Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Beats Me

I don't know. Don't know why I'm blogging really. Although it might have to do with da fact that I'm trying to pass some time or somethin. Could be. Today was pretty good. It snowed a lot, then it melted and it wasn't as windy as the meteorologist said it would be. So that was good. I had a test in Driver's Ed. today. I did pretty good except for that one question which was something you wouldn't even care about if you were driving. In graphing Communications we did something really really easy, and he thought it would take us 3 days. Well by the end of the class period (he took up 20 minutes of it by the way) I had finished alla but one thing we had to do. And i started on it. it was 5 things we had to do and I finish, that are perfect (this is the teacher I was talking about that was a perfectionist; well now we are working on computers and it's really easy to do it perfect). Well it was a really good day for me. No homework really. Although I had some math. That took me 3 minutes to finish so that was good. I still have to read this one thing from my Rules of the Road book. I took my permit test, and I studied it already. Although his tests are really tricky so I might need to read it again for a refresher. I just know he is going to have a pop quiz on it. Wonder if I should bring a soda? HAHAHAHAHAHA. I rule so much. I'm going to go now before I esplode or something. Esplode is so great. so much better then saying Explode.

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