Wednesday, March 03, 2004

New CD

Yep. I got a new CD. If you remember a long time ago for my Best Music of 2003 thingymcbobber, i told you I haven't boughten a CD but I have listened to songs and i enjoyed them a lot... the two songs. Well I bought the CD and it rules. Thousand Foot Krutch n"Phenomenom". It's a good CD. They have moved away from being rap core to pretty much rock and roll. It is great. It is so much better mixed then their old CD "Set it Off". I love candle light. Youth was great tonight. We learned how the more "facts" they find for the theory of "evelution" the more they discover those facts prove against evelution. I mean evelution doesn't make sense in the first place. Well if there was these molecules, who created the molecules. Well obviously God would have if evelution was true, but God created the world in 6 days. Ok i don't know if I am making sense even anymore cause i am tired and if i seem to make no sense whatsoever, that would be why. I am against evelution if you couldn't notice. I still like candles. Fire... yeah. I don't have a stereo system Thousand Foot... I have surround sound. Yeahehe. Dancing like morons rule. and that is all I have to say so bye my peeps. Oh words of wisdomness: "If life throws you a bump, you can either go around it or over it. If you go around it (ignoring it) you'll just end up right back where you started." yeah that was pretty good i think. Im out. Peace. Adios. Hasta manana... maybe. Hasta luego. my candle is about to die cause it ran out of wax and is running out of whick too. bye this time for real. Ok ok maybe not. My flame is shaking rapidly. Ok bye this time for real real. No wait it is about to die. I am going to run out of light i think. Ok I'm going to go this time... maybe. Let's see i have a spare candle if an emergency appears. Ok bye. Wait there is just a little bit of wax left although i don't think the which is getting the fuel from it. Ok flame not dying as fast as i thought so bye. i think so for real. Oh bye the way I would play this game.: Dungeonman II. click on Dungeonman II on that screen. I might put up a "spoiler" for those of you who have trouble with it. It is pretty tough. Ok now I shall go for real this time...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................candle not dead yet so bye..................................................................................................................................................................................................bye!

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