Sunday, January 11, 2004

HOMEWORK!... Oh done. Whew

Hi y'll. I got done with a load of homework. First off i got done with my dad's family for my family tree project, i got both my laguages done (english and spanish), and for my semester test in science we can use our notebook and i put some tabs in for the vocab. words and what not so i can find them faster. My teacher said to do that since we only have 50 minutes to take the test and it's a long one. I plan on getting my mom's side for the family tree tomorrow or sometime this week, then next week i'll put it on posterboard. Lots of spacing out. He assigned it 2 months before it was due and it's due on the 27 of january of 2004. I am gonna give you some words of wisdom: Purple Cows are really really good.
Peace out.

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