Thursday, March 04, 2004

Daily KatMcBobber

I don't know. I had something with the word "Daily" in it but i forgot the rest. So i filled it in with a -mcbobber. This is number one out of eight before my blog turns back to "normal" quote unquote. I felt like doing that. quote unguote. Like i said like the last "real" quote unquote post I really like the Thousand Foot Krutch CD "Phenomenon. i think I am like the only person that updates on at least a weekly bases. But i guesse those people have a "life" quote unquote. By the way my candles did die before i turned off my compter which was like 5 minutes after I published post. I've listened to this CD like 5 times through and I've only had it for about 26 hours. Yeah i listened to it once through before school this moring while waiting for the bell to ring, um, twice last night, twice just now. yep that's 5. Yep great CD. I like how sometimes i capitolize my letters and sometimes I don't. It's great. keeps you on your feet i guesse. so stand up i guesse is what im trying to say and then i will keep you on your feet by sometimes capitolizing my letters whenever I feel like. Hmmmmm. I wish i had a counter. to see how many people actually look at my blog. probably would be like "1" or something. Well i think I may go now. Yay predator next week friday! yayayayayayayayay. can't wait for the Army of God retreat either. You know what doesn't make very much sense? We take about 11 years of english but we only need 3 years of a foriegn language. You would think that it would take less time to figure out our own language than to learn a new one. I have a report to do this weekend. It's about Kenya. I'm glad I got that country out of every country in Africa. It's probably the easiest. I mean Egypt, it is the best but the worst. we only have 5-10 minutes to do our speeches and with Egypt, there is lots of information about it, the problem is that the history goes back to 5000 B.C. So you could talk about it for like and whole year. In fact there is a class you can take just for Egypt. Hahaha. Kenya, there is lots of information, but just enough for like 7 minutes speech for me. yep. Apparently one of my speakers don't work and another one has two outputs going to it... yeah. And my fishtank is all messed up. My carpet is really wet over thar. and it's water lever goes down to a point that is low but then after that point it doesn't go down except for the slow evaporation, but when it goes down to that point it takes about 3 days and it is pretty far down. with evaporation it would take about a week-2 weeks before it would get that low. but i might try to fix my speaker arrangement. So bye bye peeps.

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