Monday, March 08, 2004

Hi People

What's so great about today you ask? Well for one thing the sun is shinin'. The other thing is I don't have homework so it makes for a good day to finish this global project, that i am so close at finishing that i can smell it... speaking of smelling, I smell BEEF roast. I love dat beef. I'm deprived from it cause my parents got a buffalo and they like buffalo and they are big, and i dispise buffalo. I don't like it. So having the beef is very nice thing. So, so many good things goin' on today. Wednesday is going to be the day I speak my speech on this Kenya. I have to say Kenya is more interesting then the countries that i heard today. Although one kid tried to spice it up by having one of those voices that you can tell it is a fake enthusiasm voice. It was funny. Yeah i think I'm going to get that picture of the lion urinating on the Safari bus, truck, car thingymcbobber. Well all things considered I figured out I forgot 2 things in my project. One being the minerals of my country and two being the official name of the country which is "Jamhuri ya Kenya". I should go look up those minerals. Tomorrow I have 4 tests. Spanish shouldn't be that hard. I can study that during homebase, easily. English... well that is easy. I know what we need to know pretty well, and plus we get to use our notes which shouldn't be needed. Science. What can I say. I should've probably brought that home. I should be able to study that during homebase also. And math class. Easy is all I can say. When we spend a week doing the exact same thing over and over again, I know it like the back of my hand, which is pretty well. That's all my tests pretty much. I do have Words Of WisdomnessTM. "You are what your actions say; not what you say." meaning, If you punch someone in a face several times and hard, and you say "I love you" every time you punch him; I don't know if i would believe you. Yeah i stole dat one from Peter JonesyPoo. Jonesypoo... that's great. Well I'm going to go so lataz d00dz.

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