Monday, January 19, 2004

At Any Cost

It took me 4 times to type the word "Cost" cause i kept putting "Xost". Anyways I'm back. It was a great experience. First off the games were fun, but that wasn't the best part. I got to see Nyc again, although, that did come close, it still wasn't the best part. The best part was that the worship i think and the youth leaders speaking to us. I learned so much about God, some of them so obvious. So much learning and now i get to go live it. That is thee best part. This is really serious today, but it needs to be said i think. I got home yesturday at like 5. I got to drink the most delicous drink in the world in my opinion, Carmel Steamers. Really really good. but, never start your trip with a 20 once, and then when you stop get a 20 ounce of Mt. Dew (although i was going to get a liter). An hour before we got home... i had to pee really bad. Then when we got to Bismarck... we had to stop at a stop light... pee really really really really really bad. We got to the church... Pete went to get gas for the cars at the gas station. I had to stand out in the cold with some other people that had to go bad to. the doors were locked by the way. Pete got back... smile... he unlocked door... i ran... almost punched someone out... but i got to the bathroom that no one went to so it was all good. I used a lot of "..."in there. I really hope that Pete decides to get that book that Seth, our worship leader for "At any Cost", used for songs. they were great songs. We also had really great food too, which brings me to my cool word(s): Joe of Sloppyness. And some word to the wise: Don't drink a 20 ounce beverage, then drink another 20 once beverage, and ride in a car for 5 hours. That's my story. God bless.

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