Monday, January 05, 2004

Back the Grindstone

Well I'm back to school today... or I was but I just got done with my homework so I feel like I was there an extra hour. Not good. I like math but only useful math. I mean when it takes 2 hours to do one problem to found a freaking slope and then write and equation and then found out if it is perpendicular to another another slope that I have to write and equation with points like (5/6, 7/11) and then have a number for the other like (3.33, 7.59) it's annoying. And no I'm not going to even try those numbers and tell you the answer. Like I said I like doing math that is useful of some sort. I don't know a job where you need to find the slop of a line WITH numbers like those. This sub rules. I'm hungry I want some food of some sort. Goodness sakes where is my keeper! Aren't you guys lucky you get to listen to me ramble. As much as I like Black and White it shouldn't be taken in all at once or you will get bored of it. But if you play it for bout and hour or 2 then wait a day and play it again it's not as annoying. I should play Starcraft or something. Or Diablo 2. Or I could watch Pirates of the Caribbean. Yep I'm link happy. Alright I'm going to take a vote. What should I do? Play Starcraft Play Diablo2 or watch Pirates of the Caribbean? Have fun with that poll. COLD and hungry. Ha I like to play with HTML. I should learn all the colors. And then learn like something else like JavaScript and then pap. Then if I get lots of cash I'm gonna get some flash software and make a flash website with like flash stuff on it. Well I'm done rambling so bye bye.

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