Saturday, January 31, 2004

I'm Not Too Bright

I'm an idiot. If you know your way around North part of town, then you know how stupid i was. First off I started out kinda by Maricle Mart, but a little bit farther down the road, where the houses start. Anyways I was there then me and my friends weren't too bright and decided we would WALK to Wendy's. Aren't we a smart little bunch. It was cold. It was like 1 above 0 F. Than we walked back to my friends house which is where we started, and then my other friend and I decided we would walk home. It wasn't as far but it was still cold. I can barely breath without hurting. It's funny when i think about it but it wasn't to smart. But it was some good food. That was like at 5:30. We did though play in the snow. That was fun and it wasn't as cold. Probably because it was afternoon. I can't breath too deep. It hurts. I'm stupid. Oh how funny it is. Playing in the snow was fun like i said. We went to Grimsrud Elementry School and slid down the slides and i make a little fort under the swings. Yeah really deep snow. I had boots and snow pants and coat, and gloves, and hat, and warm clothing. I was wearing all that except i had shoes and i didnt wear snow pants, when we went to Wendy's. Well I can't breath hard or i will surely die, but i do have words of wisdom for y'll. "Do not walk to far places in the cold." I hope i don't come down with a cold or something. Well bye bye and keep praying for Charle's friend.
Roy G. Biv
Hear me Hear me

Come young come medium age come elders. Here all. Or if you don't want to you don't have to. I'm Creating a music CD of some of my favorite songs that i own on cds that i own. I only had to cut three songs so that isn't so bad. I call it "R-Mix 5" *echo*. I have made other CDs like this in other words. You can guesse how many Mixes I've made. I have all the songs, but i need to put them in a certain order, and get my CD burner which still needs to come. It'll come to my house on Monday probably. I'm going to tell you the songs, but this isn't the final order that I'm going to put them in, they just happen to be in that order when i ripped them off the CDs. All rights reserved to the bands and record companys. since they happen to be in the order with their bands, which probably wont be, Ill tell you the band then have a colen and then the song(s). Can't spell.
DC Talk: He Loves Me (from their first CD); Grits: Ooh ah, They all fall down, Return of the Antagonist; John Reuben: Treats, Defensive Offender; KJ-52: Rock On; Linkin Park: Numb, Papercut, One Step Closer; P.O.D.: Revolution, Freedom Fighters; Stainless: Life in the 1990's (Ten Again), Shocktown, Israel; Switchfoot: Gone; The Juliana Theory: If I Told you this was Killing Me Would you stop? (Long title); Toby Mac: Phenomenon, Momentum, In the Air; Verbs: The Before and After.
That took awhile to type out and cause i use the <-- Backspace a lot, it tends to take me awhile. I type really fast but my figures are fat. Since those songs are on my harddrive, I'm listening to it to make so everything ripped right. It sounds really weird. I might make a snow fort today with some buddys today. It's going to be teenager size. It's fun to go through little kidys' forts, but they are small. If you have anysuggestions on how an certain order should be for my songs, I'll accept any suggestions before Monday cause that's when my burner will come hopefully. Right now I'm going to come up with an order, but like i said, it can change until it is burning. Those songs barely fit i think. I'm going to add up those songs minutes to make sure they will fit. Bye y'all and please keep on praying for Charle's friend.

Friday, January 30, 2004

A little birdie said that wasn't the case

What's up with that old thingy. Phrase there we go. A little birdie told me. Wonder where that came from. I wonder if a birdie really told them. A little birdie told me nothing. Actually i just felt like saying that cause it's a lyric in a song by Toby Mac. I forget the song name. Anyways me and Charles were debating how to spell "possum". It is really spelt opossum. but for short people spell it possum. I wonder what my blog would look like if i had no delete key. I'm going to try that one day. Take out my delete key and blog and see how many times i mess up. I only messed up once in that one sentece and none in this one until i got to this. Furry is your cool word for the day. Tell your friends that it is cool to say furry. Oh Montain Dew tastes really good. I've been drinking Pepsi Vannila but now i decided that i am going to drink Mountain Dew again. It's really good. If you don't know, I've been playing Super Mario 64! I like to play it a lot. Haven't beaten it yet but I'm almost done with the Third floor. And i have about 70+ stars. I have 2 stages left on the 3rd floor i think. Then up to the top of the stairs where a star door is. I'm going in order so yeah. I could've opened up The last star door even before i played any stages in the basement. Yeah i have gotten a lot of stars. Wait. I couldn't have but after the 1st stage in the basement i could've. Yes I'm that good and this is my first time playing it. Gotten all 7 stars in every stage, except one. That one is a pain to get 100 coins in. I don't like to try to fly at a small precise spot in the sky like for coins. I still am working on one, but all i need is the 100 coins but that shouldn't be to hard on this one cause there is no floating coins in the air. I've gotten 50 in that one already, but i need to get those 50 plus some other 50. I'm probably not making since anymore. Bobcats Hockey tonight. Oh it is fun to watch Bobcats hockey live i tell you what. Ah who knew that people getting beat up and people on skates scoring goals would be so exciting. I don't know why but it is and i like. Some words to the wise if you want or need some... AND IT'S FREE! You may be wise beyond your shoe size. Just because you are such a good adience for listening to me a lot, here's another one. To err is human- to really screw up requires a computer. Oh yes hard bubble gum does give great advice... i mean i do. Don't for get to pray for Charle's friend.
From the Roy G. Biv

Thursday, January 29, 2004

Prayer Power

Hey listen. This is important. Charles has a friend in Alabama. She needs to be in your prayers. I know when Charles told me, and the rest of the youth group, she had cancer and we prayed for her. Well this last youth Charles came back to us saying that her cancer had cleared up. But now, it's coming back apparently. That's not all. She's going through depressing times, and her teacher sexual harrasses her. She has slit her wrists. Please pray for her. Tell people to pray for her. I don't know about you, but to people it would sound like a maricle needs happen. Well the only person that i can think that can do maricles is God. I told you about the power of God a little bit. Well I've heard modern day maricles of cancer being cured, baby's being born, people being found after many days. Sometimes it takes just a little bit of prayer to make an impossible situation turn into a possible one.
Love sincerly,

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

One Day... Two Blogs

Yes you get to hear me mumble again for the second time today. I just have some things to say. THERE IS NO FREAKING COW! SOMEONE really really liked that, not pointing any figures or anything. And if you missed youth cause the cold is too cold for you, I'll share a funny thing you missed at youth: Jack thinks that there are three pinguins, a yak, and a half a can of spam, playing cards under his bed. I wonder how he thinks that. maybe he heard the yak say "here have a cigar half a can of spam." I don't know though. He's going to prove it some day. Ok apparently I have started some mixed up stuff so let me clear it out. First off this blog is my opinion. these two people. I didnt use the word dethrone. I dont think so anyways. Let me check. I didn't. I simpley suggested that there was some heat with the puns. End of that. I didn't know so many people read my blog. I'm popular somewhere. Maybe because i update every day and update twice a day sometimes. If you don't like reading the Bible cause it's boring, I think you are wrong. I mean where can you hear about someone getting turned into salt, or wars left and right, or some people calling unto their false gods to light something on fire, and they do these things for the gods and the false gods don't do it, but when the guy called upon God to light the alter, he watered everything down, and then God burst fire from the sky and lit it on fire. Sweet monkey. And that's not in detail. If you like detail, A left handed man killed a fat king, by stabbing him in the belly. Read the Bible with your heart, searching for wisdom from it. I know you will get something out of it if you do. I have one cool word: Shucky darn. My English teacher used that one when talking about Int. If you don't know what "Int." means I'll let you know when i go to school tomorrow and remember. Would you like some words of wisdom? "Yes uncle Roy!" ok. Love God with all your heart, and love your neighbor like you love yourself. There it is. In black and white. Or in the Bible, red and white, in most Bibles anyways.
With Love,
Roy J.
I'll give you a quarter

I'll give you a quarter if you contribute 50 cents or more to the "Computer Monitor for Roy" Fund. I only need $97. It's a nice one. Its a black flat screen monitor. Or i could go for the other one for 105 dollars. they are practicly the same. It is very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very cold. I mean its 18 below 0 here and the wind chill is -40... yeah it's cold up here in No-Dak. I went to Wal-Mart today. Oh man i saw like 3 people having to jump start their cars in the parking lot. At least other people are nice enough to help them out. Such nice folks here in North Dakota. Oh chicken is very very good. I can't wait till it's done. yummy. mmmmm. The good news is that when my mom came to pick me up, my brother had come to pick me up as well.... so yesterday i had no one to pick me up, and today i had 2 people. Weird eh? I'm getting a CD burner on Friday hopefully. I'm so happy. It'll probably be used as like my main CD drive over my DVD drive. Although i have no CDs other then DVDs to put into my computer since my monitor is broken and i can't play the games that i own that uses CDs. Please contribute to the "Computer Monitor for Roy" fund. remember, all contritbutions over 50 cents receive a quarter. Offer not available in all areas. oh we got a new kitty box for my kitty BJ. Oh i think she hates it, mainly because my brother and I put her in it and it has a top and a kitty door on it and she didn't know how to work the kitty door. yeah we carried her around until she realized that that was a door. So she jumped out. It has a sifter thingy and 2 boxes so we will never have to scoop again. Wel im going to go eat so bye.

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Mucho Frio y las Pelicula

I didn't think North Dakota could get this cold. It's only -1 degrees F, but the windshield is -36 or something like that. Our heater was down momentarily at my house, because it needed to be cleaned very bad. Oh by the way for those that don't speak spanish, the title says, "Very Cold and the Movies." I was suppose to be picked up from school today, but apparently people got confused and though the other was going to pick us up, and we ended up standing outside for 10 minutes before my brain got numb and decided to telll my mouth to tell my friend that we should go inside the school and wait. so my neck had frost on it and my hands hurt to type because they are frost bit i think, and i'm coming down with the cold i think. Let's see if using these gloves help my hands to not hurt. well that concludes the Cold part, now for the movies.
The movied are top movies of 2003 that i saw. so if i dont list one, that means i didnt see it. "X2: X-Men United", "Lord of the Rings: Return of the King," coco is good, "Pirates of the Caribbean", "Hulk", "Bruce Almighty", "Dumb and Dumberer", and i think that is all i saw. so here is the order and a little explanation.

Pirates of the Caribbean. Funny, Actiony, a must see along with:
LotR: Return of the King. Came VERY VERY close to 1st. I must see that movie again.
Bruce Almighty. It's good, gooooood. Funny I liked this movie very much. Teaches a little bit too.
X2 X-Men United. I liked this movie much too, after the 5th time it got a little dull. But still good to watch.
The Hulk. Oh how i didn't like this movie. The only good part was the last half an hour in the 2 1/2 hour movie
Dumb and Dumberer. Didn't like this one either at all. I wouldn't see it again even if you did like dumb and dumber like i did.

Well those are the movies of the year. Seems like I'm missing one. Oh well. I suggest you watch the first 4. well im off to freeze; although they did get done and it is heating up in my room... or im going numb... bye
also add to that list down below, P.O.D. withPayable on Death. Payable on Death would go between "Rising Action" and "Professional Rapper", taking third place. In bands, P.O.D. would take second place. That's all for this.

Monday, January 26, 2004

Boo Boos and bands.

I got a boo boo a couple of days ago. I got in a fight with my chair. Sadly the chair won. Now i got a bandage on my finger. and under that is a huge cut and some other scratches. It bled a lot if you want a graphic picture, my keyboard was bloody. so was the floor for looking for a bandaid and realizing that there is none, i had to make another trail to the paper towels. After that i found a bandage. Ok i hope i didnt make you queezy.... and really hope i didnt make you faint or vomit. that would be bad. Yes i know this is the second time to blog but i was just tired and didnt know what i was doing. or maybe my mind set was on mario. in any case im back and this is going to be my usual long blogs. The good news about my fingure is that it feels better and doesnt hurt anymore... and it's not bleeding... it only does that if i puncture the wound too much. Anyways since everyone else is doing it, mainly maddog, pete, and pete... I had the idea but never got around to it. I'm going to list my favorite bands/Cds of 2003. Mines going to be different then theirs though... i wont have categorys. Just places.

So many good Cds. I'll first list them all and hopefully i can remember them all. Verbs with Unlocked, John Reuben with Professonal Rapper, Toby Mac with Momentum: Remix and Phenomenon Single, Juliana Theory with Love, Relient K with Two Lefts Don't make a Right... But Three Do, and Deck the Halls Bruise your hand, Thousand Foot Krutch with Phenomenon (though never heard it, i have heard 3 songs from the cd, all of them really good), KJ-52 with It's Prononced five-two, Stainless with Rising Action, Switchfoot with "Beautiful Let Down". Those are all that i listened to this year. Now here in order are the results:
KJ-52 with "Pronounced Five-Two"
Stainless: "Rising Action"
John Reuben: "Professional Rapper"
Switchfoot: "Beautiful Let Down"
Toby Mac: Remix
Relient K: "Deck the Halls..."
Relient K: "Two Lefts..."
Juliana Theory: "Love"
Verbs: "Unlocked"

Thousand Foot Krutch
John Reuben
Relient K
Toby Mac
Juliana Theory

I think that is all. Not much but that's my list. Took me a long time to do that with all the Italitizing and Hyperlinking. Anyways, I should buy thousand foot krutch cd. My brother wont order it though. The Rainbow Shop doesn't have it for some odd reason. For those Rap fans out there, Grits is making a new cd. It wont be out till fall but they are working on it. only 2 years instead of 3 between their cds. Though they still don't update their site. I went to to learn this. Also apple juice is very good. These are my opinions by the way. I just happen to like rap for the most part. So if you think that one of those should go up higher in the list, "I love Rap Music, always have and always will." I like the rock and roll to. Thousand Foot Krutch's new cd is more Rock then rap. Their last cd was a lot Rap. I like their new songs better though so i like rock a lot too. Ramblings. this is a ver long blog. I have a very good word for today. it is: "abyss". Tell your english techer, if you forget your homework, that you dropped in in an abyss. Pronounced a-biss. Say it with me, Abyss. There you go. Here is the words of wisdom: "Don't get into fights with object that aren't alive. People will laugh and you will lose."
Love, Roy.
North Dakota

North Dakota is freakin' cold. Only here it is warmer when it is cloudy then when it is sunny. I mean if you looked outside right now meaning at 4:10 or even throughout today, it was sunny and looked warm. When you walk outside and breathe a small breath, oh your nostrils freeze. That's North Dakota for you. Well im going to play Mario 64. No nothing special today. buh bye.

Sunday, January 25, 2004

"Pun"ishment Battle

Yep this is about puns if you didn't get it by the name. Well it isn't about puns but it is about the "Pun"ishers out there. First off my brother, a.k.a. Prince of Puns, a.k.a. The "Pun"isher, is close to losing his titles. For the new but not so new dude in town, Pete Jones, has taken a likin' to the puns arena himself. I've heard many puns from him left and right. But also in defence of my brother, he has also said a lot of good puns. I won't say any of the puns because you would just have to be there to get it and find out only that they are lame (like most puns). Anyways away from the business. On new business i was scanning through and FAQ/Walkthrough of a game and this guy told this story... I'm about to share the story... a direct/edited quote:

"Back in my day, finding FAQs weren't easy, I say! All we had
were those elitist kids at the arcades, and if you touched their Mortal
Kombat 3 moves lists that they had printed out, they would break your
arm and steal your quarters! And if you threw them too many times with
Nightwolf, they would smash your hands! We were a rough gang, I tell ya!
You kids and your Dance Dance Revolution arcade games, where you praise
each other directly after your opponent misses 42 steps in a row! THAT
AIN'T ARCADE GAMING! Back in my day, you got your booty kicked in Killer
Instinct, and you took it like a man! And you only praised another gamer
when he killed a skilled gamer in a flawless victory, not a newbie with
two health points left! Gah!"

That is the quote. I only edited one word. I felt like sharing that with you cause I'm nuts and like share stuff with you people out there. I thought it was some what funny... i guesse it was becuase it was just kinda in the middle of this FAQ. Well anyways i just spent 1 and a half hours at Arby's. That was good and fun cause i went out with Pete, and Steph Jones, and Air John. That was tons of fun. I didn't speak much, but I'm more a listener then a speaker. It was fun and funny times. and of course Pete was speaking in puns... oh man my brother and darren and pete are rubbing off on me. Mario 64 is a very fun game. I'm going to play it. Later peeps. oh yeah i do have a words of wisdom: "Puns are lame." Well im out now. buh bye.

Friday, January 23, 2004

See There Was This Cow...

... and see this cow had nothing to do with this blog. So next thing to talk about is that i didn't format my harddrive. Next business is that I am going to finish my family tree project tonight. *claps* . yes finally after many weeks of just putting it off I'm going to put it on poster board. I'm thinking about putting pictures on it. Let's talk about this cow... THE COW HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS BLOG! LOL. he he. Yes another title that doesn't have anything to do with this blog. I've come to the conclusion that i will only give you a cool word and/or word to the wise only when i actually have one. But yet i usually will have word to the wise because i have lots of word's of wisdom to share with you. I feel like eating spaghetti, with sauce! If you don't know me, i usually eat my spaghetti with lots of butter and salt. Very bad for my health. It's not like i dont like sauce. I like sauce i just like butter and salt more. I've just recieved a message that there is a car parked in the parking lot with its lights on. Would the owner of a specific color vehicle please check if that is your car. Speaking of cars. My family has no concern for my car! i mean they drive it and joke about hitting someone with my car! And by the way my mother has hit another vehicle (she rear ended a pick-up... yeah hurt my hood), and someone hit her and now my back door doesn't work and there is a dent there and a piece of my car is in the backseat. Though it is going to be fixed next week. and i have a lot of hail dents in my car. Well at least it still works. But I'm just saying that my parents are driving it and joking about hitting people. So be forwarned. I am really hungry. Goodness sakes i'm hungry. A cow told me that... THERE IS NO COW! Man I'm just going to keep bring that up. I'm not nuts I'm unique. Yep. I really need to shave. But i won't do it tonight. I'm lazy. You would think that since I can't play Diablo II or Starcraft or anygames like that, I would have lots of time on my hands. But I've been busy doing other things. In fact I forget that my monitor is broken because i never pop in one of those games. And yet, in Global Study's, I thought of a map that i could make for Starcraft. I could make it but i wouldnt be able to test it or play it. Sad for me. Oh well making it would take a long time and if you just read, i am busy. Some words to the wise: "If someone says to you 'There was this cow...' than you must therefore listen to the rest and if he says to you that there is no cow and then later on brings up there is a cow, it is your job to resume that there is no cow."
I thought it was a good wise quote of helpfulness. Have a great day and move up to the second window please.

Thursday, January 22, 2004

Computers are dumb!

Yeah you heard me! They don't work very well when you want them to. I'm thinking about formating my harddrive. I mean i don't think my monitor problem will be fixed (I don't care much about that anymore, because i have had more then enough stuff to do without those games that i used to play), but my computer has been exploding a lot lately. It's not cool! I think i will format my harddrive cause i have a whole bunch of crap that i don't want on my harddrive that wont delete. It keeps saying somehting about that it is not able to be deleted and it isnt a windows program that can't be deleted.Ill find a way to get it off of this computer. Ruff! *shakes head over and over again*. *sigh* gosh. well that's all i have to say for today. Your cool word for the day is going to be: Eraise. Word to the wise: Don't let your computer blow up in your face. All right i got that off my chest. I feel happier now. Bye.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Thee 80's, Rap, and new Thingy?

80's rap sounds the same throughout... or at least DC Talk did. Their first CD. I'm listening to that. Coco is really good if you drink it. If you don't drink it, then you should. All gone. For the rap, the drums are like repeating themselves through all the songs. They sound the same. It's much better that they changed to like rock. If you didn't notice I changed my thingy up there from "Welcome to my life... watch your step" or something like that, to something more suitable. I watched some more of that MASH last night. This day was weird because of the new semester. I had to take drivers ed. Instead of gym, which is pretty good cause I strongly dislike Gym. I have my permit and am able to get my license, but it will cost me $350 dollars total. Get your calculator or just add in your head. About $150 for my behind the wheel, $100 for some other stuff that I don't understand, something about some insurance, and $100 because apparently I would have to pay for my mother hitting someone else. Anyways how I understood that is that after July the accident would be off her record and that would save her $100 dollars on her insurance. So I'm just going to get it in October because that will be my 16th Birthday and here in ND I wouldn't have to take behind the wheel. And after July that $100 dollars will be knocked off my insurance and my mom's will be cleared too. So until then, give me a ride if I ask please. I should really do my Algebra homework. Oh well. I don't have a cool word (although I did find one, but than I forgot). So I'll leave you with these words to the wise: Don't let your parents down, they brought you up. Bye everybody and may God be with you.

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Killing, Family Trees and MASH

Ah... titles. This is true. And no i didn't go kill any trees by mashing the,. I'll make sense of it right now. When i got home from "At Any Cost" i came home to find that my dad had bought season 5 M*A*S*H. I have season 1-4 now i have 5. they haven't come out with the other 4 seasons yet but I will get them. Anyways, I watched that today but only the 1st disk out of 3. That is a very funny show i tell you what. I also worked on my family tree project, which i only have to put onto poster board. It's not due until the 27 of january, which is a week from today if you are paying attention to the date. We also played Predator last night, which was fun. If you don't know what predator is, well then scroll down and find Friday, January 02, 2004. I believe it starts out by saying "OW! My legs hurt!". Again i woke up with my legs hurting a lot, but this time, it stopped hurting. Yay for me! I also typed some thank you notes to people who gave me presents on Christmas. BRB i gotta go do something. Don't go anywhere. ok I'm back. Shouldn't people just put B. I mean we put BRB got be right back. I guesse some people might get confused if the B meant Be or Back. Eat it Charles. Oh i loved this four day weekend. I mean such a great time away from school and the hussle and bussle of everyday life. *sigh*. Can't wait until next year. I have no idea why I have to use a space heater in my room. It's really cold in the rest of my house while my room is nice. Watch the new Strong Bad E-mail. Cool word will be: "Butter Da". you have to know the coolness of that word if you watch the new E-Mail. Word to the wise: Never eat 2000 pounds of potatos from 83. Ah strong bad emails. Bye my lovely audience

Monday, January 19, 2004

By the way, Airjohn has took the words right out of my mouth with what he said so instead of me saying it over again, read his blog: Sunday 18, 2004
At Any Cost

It took me 4 times to type the word "Cost" cause i kept putting "Xost". Anyways I'm back. It was a great experience. First off the games were fun, but that wasn't the best part. I got to see Nyc again, although, that did come close, it still wasn't the best part. The best part was that the worship i think and the youth leaders speaking to us. I learned so much about God, some of them so obvious. So much learning and now i get to go live it. That is thee best part. This is really serious today, but it needs to be said i think. I got home yesturday at like 5. I got to drink the most delicous drink in the world in my opinion, Carmel Steamers. Really really good. but, never start your trip with a 20 once, and then when you stop get a 20 ounce of Mt. Dew (although i was going to get a liter). An hour before we got home... i had to pee really bad. Then when we got to Bismarck... we had to stop at a stop light... pee really really really really really bad. We got to the church... Pete went to get gas for the cars at the gas station. I had to stand out in the cold with some other people that had to go bad to. the doors were locked by the way. Pete got back... smile... he unlocked door... i ran... almost punched someone out... but i got to the bathroom that no one went to so it was all good. I used a lot of "..."in there. I really hope that Pete decides to get that book that Seth, our worship leader for "At any Cost", used for songs. they were great songs. We also had really great food too, which brings me to my cool word(s): Joe of Sloppyness. And some word to the wise: Don't drink a 20 ounce beverage, then drink another 20 once beverage, and ride in a car for 5 hours. That's my story. God bless.

Thursday, January 15, 2004

i have one more quote, just a quote: "From now on you can say to me 'Yes mister thee law'"
dont call me that but that is a funny quote from the show "Whose Line is it anyways"

I've been listening to P.O.D.'s new CD, Payable on Death. It is really good. I mean if you are a P.O.D. fan, then you will like it. But if you don't like the hard rock, than you may like it still. Sunny doesn't scream into the mic very much, if at all, if i remember correctly. Plus the music is good rock and roll. I enjoyed it a lot and like i said if you don't like the Hard Rock, you may like it. The last track is a very soothing music. The track is a combination of an accustic (i believe) and electric guatar, and together it is very nice and soothing and relaxing. If you would like to hear it, it is on their site playing on while you surf their site, click here. That's pretty much all i have to say for the second time today. if you would like to see the the word of the day and the words to the wise, look at the post below this.
See you on the flip side.
Bad Day/Good Day...

A bad day... I think i know what it means. Now listen, a bad day is when something out of the ordinary comes into your life that makes an impact, usually bad, on your life. Or maybe I'm just nuts. Anyways, the good news i have no homework, only one more day of gym, and its a nice warm sunny day in ND. I mean i wasn't wearing a coat when i was out and about, and it is like 40 degrees here. WOW! The bad news is that i went bowling and bowled not to good for my league. Also i hurt my fingure really bad in bowling, i mean the ball pulled my fingure nail and made it bleed and it was just bad and still hurts. So i guesse if you are doing a democracy vote, it was a good day. I guesse it was fairly good. I guesse i good day means if it is a regular day with a little extra goodie in it, usually having a good affect on your life. I'm pumped up for tomorrow and this weekend, i mean we (my youth group) are going to At Any Cost, which is a youth retreat up here in the Dakotas. I can't wait. Also a 4 days of no school! This is going to be so great. But on a sad note, my brother doesn't know whats wrong with my monitor. I think God may be telling me something, like maybe i spend too much time playing video games. I don't know though. Cool word, now let's see... Stretchyness. Your heard me. Hmmmmm, word to the wise... Never let your fingure nail get stuck to the bowling ball, the after affects hurt.
I need a cool ending... let's see now.
I will see you whenever i will see you.

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Monitor or Computer Problems?!

This time my title actually has something to do with the post. I think it is my monitor but it would be a combination. I mean I'm playing a great game of starcraft and I'm just owned and then all of the sudden I started seeing my screen stretch out. when i got out of starcraft, windows was all fine and dandy, but i tried again and it was stretched in SC again. I also tried it with Diablo 2... stretched. I restarted and then the started up stuff was stretched also but as soon as i got into windows, everything was fine. I tried SC again and it was stretched. So I don't know what's going on. And yes i did try using my monitor buttons but when i got all the way to the smallest... it was still stretched more then it is useuall and it has some white looking screen stuff on the right side of the screen and it takes up like 1/6 of my monitor. It is bad. But on the happy note, my DVD player full screen is fine and normal and windows. i should ask my brother to see if he can fix it. i might just tell him to read this post so i don't have to tell him. Also on a happy note, I don't have homework! YAY for me! Hmm... i didn't hear any cool words today... I'll make up one: Slceathnegog. you gotta spit when you say it. I think it would mean: "To take a monkey, and just take it." A word to the wise: Don't attempt to steal a monkey; they get a little crabby when you do.
Well I'm done so later.

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

To be or not to be...

I like giving names to my post that doesnt make sense to my blog at all. I got news that a lady has eaten a burrido from taco bell everday for the last 15 years. yeah, taco bell gave her a birthday party. Laugh out loud, not quietly. I wander if she clears out a room if she makes a fart. Things to think about. kinda nasty. i got my poetry back from Mrs. Arman my english teacher(if i make any spelling errors or miss grammar minus slang, you can blame that on her.) Anyways with that poetry back i had to give it back to her because she wanted it back... yeah that made a lot of sense, why not i just do my homework and just keep it. sarcasm. not sure if that spelled right (Arman). I think it is though. Well rambling is fun and all but my posts are really really long. kinda weird. Oh i got a happy news for me. see my neighbor has this custom built car that isnt complete and looks crappy and he hasnt driven it since school started. anyways he finally moved it a couple of days ago and it was gone for like a day... but it came back. I mean he has another car that is nicer and is not custom build so he drove that but he finally moved his crappy looking one. and this moring it was there, then i came home from school it was gone... it's back again. So i dont know what he is doing to it. Also i learned a new word today that is a really old word from like my mom's childhood. Moon. i don't mean like the showing your rump, but my mom told me that it was like when i guy is in love and has that look on his face so they used to say "he has that mooned look". messed up eh?
Ah that is the really cool word for the day. now some words to the wise: Tie me kangaroo down, sport.
bye y'll.

Monday, January 12, 2004

I just remembered something... I usually say a cool word that i think is pretty sweet. The word that is cool is sleuth.
im gone now
Giant Snake and a big Spider!

Actually, there is no giant snake or big spider, but there is blog. I just used that to get your attention. I just did homework. Not good. Last night i used a program called BlockCAD, you can make things from legos, and it's fun. I made a giant 3D Robot, Homestar, the Canadian flag, and of course, old Glory (american flag). i would show you, but i don't have a website to put pictures on and therefore, can't post a picture on my blog. In Global, we had to write a small writing assignment on "Would you want to be in a democracy or communism?". I know that sounds stupid and ovious... Democracy, but what if you were Russia and they just turned to democracy, but they are worse off then they were under the Dictatorship. Think about that. Food and at least a steady job (communism) or freedom and no job for food, etc. (democracy). Hard decision. As Americans, we have freedom, and steady great paying jobs (well i don't but my dad does). In Russia they have freedom, but the Rusian Mob owns 80% of companies and facotries, so they have high prices and lots of unemployment, because of the Monopoly they have. Well that is some stuff that i had to think about in Global for the past week. For the good news of things, in 25 years Russia may have as stable government as ours since right now a former communist leader is leading the country, but next election he might be voted out. In the good times section of this days blog we got a brand new... CAR! Not really but, i am going to tell you that the 05' Mustang GT looks sweet. check it out. Also if you haven't been to homestar (check my links) you should see the StrongBad E-mail and the new wallpaper. sweet stuff man. I am gonna try to give you word to the wise every time i blog. Here is one:
Stop, Look, and Listen... they may see you if not careful.
you can use your imagination... Buh bye.

Sunday, January 11, 2004

Blog war of "nuts"

Destroyer is nuts because he thinks im nuts (which i am.)
HOMEWORK!... Oh done. Whew

Hi y'll. I got done with a load of homework. First off i got done with my dad's family for my family tree project, i got both my laguages done (english and spanish), and for my semester test in science we can use our notebook and i put some tabs in for the vocab. words and what not so i can find them faster. My teacher said to do that since we only have 50 minutes to take the test and it's a long one. I plan on getting my mom's side for the family tree tomorrow or sometime this week, then next week i'll put it on posterboard. Lots of spacing out. He assigned it 2 months before it was due and it's due on the 27 of january of 2004. I am gonna give you some words of wisdom: Purple Cows are really really good.
Peace out.
Four Know Blog Exists!?
I'm gonna try something different.
Top news story: Four people know i have a blog (that i know of), as it was only three on January 10, 2004.
In other news, I played Soul Calliber 2. More fun then tekken 4, because there is more gameplay and you want to play through it over and over again, although tekken 4 was great fun but playing it over again with a character... nah. Soul Calliber 2 is loads of fun with many different weapons for each character, and with one different character from system to system. (I played the gamecube version, Link was pretty fun to be with the fairy sword which recovered health)
Now to weather: Cold.
Sports: I bowled a 182 on Saturday in bowling. That was pretty sweet. Also over the Christmas vacation i bowled a 202!
In closing: I gotta start my family tree project for global so bye.
This is channel blog news signing off.
(News music plays)
(then it stops)

Thursday, January 08, 2004

Ok i should really remember everything. I feel bad... i didnt get any video games to play so i wouldn't be typing on my blog. :(. BUT... I am now Mr. G Biv. Ok im gone.
Hi y'all. You know what's sweet? I just took on 8 computers on Starcraft and i was zergy poo. I'm very bad with zerg so i thought it was pretty sweet. Oh yeah i did it twice :). Achievements. I also just finished my report. That's pretty sweet. School... what is there to say except that i have to go to it tomorrow and then i have weekend, then back to the grindstone. More then the grindstone... i have a semester final in science. that's the only final though so that's good. we get to use our notebook. This weekend is gonna suck cause i'm gonna' work on my Family Tree Project for Global Studies. Viper is a cool name. If my name was Viper... my name would be Viper. My family tree project is pretty easy for me because like my whole family is a family history buff. I'll probably be like that when i'm all grown up. IT's a scary thought... *shiver
*. Monkeyer is also a cool word. I'm gonna' name my dog Comit. Do you know what i'm watching yet? well look at the time, and you'll figure it out. Maybe, because there are lots of channels. Ouchy... trycicles hurt if you trip on them. hmmmm a guy named Viper... or a geeky guy that's sweet... and has lots of cash coming out of his butt. I'm gonna stop talking about that show now. I think i figured out what i would like to be when i grow up. Now when people ask me, "What do you wanna be when you grow up?" It would be strange if they did... but i could answer them. I'm out of here so God bless.

Tuesday, January 06, 2004


I wasn't gonna blog today, but i got bored. Or Aburrido in spanish. I just got done with a rough draft of a report that i needed to do in English. I might share it with you once i get it not a rough draft... FINAL DRAFT, there we go. I'm listening to a CD that i have't listened to in a long time. DC Talk: Free at last. Not the new 10th aniversary version but the old one. It sounds really good with subs. "Lean on Me" is such a great song. I also did spanish and Math, but at that time i was listening to KJ-52: "Pronounced five-two" He's a good rapper. Christian rap is so much better then non-christian rap. Non christian is all icky. I also played some Perfect Dark. That was fun until i realized i had homework. I just went backwards... started from what i just did to what i did bout 4 and a half hours ago. I also checked up on "Starcraft: Ghost". I didnt go there but i did go to another site that is helping blizzard making the game. They said Starcraft fans can expect it in their Christmas stockings of 2004. I dont believe that but its all good cause they just perfect it till its done and thats a good thing. so expect it summer of 2005. DOnt trust me either though. By the way when blizzard first announced the game they said it would be done around end of 2003. No complaing but it's 2004. I really hope this will be one of the best games blizzard has ever made. Should be. All their games are the bomb.


Monday, January 05, 2004

Back the Grindstone

Well I'm back to school today... or I was but I just got done with my homework so I feel like I was there an extra hour. Not good. I like math but only useful math. I mean when it takes 2 hours to do one problem to found a freaking slope and then write and equation and then found out if it is perpendicular to another another slope that I have to write and equation with points like (5/6, 7/11) and then have a number for the other like (3.33, 7.59) it's annoying. And no I'm not going to even try those numbers and tell you the answer. Like I said I like doing math that is useful of some sort. I don't know a job where you need to find the slop of a line WITH numbers like those. This sub rules. I'm hungry I want some food of some sort. Goodness sakes where is my keeper! Aren't you guys lucky you get to listen to me ramble. As much as I like Black and White it shouldn't be taken in all at once or you will get bored of it. But if you play it for bout and hour or 2 then wait a day and play it again it's not as annoying. I should play Starcraft or something. Or Diablo 2. Or I could watch Pirates of the Caribbean. Yep I'm link happy. Alright I'm going to take a vote. What should I do? Play Starcraft Play Diablo2 or watch Pirates of the Caribbean? Have fun with that poll. COLD and hungry. Ha I like to play with HTML. I should learn all the colors. And then learn like something else like JavaScript and then pap. Then if I get lots of cash I'm gonna get some flash software and make a flash website with like flash stuff on it. Well I'm done rambling so bye bye.

Sunday, January 04, 2004

HI! For those of you who noticed, i haven't updated in a whole day! right... if you must know i got the game black and white. It's pretty fun... but frustrating at times. I mean you have to take care of your creature which doesn't obey you at times when it is only for his own good, then you have to build a town, and then you gotta defend your self. but when you dont have to fight or worry about your creature its fun to mess with the towns people. and just taking care of your creature is fun... if you make him eat his poopy then rub his belly he'll vomit. Also after he goes poopy you can slap him and then it'll say "your creature wont go poop as much anymore" Its fun except when i first got my creature i had to take him for a walk and he started killing one of my graveyards. he wouldnt stop when i told him... so i slapped him lot... didnt stop. and another time he was going to die of hunger and i have him some food and he didnt want to eat. luckily at the last moment he ate. You can also teach your creatures to do maricles. That's hard if your pet wanders off on his leash without you. well im off now.
Later y'll

Friday, January 02, 2004

OW! My leg hurts. I had the worst awakening at 3 this moring. i had a dream that i tensed up my leg and then i woke up and my leg was tensed and pain shot through my leg. i think it is from playing predator last night. Predator was fun last night. If you don't know what that is it is a game that 1 or 2 people go and hide and it is completely dark in the place. then we go out and find them and try to tag them before they tag us. if we get taged we are dead and if they do they are dead. a tie goes to the predator. It is a fun game. It's a very stealthy and actiony game. Well im gonna go bye bye now. bye bye

Thursday, January 01, 2004

Hi again. I just woke up. I turned on the tube (aka the TV; aka television) and i saw a movie called "Scruples" and i was like "whoa where have i heard of that before" and then im like "oh yeah in english class... don't know what it means still" so i went to Webster the 19th JR. (not sure if that is his name), or some of you may now him as and he told me this
scru·ple ( P ) Pronunciation Key (skrpl)
An uneasy feeling arising from conscience or principle that tends to hinder action.

so im like "ok" and that was the end of that. and this is the end of the blog for today.
bye peeps
HAPPY NEW YEAR! It is only a couple of minutes in 2004 here in central standard time zone. I got some useful facts of life for ya. I stole them off the youth news letter. Shhhh don't tell pete. and pete if you are watching... No i did not use the news letter... what are you talking about...?
1. The early bird still has to eat worms.
2. Don't argue with an idiot, people watching may not be able to tell the difference.
3. Wouldn't it be nice if life had a 'save game' function?
4. Why is it that our children can't read a Bible in school, but people can in prision.
5. Brain cells come and brain cells go, but fat cells live forever.
6. Fake chapeign is nasty stuff.
7. The front of the theatre is sticky and flooded with pop.
8. Elves rule the world with an iron fist.
9. Stainless still rules
10. be careful what you wish for, you might not get it.

Those are the life things. Yuck that chapeign was nasty flavored. Well for the new year and on this is Roy signing off.