wrote down. I'm too bored out of my mind to know. My hand kinda hurts too so that is an added bonus i guesse. Ok I'm confused. I think the word "guesse" is really spelt "guess". Let me check that. according to Webster the 19th Jr., it's spelt guess. I'll take his word for it. It was a sunny day here in NorDak. But it was windy and cold. so I didn't miss out on any good weather. But I got great light in my room today from dat sun man dude. I think I'm going to head to that place we all call "Slumber Land". You have to say it in a soothing voice. "Slumber Land". My brain hurts. I think I thought too hard i think i thought i think. And I am just realizing how tired I am. I must have listened to 'Phenomenon" by Thousand Foot Krutch, 7 times today. Wow that's a lot. I'm going to go to bed now so bye the people that are listening ;to me ramble and not delte andthing and typing odd and not nowing what is goingdslaik;ddddddddddddddddddd holdy cow my fingers feel heavy. night.
Almost done

I'm almost done. Reason why I am blogging is because I wanted a break and plus all i need is this post to turn my blog back to normal. Well I just need to do a history part and government part. The culture and people was the longest section. I have bout 3 pages on all that. Maybe 3 1/2. Tomorrow I will type this bad boy, make it into an outline, read it. Well first I'll type it then I'll read it then I'll make the outline, then ill read it again, and if it is about 7 minutes or more, I'll say it's good and then make my poster board. Then I will probably relax or just keep on reading my report till I know it well enough that all I have to do is take a quick glance at my outline and say what i need to say about what's on my outline. Tuesday I will relax and wait till wednesday to come and get it over with. I'm glad that i picked Wednesday, cause of Spring Break being thursday and friday, I don't have to worry about anything over the long weekend. I think I only have one more report thing to do this year for any of my classes. That's in English. I think we are doing something with 2003 and impacts or somethin' like dat. Man now you can tell I'm stalling to finish my report. Just sittin' here and talking about something. Well I'm going to finish this bad boy. So enjoy having my blog back to normal, if you even noticed it wasn't normal before.
Half done, and I'm gonna' make it home tonight

Variation of a country song. I don't listen to country anymore, but as a wee lad i did. I have no clue why I did. Anyways, I am half done with this thing we like to call a: "report". you have to say it like you are french kinda. "report". except with a little bit of english (as in american english. Not english english.). If you have no clue what it would sound like, go to strong bad emails and then click on "Three Wishes", or just on that link i gave you, and then near the end of the email, strong bad says "Cresants" in a voice like that. That is how you would say "report". Now that i have just driven you astray from the topic, I'll tell it to you again. I am about done with half of my report. Well it isn't a report, caus i don't have to hand in a paper, but i have to give a speech and hand in a poster board. Yeah I think i told you that though like in another post a while back. Well just one more post till my blog is back to normal. YAY!. Oh I was gone for a while... a long while... sorry bout that. Not that you knew or noticed. Well tomorrow I'm probably going to make my poster board and tonight I hope I will get done with this report speech thingy. Probably going to make it into an outline and print it onto regular paper cause I have bad hand writing and writing it on note cards I would have lots and lots of note cards. He said you can use note cards or just have your notebook up there. I'm making it into an outline mainly because we have to make eye contact, which isn't a bad idea, and it will help me "know" my speech a little better and be able to make eye contact instead of just standing there "reading" my speech. Yesterday I was going to work on my speech, but I couldn't consentrate at all on it. I was bored yesterday and was going to start, but like i said, I couldn't consentrate. I think when a person is bored and wants to do something, I think it usually means that the person has a lot of energy. I think this because I was bored and wanted to do something, but i didn't want to do anything, but to do something with my friends. I did finally go over to Chane's house and we had a blast and a half there. We didn't go tubbn' though. Well I think I am going to go now and try to finish this report. And for those of you who think I am procrastinating, I'm not, cause it's due Wednesday of this week and I just got finished getting my information on Friday of last week, which means two days ago. Oh i almost forgot. HAPPY BIRFDAY CHANE! I don't think he reads my blog so i don't know if he will see that, but oh well. I'll send him an E-mail. Bye bye you silly people.
Report Writing Fiend

Writing report. Need nourishment. No nourishment in house. Must continue. bye.

Saturday, March 06, 2004

Pretty much bored

Yeah that's pretty much what i have to say why I'm blogging. I wish I had something to do, other then that one project of kenya I should do. I tried once today, and after a little while i got really tired cause of something I would like to call: Population and what-not stuffs. Yeah those could be pretty boring. I know how I am going to start my speech and end it. The problem is all the sentences between those two. 5 to 10 minute speech on kenya. It's really hard to just go out and do a speech and not "read" what's on your note cards. Well to not "read" and make it 5 to 10 minutes long. What i mean by "read" if you don't know, is just typing up your speech then reading it word to word without looking up at your adience. See i can just make and outline of my speech, but then it would get shortened I'm sure and therefore not 5 to 10 minutes long. I'm tired even though it is only 6. I think im going to go now so bye bye people. Oh I though of some more ways I can be cool. typing "Zup" or here's a good one "5up". Yeah I am the coolest.


I think this is 6/8 blogs for the countdown. 2 more blogs then my blog will be back to normal. I hurt myself bowling yesterday. I was bowling left handed, and im right handed so i wasn't doing to well at it. anyways i was bowling left handed and BAM! my legs went bye bye from under me and i landed on my left hip bone. yeah it hurts a lot. I could barely bowl today. Except I was trying my curve ball which i am working on improving it, and it doesn't hurt when i try that. Probably because I don't have to try to put a lot of power like i have to do when I throw the ball straight. When i was bowling my ball straight today, I hurt a lot and plus it didn't go where i wanted it to go at all. I did really bad. Next week is the last week of bowling. I should bowl this summer to work on my curve. I went to Chane's house last night. That was pretty fun, but we didn't get to go hot tubben'. Oh vell. We played some X-Box action. That was fun. I only was there for 2 hours so we didn't get to do much. His car is fast. He has fishys too. In fact he was a sucker fish thing, just like me... except his is 100 times bigger then mine. That's one big fish. He has an iguana too. It didn't move much. I never did do that monitor switch. I didn't think Starcraft would be worth to go through all that of unhooking this monitor, moving it without disturbing anything around it, bring the one from downstairs, hook it up up here. All for bout an hour of starcraft then i would hook up my this monitor again. that's a lot. Hmmmmmmm. I wonder if there is really a place called "Kurtma". Hehe im cool cause i spell "cat" "kat". hehe. I'm so cool. I think I'm obsessed with "Phenomenon" cause I've listened to it like 50 times and i haven't even had it for a week. Funny thing is that i haven't memorized any songs. fire is so cool. when under control anyways. we wouldn't want it to get out of control. that would be bad. I almost beat chane's brother's sound system. He has 4 speakers and 2 subs, where i have 5 speakers and 1 sub. But of course one of my speakers is messed up. so i guesse he beats me. just by one sub. Oh for those of you who like The Juliana Theory, they have a new dowloadable song that sounds really cool. It's called "French Kiss-Off". The muuuusic sounds really good and so does the lyrics. Well I think I'm going to work on my Kenyan projekt. Hehe im so cool with the "Projekt" It's suppose to be "project". Lataz. oh another cool word. I'm so Hip with da times. lataz d00dz.

Friday, March 05, 2004

B... the second one

I told you I would be back. If you think I am crazy, read the post below and you'll get it. Well I think my brother flunked kindergarden or something. Not as an insult or anything, but he doesn't know his colors. My speakers sound so much bettter... except that one but it is like cracked or something. But anyways my brother got two colors mixed up on my speaker set up. On my sound card he was suppose to attatch the orange to the orange... yeah he got the black and the orange one switched around some how. Now I can understand missing the black one, cause my sound card has a weird color thing which is blue instead of black but the rest of things go into there colors. One of my speaker didn't work and in the speaker test they were all switched around. Now that i switched them, they are in there right spots. Now if I only knew more then him about fixing monitors... well if i did know more then him about monitors I would come to the same conclusion of him: get a knew monitor. If shipping was free, I would buy one, but shipping is 25 bucks right now and the monitor is 100 bucks. actually 99 bucks but oh well. so 124 bucks I would have to pay. that 25 bucks is a lot if you think about. I went from under a hundred bucks to over it. I think my brother was on my computer while i was at school. What makes me think that? Well my chair was pulled up to my computer, and I pull my chair to the corner cause it doesn't slide under my desk. My keyboard shelf was pulled out and i tuck it in cause It's hard enough to walk in my room with it tucked. and there is a new little icon thing down in the corner. Keystrokes and clicks... it's weird. oh i think it is my brother because he is the only person other then me that knows my password to get onto my computer. Im going to see if my mic works now., I might change to my brother's old monitor so i can play starcraft, but then i am going to switch back to this one. If you wonder why, find the post that talks about it. I think it is in my archives. scroll to the BOTTOM of my screen, since i screwed it up with those period things. 4 more posts till it's back to normal. Man I have listened to Thousand Foot Krutch so much. I have the songs stuck in my head... although i don't really know the words to the songs... yeah. I might go play some Starcraft. Im thinkin bout it. I type a lot, and delete a lot according to this counter thing. Why it is on here, I do not know. Ill ask my brother when he gets home. He's celebrating his one year aniversity with his girlfriend this weekend. He was going to buy her a dozen roses, for one rose for each month but.... yeah... expensive. "Choose your thoughts, what you think is what you are." That is your words of wisdomness. I think I am going to combine the words and then capitolize the bigging. Wordsofwisdomness. Or WordsOfWisdomness. Or wORDSoFwISDOMNESS. Maybe not I might just capitolize the words like this: Words Of Wisdomness. yeah. That's what I'll do. Bye bye lovely and beautiful people.

man i tried to play some Starcraft action, but as it were, my monitor isn't back to normal obviously. Didn't expect it to be but i wanted to see if I could play SC with a stretched screen. I lost but also I think the computers cheat cause they had like i don't know 10 zerglings and i was just building a forge (i was protoss) and they attacked and killed me obviously. Well since this is like 2 out of 8 posts till my blog is back to normal, I am going to check on something, then I am going to come right back and blog somemore and make it 3 out of 8 blogs. BRB.

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Daily KatMcBobber

I don't know. I had something with the word "Daily" in it but i forgot the rest. So i filled it in with a -mcbobber. This is number one out of eight before my blog turns back to "normal" quote unquote. I felt like doing that. quote unguote. Like i said like the last "real" quote unquote post I really like the Thousand Foot Krutch CD "Phenomenon. i think I am like the only person that updates on at least a weekly bases. But i guesse those people have a "life" quote unquote. By the way my candles did die before i turned off my compter which was like 5 minutes after I published post. I've listened to this CD like 5 times through and I've only had it for about 26 hours. Yeah i listened to it once through before school this moring while waiting for the bell to ring, um, twice last night, twice just now. yep that's 5. Yep great CD. I like how sometimes i capitolize my letters and sometimes I don't. It's great. keeps you on your feet i guesse. so stand up i guesse is what im trying to say and then i will keep you on your feet by sometimes capitolizing my letters whenever I feel like. Hmmmmm. I wish i had a counter. to see how many people actually look at my blog. probably would be like "1" or something. Well i think I may go now. Yay predator next week friday! yayayayayayayayay. can't wait for the Army of God retreat either. You know what doesn't make very much sense? We take about 11 years of english but we only need 3 years of a foriegn language. You would think that it would take less time to figure out our own language than to learn a new one. I have a report to do this weekend. It's about Kenya. I'm glad I got that country out of every country in Africa. It's probably the easiest. I mean Egypt, it is the best but the worst. we only have 5-10 minutes to do our speeches and with Egypt, there is lots of information about it, the problem is that the history goes back to 5000 B.C. So you could talk about it for like and whole year. In fact there is a class you can take just for Egypt. Hahaha. Kenya, there is lots of information, but just enough for like 7 minutes speech for me. yep. Apparently one of my speakers don't work and another one has two outputs going to it... yeah. And my fishtank is all messed up. My carpet is really wet over thar. and it's water lever goes down to a point that is low but then after that point it doesn't go down except for the slow evaporation, but when it goes down to that point it takes about 3 days and it is pretty far down. with evaporation it would take about a week-2 weeks before it would get that low. but i might try to fix my speaker arrangement. So bye bye peeps.

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Re: Blog messed up?

I found out why it is messed up. I used to many periods in that one post just 2 posts down from this one. If you use my links and what not, they are at the bottom cause of my messed up business. After I post like 8 more times, It should be back to normal so don't fret if you don't like going all the way to the bottom to all my links and archives. Bye for REAL this time.
blog mess up?

I think it is messed up... let me check. K bye for real this time.
New CD

Yep. I got a new CD. If you remember a long time ago for my Best Music of 2003 thingymcbobber, i told you I haven't boughten a CD but I have listened to songs and i enjoyed them a lot... the two songs. Well I bought the CD and it rules. Thousand Foot Krutch n"Phenomenom". It's a good CD. They have moved away from being rap core to pretty much rock and roll. It is great. It is so much better mixed then their old CD "Set it Off". I love candle light. Youth was great tonight. We learned how the more "facts" they find for the theory of "evelution" the more they discover those facts prove against evelution. I mean evelution doesn't make sense in the first place. Well if there was these molecules, who created the molecules. Well obviously God would have if evelution was true, but God created the world in 6 days. Ok i don't know if I am making sense even anymore cause i am tired and if i seem to make no sense whatsoever, that would be why. I am against evelution if you couldn't notice. I still like candles. Fire... yeah. I don't have a stereo system Thousand Foot... I have surround sound. Yeahehe. Dancing like morons rule. and that is all I have to say so bye my peeps. Oh words of wisdomness: "If life throws you a bump, you can either go around it or over it. If you go around it (ignoring it) you'll just end up right back where you started." yeah that was pretty good i think. Im out. Peace. Adios. Hasta manana... maybe. Hasta luego. my candle is about to die cause it ran out of wax and is running out of whick too. bye this time for real. Ok ok maybe not. My flame is shaking rapidly. Ok bye this time for real real. No wait it is about to die. I am going to run out of light i think. Ok I'm going to go this time... maybe. Let's see i have a spare candle if an emergency appears. Ok bye. Wait there is just a little bit of wax left although i don't think the which is getting the fuel from it. Ok flame not dying as fast as i thought so bye. i think so for real. Oh bye the way I would play this game.: Dungeonman II. click on Dungeonman II on that screen. I might put up a "spoiler" for those of you who have trouble with it. It is pretty tough. Ok now I shall go for real this time...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................candle not dead yet so bye..................................................................................................................................................................................................bye!

Tuesday, March 02, 2004


Hi.... I'm going to go now so have a wonderful day, night and/or evening.

Monday, March 01, 2004


Tis Monday again. I had homework as i usually do. I just got done with it. Reason it took me so long is because it was a crossword puzzle for spanish and it had 30 words and i can't find this one word. The first letter i am looking for is "Y" and there is only one "Y" in the crossword puzzle and the word didn't form from it. I made sure and everything and looked for another Y. Oh well. My math took me like 15 minutes so it was easy and my english homework took me one minute. That was painfully easy. I must bore all of you with my boring life of homework. Oh well. Well i wont bore you any longer... maybe. It snowed here in North Dakota. Yeah the world turned normal again. We were warm (to our standards anyways) and Arizonia was getting snow. Now it is back to normal. Snowy and windy here. Let's see now. Monday's are a weird day. A lot of people doesn't like monday because they have to go to work and the weekend is over. But if there wasn't a monday than everybody would not like tuesday. So yep. That's what i have to say bout dat. And I have some other stuff to say bout something. I think I will say them. That other stuff being that i am tired. I would highly recomend again the movie "Passion of Christ" if you have not seen it yet. That bout sums it up. Words of wisdom i think i do have. "Love is God and God is Love; if you ever question that, think about what He went through for you." Love always, Roy.