Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Let's see...

First off, Comfrences at my school are tonight for me. I hate them. They are student lead comfrences. While good for other people, not good for a student that has 6 A's and a B+(might as well be an A cause it's a 91.8% which if you round it up (which they are suppose to do) it would be 92% which is an A. Also it's not good for a student who isn't a trouble maker. For I am both, I think. I'm not trying to breg or anything so don't get that idea. There are better students then me. also you have a skript to follow. Um... in Algebra I have a 103% which means i did extra credit in it and got A+ on my assignments, and in the scritp it says "I can improve in this class by...". yeah... how do I answer that for algebra? How do I imporve? I hate the script in the first place. It's worthless. One of the things on it is "I behave..." and for everyone I put "well". It's worthless, I mean people can lie on it, although the teacher might look at you funny and say that the student is a bad student if the student is in fact a bad student. Enough on that subject. On to another. I haven't updated in awhile for a reason. That reason being that I was playing Diablo II a lot. Although my monitor is still broken, I can see a lot of the screen, almost all of it, although the edge of the screen is skinny, cause of it being "pushed" in. but I can play anyways. Now done with that. I've been reading Great Expectations for English, and now I am beginning to understand, where as before I was confused. It's not a bad book, pretty good actually. I have Confrences in a half an hour. It should be "a hour", technically, but with the other "our" starting with a vowel, we tend to say it "an hour". I should talk to monkey bout that. Weird part about my email is that I am recieving messages from other countrys like Japan or any of those Asian countries that use symbols. THey just get deleted. I have no clue who they are from. Oh, it has been such lovely days in North Dakota lately. Spring is here. Lovely. God knew what he was doing when he created the seasons, that's for sure. I mean having winter before spring, makes us enjoy spring a lot more. I can't wait till the Army of God retreat, that is this weekend. It's going to be fun. It's about time we change our clocks forward. It gets dark too early. It's 7:00 central standard time, and it's getting dark. Not much more going on. Well, I'm going to check Homestar Runner because yesterday, they didn't have a new E-mail or anything. Although last week they did make a new Toon. Bye peeps.

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