Tuesday, March 09, 2004


I finny the ting I call "Kenya Project". yes it is all done except i need to glue da pitures on the poster board (and i can't do dat till me mommy gets home cause i have no clue where she keeps the little glue strips) and Present it to the class. I'm not to worry, although i am worried about going over 10 minutes. I timed it today and 15 minutes, and that's not to good. But I will most likely be speaking faster when I give the speech, and plus i kinda paused every now and then for reasons being I found something in it i could get rid of. Homemade chocolate chip cookies are da bomb dazigity. I enjoy them a lot. I had to close my window, cause some kids were having fun, and a person was honking uncontrolably it seemed, and it distracted me, which also took up some time for my speech cause i stopped saying the speech, with the time still going, and closed the window. So i think I will hit a good 8-10 minutes. And if I go over, I think he won't dock me too bad, cause i volunteered myself for this week instead of next week, and I'm first up tomorrow. Hey tomorrow is the last time you will hear of me talking about this project, you can all celebrate. I'm going to go eat now so later you guys.

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