Tuesday, March 09, 2004

I just thought

That I would blog in and tell you what a beautiful it is here. Too bad I can only open my window and experience it that way, cause of some "finishing outline" reasons. and "poster" reasons. and "reading speech over and over again" reasons. 6 hours to do dat in. or maybe 5 hours to do dat in. That should be enough time. My note cards are going to be a novel. Well i told you that I would finish that outline yesterday, but an unexpected visit came. He said he needed some help with math. I helped him and it took awhile, so i didn't get my project done. But with my outline almost finished, I just have to finish it, copy it onto note cards, and then print out some GIF pictures. I don't know why I used internet lingo, and with the lingo meaning the pictures you put onto a site, it doesn't really fit. So I'll just say "I have to print out some pictures from the internet of Kenya". that kinda sounds like im going to use Kenyan internet. But I'm not... unless they use Midcontinent Cable internet. Now I'm getting kinda cold from that opened window... but it smells so nice getting all the stuffyness out of this stuffy room. Not to mention doyty. With dat said, I am going to prepare for my mother to actually clean my room on friday. I don't like dat. I like dust in my room. It's natural by now. And I enjoy empty boxes that are useless to me, that are in my closet. Actually I don't mind the dusting part that she will be doing, for it will clean my entertainment center and probably rid me of stuff i don't need, like those ancient "cassette tapes"....

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