Thursday, March 25, 2004

Been awhile...

Most of you may already know why it's been awhile. The reason is on Saturday, march 20 at 2 a.m my cousin, who was 18, was killed in a car accident. We rushed over to Plentywood, where he lived, and attended his funeral on Wenesday. I learned more about him from his friends then any of his family knew. I just needed to do something to get away from all this homework that I have. So that's why I'm blogging. Just thought you might want to know what happened. I have tons of homework. 2 reports. Mrs. Arman just won't quit with the reports I tell ya what. I have one that i still need to finish that I started last friday, and I need to start a new one on an outstanding person, such as an actor, musician, author etc. If I don't seem to be taking the accident with my cousin to hard, I am taking it hard. I just couldn't find any words, but I needed to be doing something. I just can't believe that he was killed. In fact that is so true that I didn't process it all until I saw his car, which he wasn't driving at the time of the accident. I mean so many people loved him, all the candles, signatures on a huge poster board, poems, his senoir pictures. That's when it all sank in that he wasn't coming back. See his car is old, and he was driving home, he wasn't planning on going out or anything so he was going home, his alternator quit on him and he coasted into a parking lot. One of his friends gave him a ride, and apparently he was going to a party, so he got a ride to the party with his friend. Well going 80 miles per hour around a curve where the road is gravel, isn't the best thing to do... the car rolled 3 times, 1st time the door came off, second time he fell out, and the car crushed him. His friends tried to get him to the hospital by putting him in their car, but in the emergency room he died of head trama. Even if the ambulence was at the scene, he wouldn't have made it. I have asked questions like what if he wore his seatbelt; what if his car didn't stop working; what if there was no party; what if...? I believe he's in heaven above, smilin' down on us.
You're always remembered 'cuz. Roy Torgerson

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