Saturday, March 13, 2004

It's been awhile

Yeah it's been awhile. I have been cleaning and rearranging my room, which i have a lot of space now. and last night me and some friends had a sleep over over here at my house. that was fun. espacially when we were playing metal gear solid two, and messing around with this guard, which we used a box to mess around with him. it was funny... or maybe we were all really tired for being up at 2 and 4 a.m. That's the end of the sentence by thee way. We also played some other video games. Ah I get to sleep in tomorrow. We played predator tonight, and that was great. We had 33 people there at the beginning, and it wasn't really as fun, cause it was like four groups of ten cause there are only 3 stair cases leading upstairs and most of the time the predator was upstairs. But after like 3 hours people started to leave and we had just the right amount of peeps. When I was predator, it was the last two hours or something so it was only like 23 peeps which is a good number, and anyways Jake, Whale, and I were the predators and I was in a good spot cause it was just right across from the safe room, and I was hiding there and no one ever checks there, and i was going to wait for the last people to go and I would kill them, but that didn't happen. Ok ill go to whale's story. He was like by the kitchen, and he took out the first 3 people and no one noticed his escape. It was great. Now I didn't get the last four people cause the door didn't get closed till those 3 people that got killed went to the safe house and closed the door (for there was light coming out of the room). Now I went up one stairway after everyone went up like 2 of them, and Darren was going up it, I got him (that was a good kill cause Darren is a hard one to kill). Now it was great. Whale was in one of the dark rooms and everybody was around that room. No one was anywhere else. I go there and from there behind I sacrifice myself to take out 7 people for the predator team. It wa great. Then Whale owned. So it was grand. I also killed a predator, a good one in fact. Cory. I was a quick and sneaky one... except clumbsy cause he fell down a lot. His speed made up for it apparently cause it took me while to get him and him taking out a whole bunch of people on the way. It was a great predator. Although, the beginning kinda was bad cause of the tremendous amount of people in a... what the word I'm looking for... not made for a big predator group church... yeah that's it. Now if he had a huge place, like a school, that amount would be fun. Although schools wouldn't be fun to play in cause they are just classrooms and classroomms look the same and repeating. The church is a great place to play predator though. I enjoy it very very much. I don't know if the my kills that I made tonight when i was predator, was as good as my first night was predator. The one when i was teamed with Uncle Ben. That was da fun. They both were great kills. High fivers to the good people out dare. I think I'm going to go to sleep. OH yeah I played some Splinter Cell today, and dat was fun. I finally got passed the part I couldn't get passed. It was luck. I had to be quick with my gun shots. Oh by the way, if you think we "killed" people in predator... we didn't. We tag them and that is called killing them. If you want to know more bout it, go to either in my december or january archives and look for one called like "Ouch! My leg hurts" or somethin' like dat. But I think whoever reads my blog, knows me... and probably was at predator... yeah. I hope my legs wont hurt today (for it is after midnight when i am typing this so today is March 13) I don't think my legs will hurt, cause I didn't put as much stealth on them, and I stretched before I played. Well I'm going to sleepy by and naming myself officially "Mr. G. Biv". Words of Wisdomness is "If you are trying to be sneaky, hiding under boxes and moving around is fun and funny, but isn't very sneaky". Night.

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